Israel destroyed ‘nearly all’ Iranian military sites in Syria


New member
Nov 10, 2010


This frame grab from video provided on Wednesday by Syria News shows people standing in front of flames rising after an attack on an area known to have numerous Syrian army military bases in Kisweh, south of Damascus

New member
Nov 10, 2010
But the Iranian reaction was a total flop. Of the roughly 20 rockets fired from the area south of Damascus, four were intercepted by Iron Dome batteries and the rest fell in Syrian territory.

Despite that failure, the Israeli reaction was overpowering: massive bombing of more than 50 Iranian targets in Syria, apparently setting back Iran’s effort to establish itself militarily there by several months.

When Syrian antiaircraft batteries fired dozens of missiles at Israeli fighter planes, the Israel Defense Forces destroyed five of the batteries and seriously damaged the Syrian army’s aerial defense system.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Why stop now? Kick ‘em down even more. Take out that stupid “peaceful” power plant.
May 3, 2018
You people just don't understand politics and war tactics.

This isn't over. Celebrating this is so idiotic and premature. Iran will answer and it will be devastating for Israel. You know how many countries are jumping to help Iran behind the scenes? Oh wait it's ok cause Israel has American brainwashed and in their back pocket. It's ok. They shed American blood for their cause. Even though we have NO vital interests in Syria whatsoever.

You guys are so clueless. It's like you don't even care about America or it's soldiers. This is a game that Israel plays.
May 3, 2018
Again, you're buying into propaganda. Ever been to Iran? I have. The people there want modernization (which is happening, I've been there for long periods of time), most of the people don't want to destroy Israel. They don't even care about Israel. In fact many Iranians don't even care for Arabs all that much. It doesn't matter if leaders are after Israel because the people are what makes the country and in 10 years Iran will change for the better and become a more world friendly country. Remember the trust Nixon had on China to change and open up to the world? He was right. And China did open up.

Iran will open up and open up soon. The people are very much about modernization. If we leave them alone Iran WILL change for the better. Again, you have to have been to Iran to understand this. Not just buy into the Israel propaganda and the bullying the participate in like when they tried to compel Obama to get involved against Iran. Israel has a lot of influence on America and the media and on the government. They have played this card far too long.

We need to let these countries be. Sort out their own shit. We need to pull out of all these bases all of the world which is crippling the economy. What are we doing there? Why are Republicans complaining about Welfare programs and other money when we are spending outrageous amounts on stupid and expensive foreign policy? Let's keep bases to protect our VITAL interests in the world. Pull out of the rest. Let's go back to the good old days of the U.S when we only sent out our soldiers when we directly are attacked. Or our close allies are directly attacked.

I know we aren't talking about Iran but the point is Israel's propaganda and bullying of the Americans. The portrait they like to paint of the Iranians and the Palestines is not what reality is.

Hamas does not represent the Palestine people. They don't even approve of Hamas.

What about the war crimes that Israel committed in Gaza? The attacks on journalists to silence them from revealing the truth about what was really going on there? What about all the children killed? Innocent women? Civilians?

Israel has nuclear weapons. Why did they not sign those treaties back then? Israel has been ethnically cleansing. Iran hasn't done that yet they cry about Iran being a danger to them?

We complain about the Muslim world and how they suppress women? Why are we in bed with Saudia Arabia? Why don't we hate them for their treatment of women? Saudia Arabia suppresses women like no others. They can't even drive, attend real schools, they make their women wear basically beekeeper outfits! Nevermind the sex slaves. The atrocities in Saudia Arabia are appalling. Why are we in bed with them? The U.S doesn't care about women's rights we just use that as an excuse when we see fit. We are hypocrites.

The next thing I'm going to say will invite a lot of backlash but I don't care. I've been in the middle east and Israel is a large part of the cause of the years and years of unrest in the Middle East. Not the Muslims.

Muslims have been demonized by fakes news and Israel for years now. Israel has been using America as a battling ram for years and we need it to stop.

Israel has stolen land, bulldozed homes and replaced them as homes for Jews. They continue to use we are defending ourselves as an excuse to kill innocent people and ethnically cleanse colonies.

The controversial statement I was referring to that will invite backlash is that a close friend of mine, a well respected Colonel swears he has it on good information that Israel knew about the pending 911 attack!

Israel is next door to where these hijackers trained. Israel has some of the best spies and intel in the world. They were drooling when they found out that 911 was about to go down but did not warn the U.S. They wanted and needed it to happen. They were probably high fiving eachother.

Israel knows that if it attacked Iran, numerous countries would give nukes to Iran and Israel would be wiped off the map. That is why they are suckering in the U.S to fight the war for them because they want Iran gone. Iran is a threat to them not because Iran wants Israel wiped off the map(maybe they do but it's catch 22, they want Israel gone cause they know Israel wants them gone) but because Israel wants to expand and dominate the region and Iran is a thorn on their side.

You republicans like to talk about fake news well Israel and jewish americans are the leaders of fakes news and you buy right into it.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly warned Tehran in the follow-up
to President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, that if
it harms Israel, the American military will respond.

The news was first reported by Israeli news site Walla on Thursday and picked
up by the Times of Israel.

