I truly admire his eagerness to update his record after a great night out on the town with his buddies. Can you get any more dedicated than that Rattler? I think not. Sure, every other week on Fridays & Saturday's, he claims he's to busy to update his record (on losing nights mind you), but somehow after last night's "Chase session" as I like to refer to it as.. I mean he was down 5 units on the season before the night, so I gather that's what it was, a Chase Session with 10 NBA plays.
Quick to the computer, at 5.59am (est time zone) after a night of drinking to update his record.
LOL... all you have to do is check your account balance, but of course why actually place wagers when people pay for your plays? Got it.
Carry on. /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif