Well I ve been waitiing about a MONTH now for my costarican coffe. After I put a nickle in Skybook I was told that I would be sent a mouse pad and coffe and entrance into RIO schill contest. I played two games blindly for 3 bills and 2 bills and what a cowinsidence, No coffe, mousepad or entrance in to the NFL contest. Then I got an e mail from them,I responded by saying I would not re deposit money with them. I got a response saying he would see to it that my costarican coffe and mouse pad would be sent promptly. Yesterday I got the mouse pad and thats it. O.k. I realize that most places doon't even send free gifts, but they shouldn't say they are going to do something and then back out of it.
Skybook seems very shady to me. But it was probably a good move for them because i just cleaned out First Fidelity, Relitively speaking. lol