JJGOLD-- occupation?


Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Are you retired or do you work at a job? Thanks JJ.

PS- If anybody else would like to take a shot at this, take a guess. Even after the Golden Boy answers, feel free to disagree.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Hi There, well I have had some trouble holding jobs. My longest job was forklift operator for 3 years at Tressel Industries. I got fired because some fuk stole my cell phone and i hammered him on the job. I was stupid I should of hammered him on off hours at little lou's Pub where he used to go. Hey it was worth it.

Worked a deli for a while and built up a nice numbers operation in about 1.5 years. What i did was when the customers came in to play pick its, ect I gave them better odds and i would book it and pay cash with no taxes. Well the owner caught on and so his lottery business was down and warned me first and then i said i would put a hole in him if he ever talked to me like that again. He called the police and they slapped a terrostic threat charge on me. My uncle Tony got me off the rap though.

Was a warehouse worker for 2 years and did not like it and quit, told the boss to go fuk off!!! I love doing that when I quit a job and maked me fel like a big man.

I worked at maytag for a while fixing machines and got bounced for getting caught at my local racetrack on job time.

I worked at a gas station for a while and hated it.

I went into my own business for a while doing cement work and got lazy and a few jobs went sour and consumer protection complaints were filed because a couple of my clients claimed I used watered down cement and their steps broke up in 6 months, fuk it was not my fault.

I was a security guard for about a year and liked it because i could bet horses while working with my local. We watched on the net and banged races big but my partner fuked the book and a big blow up happend on the job and the boss canned me.

Another job I had was a waiter at a local resaurant, well i had to wok there for free, i lost big money to a shark and he owned the fukking place.

Paid that debt and floated around with about 5 other jobs for about 8 months and got canned on a few because of fights and a few were my decision.

Now currently I am working for a water company for 1.7 years delivering water. I like it but some of the co workers rib me a little calling me the fat water boy, ect. I have heard all the jokes, ect..... I think I might be able to sell some water on the side without the boss knowing. I am going to tell him they cancelled delivery and then i am going to get empty bottles and fill them in my fukkin sink and the customers will not even know. It will be all profit then and a nice side job. I love this job though because we have dice games at lunch and a few guys take my action with sorts on credit. I think I could last at this job and the side water deal I am working on will work well, I am clever with this idea. i think I can get like 25% of the companies customers to cancel, I just tell the clowns I will get it cheaper (from my fukkin sink!!) and they will sign up for it. Can you imagine I will be using my local towns water and making a profit by selling it to customers and telling them it is Poland Springs.

Good Luck

Sep 20, 2004
I thought you were pulling down 60 dimes? Is this the job 60 dimes?

Great idea on ther water scheme,lol... JJ what about sealing the bottles back up...You need a better plan than that...Ever thought of passing out flyers? I had a proposal last year for anyone who wnated to make real money but was accused of trying to scam everyone....LOL funny though my magic lyer still nets anywhere from the 300-500 dollars a day anywhere in the USA...Such is life and now I will forever be known as the guy trying to sell a piece of paper...I still snicker all the way to the bank...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by STRUT888/FISHHEAD:
You both are nuts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I nominate this for post of the week.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
I can totally see JJ as a forklift oper. those guys need to be tuff and strong

New member
Sep 21, 2004
JJ your water plan may go down the drain if your posting from work, by now your boss probably knows, and you'll be toasted.
J-man has a good point, you can't seal the bottles without the proper equipment, but I guess you could steal one from your current employer, doesn't sound like you'll be there long anyway...good life story though JJ.
I enjoyed it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well I have lost alot of respect for JJ. You attack gamblers for being scammers and bonus whores and there you go selling tap water as filtered bottled water. Not only are you scamming the people your selling the tap water to, your also fvcking over your boss and his company. Your little scam may cost hard working guys with families to lose their jobs because the company lost all it's business to you.

I hope your joking JJ, because there are alot of us posters that look up to you as a role model and a generally cool guy. If this is true, please reconsider, the money you make gambling should more than make life comfortable for you.

Take care,


New member
Sep 21, 2004
""Now currently I am working for a water company for 1.7 years delivering water. I like it but some of the co workers rib me a little calling me the fat water boy, ect. I have heard all the jokes, ect..... I think I might be able to sell some water on the side without the boss knowing. I am going to tell him they cancelled delivery and then i am going to get empty bottles and fill them in my fukkin sink and the customers will not even know""

now that's some funny sh*t.... I feel from my chair when i read that

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
JJ can spin a tale ....for sure.

New member
Sep 1, 2002

I have read through this thread twice (laughing my ass off) and cannot for the life of me find anything that would cause this thread to be sent to RR.

At your convenience, an explanation, please.


New member
Sep 1, 2002

Ignoring my question for 3.5 hours + will not make it go away.

Upon further review, I have uncovered two threads in the offshore at the same time this one was sent to the Rubber Room. As follows:

HURRICANE ISABEL by the general.

Can someone please move this nefarious info to the Rubber Room, please?


p.s. Dante? Jay Leno is posting like a machine? Is this a gambling forum? Are we not allowed to have a laugh or two?

Best of luck to your Steelers tomorrow. It's all good.

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