I don't get it. Why, as a moderator do you post this here, are you trolling for JJ or what...makes no sense given that 99.99% of the poster here no where to find Mount Baldy...
It's a video. I know a lot here thought he was funny, so I posted it to laugh about it as I thought it was one of his funnier ones. It's not like I/we post this all the time. It was just one I seen that I thought a few here would get a few kicks out of, that's it.
Sometimes these forum wars are a joke. These is the very least of any our problems. Nobody said one word about another forum, it's just a funny video by a guy that posts here once in a while. I read (not post) at other forums all the time to try for lots of reasons (mostly to see if there are any good gambling tips I may want to use). Plus this video is from Youtube, which is a great site I go to almost daily. Bottom line it's JJ Gold (who a lot of posters know from posting here) and his videos make a few laugh, no one is getting hurt by anyone posting an occasional video he makes.