You can't integrate these cocksuckers anywhere!
Hold the Mohamed Salad
by Mark Steyn
Steyn on the World
January 12, 2016
Demographic suicide on the Orient Express: More "refugees", weak and ground down from their grueling journey, arrive in Germany.
Yesterday was
Sir John A Macdonald Day in my native land. Calgary got an early jump on the festivities, with
a two Mohammed salute:
A brazen shooting in Calgary, after a gunman opened fire inside TEN Nightclub. One person was shot, while bullets grazed by other unsuspecting patrons. As Tracy Nagai reports, two of the club's bouncers are now being called heroes.
So what's up with that? Drunken brawlers getting out of hand? Drug dealers? Ted Cruz's psycho right-wing siblings mistaking the heavily perspiring guy at the bar with a long drink of water for Marco Rubio? Well, Tracy Nagai's "report" is full of fascinating details:
Spencer Wallace considers himself lucky to be alive. The part-time nightclub bouncer narrowly missed being shot.
"I hear a gunshot and I see a guy get shot in the chest and I watch a door explode and watch a nightclub go from perfectly calm to sheer panic in about 10 seconds," said Wallace.
All good stuff. Yet, as Kate McMillan points out, you have to get to the 16th paragraph to get to
the salient fact:
Mohamed Elmi, 31, and Mohamed Salad, 29, both of Calgary, each face the following charges...
According to Ezra Levant,
The Calgary Herald doesn't tell you their names till
the 25th paragraph. The third guy got away, but it seems unlikely it was Bud or Earl.
So a Mohamed and a Mohamed and a Mohamed walk into a bar ...and everyone looks the other way.
As "brazen" as the shooting was, the Canadian media are more so. The biggest story of the New Year so far is the coordinated mass sexual assaults on women by Muslim men in multiple cities in multiple Continental countries. But the European media colluded with police and politicians in covering up the Rape of the Teuton Women - as some of them are now
belatedly admitting:
Following a barrage of complaints on social media that the New Year's Eve events were deliberately under-reported amid fears they would encourage anti-immigrant sentiment, Germany's public broadcaster, ZDF, was forced to apologise for its decision not to report on the attacks until Tuesday, four days after they had occurred.
"The news situation was clear enough," the show's deputy chief editor, Elmar Thevessen, wrote on the Heute (Today) programme's Facebook page. "It was a mistake of the 7pm Heute show not to at least report the incidents."
At New Year Mohammedans targeted infidels - and ZDF said "Nothing to see here". Even as the Euro-media's cover-up is headline news across the Continent, in Calgary Mohammedans target infidels - and the Canadian media do the exact same thing.
Occam's Razor would suggest that Mohamed and Mohamed shot up that bar for the same reason as their fellow Mohameds turned a Paris rock concert into a bloodbath and the German New Year into an auld lang rapefest - because the infidels (rockers, boozers, women) have to be intimidated into accepting the supremacy of Islam.
But the salient point is too salient to mention until somewhere between the 16th and 25th paragraphs. Mohamed and Mohamed - and Muhammad and Mohammed and Mahomet - must occasionally wonder what they have to do to get a bad press.
~Kathy Shaidle wrote
over the weekend:
Between Charlie Hebdo and Cologne, I'm having trouble coping.
I guess I didn't think this was what my life was going to be like.
I'm feeling a bit the same way. I've spent the entirety of this no longer new century writing about this stuff. As I told Steve Paikin on a turbulent edition of his TV show all those years ago, the remorseless demographic transformation of the western world is the biggest story of our time, so why wouldn't a writer want to write about it? Apart from anything else, once you're aware of it, it haunts your dreams.
But most of us still aren't aware of it. I've been fortunate enough to get a couple of bestselling books out of the subject, but that's no comfort if, by the time they're my age, my children are living in a post-western world. And, of course, you can have a "bestseller" and 99.999999999 per cent of the population need never know of it. Every day I get letters from people who come here via a link from someone or other beginning in effect: "What do you mean, 'the Islamization of Europe'? It's the first I've heard of it."
Really? Why did the
Charlie Hebdo guys get killed? Because they provoked
Islam. Why is Europe's political class so willing to trade away free speech and women's rights? Because they're desperate to appease
Islam. Why did the same young secular childless German women who supported Angela Merkel in her multiculti delusions spend the New Year getting groped and raped by the young men they so generously opened the doors of their country to? Because when you appease
Islam you provoke
I'm pretty Islamed out, because I don't have a lot to say I didn't say ten years ago. Page 67 of
America Alone:
You can pretty much carrying on doing all the things you like doing and the only difference is you'll be doing them for your new religion: you can lie, cheat, steal, rape, kill women and children, and as long as you're doing it for Allah and his victory over the infidels it's cool. So we have not just a global terrorist movement and a global political project but a global gang culture insulated within the west's fastest-growing demographic.
That's Cologne on New Year's Eve. The official reaction? See page 46:
A soft culture will, by its very nature, be unlikely to find the strength to stand up to a sustained assault by blunter, cruder forces – like, say, those youths on the Antwerp bus, or the Muslim gang-rapists in France with their preferred rite of passage, the tournante or "take your turn".
tournante has now advanced from the Muslim ghettoes to the central squares of major Continental cities on nights of public celebration. But what can be done? Page 120:
In 2001, Paris elected its first openly gay mayor, Bertrand Delanoë, and, as always, this was taken as evidence of how cool and relaxed everyone is about the whole gay thing nowadays. M le Maire certainly worked hard to put the gay in gay Paree... His big idea was the Nuit blanche – the "Sleepless Night" – of October 5th 2002, when the city's landmarks would be open for one big all-night party. Come to the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, and if you make it through till dawn there'll be free coffee and croissants...
And that's where M Delanoë was, in the thick of the festive throng, when he got stabbed. His assailant missed his aorta by less than an inch, but gamely the Mayor insisted that the party go on while he was taken to the Pitie Salpetriere hospital for a three-hour operation that saved his life.
His would-be killer was a Muslim immigrant, Azedine Berkane. But, as the establishment was at pains to emphasize, the good news is that he wasn't a terrorist. No, instead, he's just a Muslim who hates homosexuals.
And that's good news how exactly?
Le Monde reported from M Berkane's wretched riot-prone ghetto the views of his neighbors: "He was a bit like us," said one. "We're all homophobic here, because it's not natural."
"It's against Islam," said another. "Muslim fags don't exist."
A traditional terrorist has demands which are in most cases subject to circumstances: He doesn't want your troops on his soil? Okay, we don't really need them there anyway. But a Muslim who hates you just cuz? That's all but impervious to external pressure.
Which is the real problem facing those women in Germany, and Austria, and Switzerland, Finland, Sweden...
Yet not enough of us are even aware of the problem. And almost everyone who matters in the western world - in politics, the media, law enforcement - has decided it's best to keep us unaware. After reading my book, the novelist Martin Amis asked Tony Blair whether its demographic thesis was part of the political conversation during his meetings with European leaders. Well, said Tone, it's part of "the subterranean conversation". And that's how they intend to keep it.