Following a deadly exchange between Iran’s Quds Forces and Israel’s Defense
Forces (IDF) in Syria on Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reportedly
said Iran does not want “new tensions” in the region.

I guess Rouhani got the message. Now if he can convince the rest of the camel
jockeys in power they can all live long an prosper or not.

They no longer have their 6 covered by their buddy. They should tread lightly.

Oct 8, 2006
How convenient it is to miss a "minor" detail by our lying and biased media. Not condoning Iran or anyone, but very few outlets stated that Israel instigated this incident by attacking Iran inside Syrian territory and killed 20 Iranians, which was illegal inside a sovereign country. They have been doing this for months. Iran did not start this mess. But, it's a minor point that that doesn't need to be mentioned. Of course, they are going to convince you that Iran started this. The sheep keep getting herded by our media and government.
May 3, 2018
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly warned Tehran in the follow-up
to President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, that if
it harms Israel, the American military will respond.

The news was first reported by Israeli news site Walla on Thursday and picked
up by the Times of Israel.

Following a deadly exchange between Iran’s Quds Forces and Israel’s Defense
Forces (IDF) in Syria on Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reportedly
said Iran does not want “new tensions” in the region.

I guess Rouhani got the message. Now if he can convince the rest of the camel
jockeys in power they can all live long an prosper or not.

They no longer have their 6 covered by their buddy. They should tread lightly.

I think Israel should tread lightly and the U.S moreso. Unless it wants more 911s. This war mongering attitude is exactly why 911 happened. Rouhani didn't get any message that you are fantasizing about. Iran wants to work on the economy and modernization. Israel is the aggressor but you don't and won't understand this. Yes, America will send it's military. More American soldiers will die for Israel and more American civilians will be attacked on American soil to pay for the U.S being used as a battering ram by Israel.

But sure, you keep acting like you know how these things work and as if we are untouchable. The money and more so the American lives we are shedding for the Israel cause is disgusting.
May 3, 2018
How convenient it is to miss a "minor" detail by our lying and biased media. Not condoning Iran or anyone, but very few outlets stated that Israel instigated this incident by attacking Iran inside Syrian territory and killed 20 Iranians, which was illegal inside a sovereign country. They have been doing this for months. Iran did not start this mess. But, it's a minor point that that doesn't need to be mentioned. Of course, they are going to convince you that Iran started this. The sheep keep getting herded by our media and government.

Israel has used snipers to pick off journalists when Israel was committing war crimes in Gaza. Also the western media won't report on all the children and women that were killed. Israel won't let these people live in certain parts or become citizens or own property and much more (Sound familar? Nazi Germany)

There's so much more going on than people sitting at home in the West realize. Acting intelligent and informed playing armchair politicians. Give me a break.

If America gets involved, attacks will occur in the U.S. Why do we need this crap? Why are we getting involved? Oh right..the sheep. Fake news. Brain washing by Israel. Hook line and sink her.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Nov 2, 2008
You people just don't understand politics and war tactics.

This isn't over. Celebrating this is so idiotic and premature. Iran will answer and it will be devastating for Israel. You know how many countries are jumping to help Iran behind the scenes? Oh wait it's ok cause Israel has American brainwashed and in their back pocket. It's ok. They shed American blood for their cause. Even though we have NO vital interests in Syria whatsoever.

You guys are so clueless. It's like you don't even care about America or it's soldiers. This is a game that Israel plays.
Ha, I remember another war where countries jumped in against Israel. How’d that work out?

New member
Apr 7, 2016
iran will open up- you know when iran was opened up - back in the late 60's 70's early 80's- then the people who run it now- took over and back to the dark ages- now for israel playing this as a game-total bs- israel snipers shooting journalists- total bs-israel stealing land- total bs- winning the land because someone was dumb enough to attack them-spoils of war-israel ethnic cleansing- total bs- israel knew about 911- total bs- if they want peace- israel will be peaceful- if they want war- they will get war- it's up to them and has been for decades
May 3, 2018
iran will open up- you know when iran was opened up - back in the late 60's 70's early 80's- then the people who run it now- took over and back to the dark ages- now for israel playing this as a game-total bs- israel snipers shooting journalists- total bs-israel stealing land- total bs- winning the land because someone was dumb enough to attack them-spoils of war-israel ethnic cleansing- total bs- israel knew about 911- total bs- if they want peace- israel will be peaceful- if they want war- they will get war- it's up to them and has been for decades

And if we want to keep letting our American soldiers to die for Israel that's up to us. If we want to keep spending billions to help them and let ourselves be targeted on American soil like in 911 to help Israel that's on us too.

I'm concerned about Americans. I don't give a damn about Iran or Israel. Let them work it out. This is all about positioning in the Middle East and everybody knows it. Our government is saying it's ok for Americans to die for this cause but it's not.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I think Israel should tread lightly and the U.S moreso. Unless it wants more 911s. This war mongering attitude is exactly why 911 happened. Rouhani didn't get any message that you are fantasizing about. Iran wants to work on the economy and modernization. Israel is the aggressor but you don't and won't understand this. Yes, America will send it's military. More American soldiers will die for Israel and more American civilians will be attacked on American soil to pay for the U.S being used as a battering ram by Israel.

