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Rx Senior
Jan 1, 2005
Jack I have always considered myself a professional yet I have most likely made mistakes like many (our bosses included), If I ever fired or suspended anyone you know,someone else must have agreed to continue the process of suspending or letting go of an employee(costarrican laws), If I did this to a friend of yours I'm sorry but what has been done has been done and I didn't know you by then therefore you can't blame me for that( and btw this doesn't mean that because they would be friends with you if anything had been done wrong that I wouldn't, don't take me wrong)

I have been in the industry for over 14 years and I have learned as much as I can, I owe that to many of posters here , and yet I've probably let down a phew but much of me changed when I had a near death experience(last may 2008), that's when you realize all you have are family and friends, screw money or belongings, those get buried with you,anyways all I'm saying is that come on, stop bringing things that you have only heard about because many of those people never felt it that way, I have been fare and have rewarded and trained many in the industry, look at the good things and then put them on a scale, to make things short I might have changed along the way, get to know me and forget about whatever you heard or are making up to have a beef with me

I have always felt I have two things that I'm very proud of myself

1- Father
2- Employee

I love writing at the Rx and when I first started all I did was copy paste or talk about beers or parties, things have changed and yet this only a forum
Did you know that only an approximate of 7% of the posters on the Rx reveal there names? I'm here man, you know my name, I have nothing to hide and like I've said If I have made mistakes in my past I have learned because of them and I have rewarded or promoted more than letting go or suspending, last time I ever did that was in Curacao(2005) and that was because we were moving down to CR, so please stop it and let it go, and if you want me banned just let me know and not like BTJ or any other poster I will keep my word and like Doug did I will post somewhere else, but think it over, I ain't doing this because I'm scared but this is BS to see that someone who doesn't know me wants me banned for have letting let go of a friend whom btw I dont even know who it was cause you know that when low season comes around many many people get fired, and it's easy for books to look for someone making less money than to continue affording a high salary
let me know, and think it over, I won't mess with you, and viceversa or I'm really gone

Mods please have this novel locked so that we don't have this become a 7 page novel of the love story of Jack and Ox

Think it over Jack and for those here who I was an asshole to please forgive me but my life belongs with my kids and not in a forum making us look like fools


Rx Senior
Jan 1, 2005

please have my thread Jack locked so that it doesn't get out of proportions, and If Jack says I'm banned for whatever reason I'm going to just stop posting here, so thanks a million to those who helped me out during these 10 or more years since I also had another address when I first came to the Rx, thanks a million, hope to be back!!:103631605

if not Angel63 and Magatron say Adios

New member
Jul 25, 2006
..................god.... you guys really are a bunch of queens..... why dont yall just kiss and make up .. @)@)@)@)
Jan 17, 2007
Rick, Nobody is getting Banned because you Did Your Job.
Plus what goes on at the Workplace, is none of our Business.

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