No you wouldn't. Wrecking your credit by not paying your mortgage would be really, really stupid just for this proposed bailout.
give me a free house and wreck my credit i wont give a shit
Nobody is getting a free house. They might get a temporary halt to eviction and a reduction is interest rate paid or maybe not even that but just pay less per month over a longer period. Where the heck are you pulling $200,000 from...your ass? The ones who would really be getting bailed out by this are the ones who gave the loans. They are having those stupid loans taken off their hands. They should take the hit when their borrowers fail to pay, end of story.
From the lenders. What part of that don't you get?
That is absolutely idiotic. Why should the government get into the mortgage business? I tell you what, these two candidates are offering the same shit but with different marketing. I am smart enough to see past the Bullshit.K who is the Dumbass that doesnt even know about his own candidate...geez...
"Under my orders as President the Sec of the Treasury will carry out a Homeownership resurgence plan - The United States GOVT will purchase mortgages DIRECTLY FROM HOME OWNERS" -John Mccain
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