I see there is a bet thread, it's 32 pages long? Is there just a plain picks thread to see who is winning?
It's a waste of bandwidth. 99% of the posts have nothing to do with picks, and that 1% includes a lot of chest thumping
no intent to insult gorillas here, so all you PETA wackos can fuck off
nope, you didn't miss anything of value in what's morphed into the rubber room's rubber room
PS: and if there is a PETA wacko reading this, I want you do know veal parmigiana is a favorite dish of mine
Where's the love, baby?There's this new guy ballerhanz. He took one look at this room, shot spitballs at everyone, said we were disgusting and he'd never peek in again. Submitting that post gave him a jolt of something that scrambled his brain and made him an addict. Now he responds to every post made in here, including the ones made by himself. For his next act he's going to stand on top of a table and scream, "Fuck her right in the pussy!" Hopefully that won't get him suspended.