Is Biden out of touch with youth?


New member
Dec 25, 2007
This is the real old guy yelling at kids to get off his lawn type. Brilliiant anti-drug attempt from CAGW:

2002: Congress: Stark 'Raving' Mad
Friday, July 19, 2002
By: David Williams

Wastewatcher July 2002
"Turn down that music!" is a phrase that echoes through every generation. When it comes to musical taste, parents don't understand their children and children don't understand their parents. By introducing legislation to crack down on "techno" music clubs, Sens. Joseph Biden (D-Del.) and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) have confirmed that they don't understand music or the drug problem.

Under the guise of combating the use of the party drug Ecstasy, Biden and Grassley's bill would re-write Title 21 U.S. Code Section 856 (a.k.a. the "crack house law") so that it can be used to shut down electronic dance music events.

The theory is that Ecstasy is primarily used in such clubs. Ergo, by shutting down these establishments, Biden and Grassely assume that they will also shut down Ecstasy use. Not only will this effort expand government's power and divert resources from the war on terror and other national concerns, experience implies it will likely have little effect on kids' drug use.

These clubs should be shut down for butchering music not drugs.

New member
Dec 25, 2007
More Biden dirty politics.

The Northpoint Handout
Friday, October 10, 2003
By: Tom Schatz

Schatz is president of Citizens Against Government Waste
With a $480 billion deficit, Congress should be dedicated to saving money, and not meeting the special interest needs of a single company. However, common sense is currently conspicuously absent from Capitol Hill. As a result, elected officials are on the verge of awarding $100 million worth of spectrum to Northpoint Technology, a handout of tax dollars that would subvert the competitive process used to allocate spectrum.
The fiscal 1994 Budget Reconciliation Act established the authority of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to issue licenses for spectrum, a distribution of frequencies that radio and television stations use to transmit all over the country, through a competitive bidding process when two or more parties request the same spectrum. At least one other company, MDS America, is willing to bid for the spectrum being sought by Northpoint at the auction scheduled for January 2004. In 2002, the FCC ruled that Northpoint must bid on these spectrum rights in accordance with the law.
In an effort to subvert the FCC ruling, Northpoint, which wants to use the spectrum to provide wireless and satellite services, including Internet applications, multi-channel video, and high speed data, has initiated an intensive lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill and mobilized its cadre of 68 franchises and celebrities, such as actress Lily Tomlin.
Northpoint has focused its lobbying efforts on members of the Senate Commerce and Appropriations Committees. So far, Northpoint has convinced Senators Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and John Sununu (R-N.H.) to insert the handout language into H.R. 1320, the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act of 2003. Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) and Mary Landrieu (D-La.) have placed the same provision into S. 1585, the fiscal 2004 Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary Appropriations Act (CJS).
It is not a coincidence that Northpoint has operations in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:State><st1:place>New Hampshire</st1:place></st1:State> and <st1:State><st1:place>Texas</st1:place></st1:State>. In addition, the organization has a list of well-connected franchisees, including former representative Samuel Coppersmith (D-Ariz.) and two of Senator Joseph Biden's (D-Del.) children, Sara Jones Biden and R. Hunter Biden.
Despite its star-studded cast of characters, Northpoint's efforts conflict with taxpayer interests and its special exemption subverts the authority of the FCC to issue spectrum licenses through a competitive bidding process. The Northpoint language sets a precedent that will encourage others to seek similar exemptions, and thus, eventually render the competitive process obsolete. Without competition, spectrum would just be given away, costing taxpayers billions of dollars.
Some politicians have realized the damage that this rip-off could inflict on taxpayers and are standing firm in opposition. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) said, "I have very little doubt that this is a giveaway and an exception." House Commerce Committee Chairman Billy Tauzin (R-La.) is equally outraged. According to the Bush Administration's statement of administrative <st1:personName>policy</st1:personName>, "Such a provision would interfere with the efficient allocation of Federal spectrum licenses."
Cronyism at its finest. Judgement.


New member
Dec 25, 2007
Obama anti-lobbyist?

Obama, Biden's Son Linked by Earmarks (Washington Post)
Categories: Headlines About TCS
Tags: earmarks, news
Pub Date: Aug 27, 2008

Sen. Barack Obama sought more than $3.4 million in congressional earmarks for clients of the lobbyist son of his Democratic running mate, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, records show. Obama succeeded in getting $192,000 for one of the clients, St. Xavier University in suburban Chicago.

Obama's campaign has taken a hard stance against the world of lobbying in the nation's capital. Obama said he limits his own efforts to get money for pet projects -- a process known as earmarking -- to those that benefit the public. He has posted his earmark requests on his presidential campaign Web site to encourage transparency.
Since Obama announced his selection of Biden on Saturday, attention has focused on Biden's lobbying connections as well as his son's lobbying activities. R. Hunter Biden is one of many relatives of members of Congress who work as lobbyists.

New member
Dec 25, 2007
More Biden wasting taxpayer money

Biden, Pork, and the Drug War

By Ken Silverstein and Sebastian Jones
As word of Barack Obama’s vice presidential pick got out, the media, in lockstep, seized upon Senator Joseph Biden’s legislative experience and his knowledge of the inner workings of Washington. And it’s true that Senator Joe is a skillful legislator, especially at the earmark game: for 2008, Biden secured <DEL>$108,997,205</DEL> <INS>$85,545,205</INS> in pork (according to Taxpayers for Common Sense) for everyone from defense contractors to police departments.
One particularly curious earmark request Biden made, in tandem with now-indicted Senator Ted Stevens and Senator Chuck Grassley, was $450,000 for DARE America. The request failed, which is surprising given the pull of its sponsors. But maybe it’s because DARE, once the bread-and-butter of drug prevention programs in American schools, has been thoroughly discredited. The Surgeon General in 2001 said DARE “does not work”, and the program has also been criticized by the GAO in a 2003 report. It is listed among “potentially harmful therapies” in a 2007 article from the Association for Psychological Science’s journal, Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Why would Biden saddle up with Stevens and Grassley to support DARE? As mentioned by Glenn Greenwald, Biden “has long been the leading advocate of the harshest and most aggressive drug criminalization laws and general “anti-crime” measures.” And there’s this: DARE’s long-time lobbyist Scott Green once worked under Biden on the Senate Judiciary committee. Green also donated $2,300 to Biden last year.

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
Who could Biden possibly be in touch with?????????
When uv been at a job for 20 yrs+ and u still have to steal somebodies words in order to give a speech that kinda tends to lead me to believe he's about as in touch with this planet as Casey Anthony is...

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
did Biden think of these thoughts on hie own? or did he plagiarize them?

just wondering :think2:

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Biden is certainly not the first, or the last Washington policymaker to be an utter boob regarding public drug policies.

But his pro-drug war stance is cancelled out and even trumped by the attitudes of Johnny Mac. McCain is for amping up the drug war - unless of course it's his wife committing the felony drug crimes. Then he's all about treatment and sentencing diversion.

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