Roll- we already closed, he removed washer n dryer between final walkthrough and when i received keys from his title company
That dude stole your Washer 'n Dryer.
This is what I am saying more or less.
IMO your realtors will try and make it up, but if they cant to your satisfaction you will be "forced" to take the guy to small claims court or do nothing at all. In breach of contract to make the full contract null and void would have to be a lot bigger ticket items or destruction/theft of property to constitute the actual house sale being reversed.
If he took the hardwood or tile floors, or took out the pipes/fixtures in the whole house, then you would have a breach of contract worth while enforcing the reverse of the sale based on terms considering it a contract case...otherwise for 500-1000 worth of appliances, its a small claims court issue and possibly the seller knew that and took advantage of it knowing 9 times out of 10 it would just be written off as a learning lesson for the buyer...
I do still think potentially the Realtors may approach you with, here is $1,000 of their companies paycheck to go towards new washer/dryer or used.. its an accept it and live with it type of offer. They would do this to save their company from looking bad and for good will for their own referral sources stemming from your transaction over the next 10 years if you enjoyed your experience.
GL and hope this all blows over and it was a mistake, by highly doubtful after a final walk through that it wasn't on purpose.