But sure, you keep acting like you know how these things work and as if we are untouchable. The money and more so the American lives we are shedding for the Israel cause is disgusting.
I think you've been brainwashed by someone or you hate Jews.

Iran wants to work on the economy and modernization. That is
the silliest statement I've read here that wasn't written by Finchy.

Israel could take out Iran is less than a day if it wanted to
and I doubt anyone would stop them or could stop them for that

There will be no more 911s as long as Trump is president. He has
given the world the impression that he will take out any country
that tries to harm us with whatever means necessary.

Now whether he would or not is irrelevant, perception is everything.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
iran will open up- you know when iran was opened up - back in the late 60's 70's early 80's- then the people who run it now- took over and back to the dark ages- now for israel playing this as a game-total bs- israel snipers shooting journalists- total bs-israel stealing land- total bs- winning the land because someone was dumb enough to attack them-spoils of war-israel ethnic cleansing- total bs- israel knew about 911- total bs- if they want peace- israel will be peaceful- if they want war- they will get war- it's up to them and has been for decades
Yep. Pretty simple when you think about it with a rational mind.
May 3, 2018
I think you've been brainwashed by someone or you hate Jews.

Iran wants to work on the economy and modernization. That is
the silliest statement I've read here that wasn't written by Finchy.

Israel could take out Iran is less than a day if it wanted to
and I doubt anyone would stop them or could stop them for that

There will be no more 911s as long as Trump is president. He has
given the world the impression that he will take out any country
that tries to harm us with whatever means necessary.

Now whether he would or not is irrelevant, perception is everything.

No 911s while Trump is President? Wow that's a bold prediction like taking a -3200 favorite. 911 scale attack is so rare to begin with. Most Presidents can boast this. So that was a foolish statement. But there will be attacks in response to America's constant backing of Israel. Even one American dying because of this is unacceptable. You won't understand. I lost a close friend in 911 and of course I blame the hijackers and Osama and everybody that should be involved. But I also blame our foreign policy and letting Israel use as a battering ram. It doesn't matter. On a day to day basis my family is doing great and will continue to do so whether It's a Republican or Democrat in control. The differences in policies and all that don't affect me that much because I've worked hard and made money and saved well. Paid off my house. I don't get worked up enough over politics to go at it for weeks like you guys. Months?

I maintain my stance on Israel and our foreign policy. Nobody can convince me otherwise and I am indeed well informed and educated. I have a right to think what I think as do you.

I think we can all agree we want a safe and strong and thriving America. The problems and arguments arise when it comes to the solutions and methods. But that's ok. We need to keep arguing and debating and talking. The day we stop caring or being involved is the day America is really in trouble.

Wish you all the best. Happy Mother's Day.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
No 911s while Trump is President? Wow that's a bold prediction like taking a -3200 favorite. 911 scale attack is so rare to begin with. Most Presidents can boast this. So that was a foolish statement. But there will be attacks in response to America's constant backing of Israel. Even one American dying because of this is unacceptable. You won't understand. I lost a close friend in 911 and of course I blame the hijackers and Osama and everybody that should be involved. But I also blame our foreign policy and letting Israel use as a battering ram. It doesn't matter. On a day to day basis my family is doing great and will continue to do so whether It's a Republican or Democrat in control. The differences in policies and all that don't affect me that much because I've worked hard and made money and saved well. Paid off my house. I don't get worked up enough over politics to go at it for weeks like you guys. Months?

I maintain my stance on Israel and our foreign policy. Nobody can convince me otherwise and I am indeed well informed and educated. I have a right to think what I think as do you.

I think we can all agree we want a safe and strong and thriving America. The problems and arguments arise when it comes to the solutions and methods. But that's ok. We need to keep arguing and debating and talking. The day we stop caring or being involved is the day America is really in trouble.

Wish you all the best. Happy Mother's Day.

just an opinion

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
No 911s while Trump is President? Wow that's a bold prediction like taking a -3200 favorite. 911 scale attack is so rare to begin with. Most Presidents can boast this. So that was a foolish statement. But there will be attacks in response to America's constant backing of Israel. Even one American dying because of this is unacceptable. You won't understand. I lost a close friend in 911 and of course I blame the hijackers and Osama and everybody that should be involved. But I also blame our foreign policy and letting Israel use as a battering ram. It doesn't matter. On a day to day basis my family is doing great and will continue to do so whether It's a Republican or Democrat in control. The differences in policies and all that don't affect me that much because I've worked hard and made money and saved well. Paid off my house. I don't get worked up enough over politics to go at it for weeks like you guys. Months?

I maintain my stance on Israel and our foreign policy. Nobody can convince me otherwise and I am indeed well informed and educated. I have a right to think what I think as do you.

I think we can all agree we want a safe and strong and thriving America. The problems and arguments arise when it comes to the solutions and methods. But that's ok. We need to keep arguing and debating and talking. The day we stop caring or being involved is the day America is really in trouble.

Wish you all the best. Happy Mother's Day.
As you should. Being wrong isn't a crime.

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