Buzz - honestly you seem angry, you even brought yourself up as being mad twice in your list. I read the threads and it's not just the patented asskissing stuff about me and the RX of late, you've invented new ones to express almost constant anger. Anywhere you can sneak one in. I'm not being wise I really think the beatings you take at the other place affect you over here. Some people are that way, the more respectful you are to them the worse they treat you. They take it as a weakness I suppose. Maybe you like that sort of rough stuff, I don't know. I don't like doing it but it may be necessary over here too.
As far as the tout stuff that was months ago, I had no idea how deeply it bothered you. That's a perfect example of the new Buzz, constantly harping on old things that seem rather insignificant to begin with!? I don't even notice tout stuff but I got one from a Buzz something or other, I thought it was you but once you said no I haven't mentioned it in months. Like other stuff seems you can't move past it, the old Buzz would be worried about the players instead of some very small misunderstanding.
We both know you take advertising, not sure why you are so hellbent on denying it unless that is your calling card for the site. Maybe that is your way of selling the place and you can't back off it now? Only when you come over with the lilly white pure and innocent act do I comment on it anyway. You know the "everyone else is in this for the money" but you do it for the love of helping others stuff, LOL. You even post right on your main page you don't take any money from books. We both know better but maybe the folks who don't know about us are fooled. I can't blame you for trying but for the love of GOD quit defending that position on these sites with informed people posting. We're almost feeling sorry for you and the beatings you take over that but you do not budge off it regardless of how much abuse they give you. The funny part is most would not care if you are lining your pocket some Buzz, the fact you won't admit it is the only reason they kick your teeth in with it once a week. I think you are a big benefit for players, the apparent misinformation is what bothers them.
Anyway I enjoy the dialogue but you really seem upset of late, if it's something we can assist please let me know. I don't want anything happening to you, your the only guy out here doing this for "free" these days.