Not that I don't agree with you, but you can go into chrome and deselect the option to warn you. It might make it marginally less safe, but only if you visit truly questionable sites.It's increasingly annoying and time consuming every time I click a thread on the website or try and log in.
Thanks BAS & staff.
I couldn't even get into the complete website for the past 20 minutes. It was like a blue and white shell and I couldn't click on anything, everything was in one looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong vertical line......... what the hell is going on?
I tried to download chrome just now normally use firefox.... this is ridiculous though.
sorry about that. Site was down and had nothing to do with the Warning of a hack.
BTW, that should be gone as well.
you probably will have to clear your cache or reboot, but it's gone and Google has given us a clean bill of health