Does there need to be someone on EC. Just wondering, cause I sometime wonder why is it that people are looking for all the other people on a side, just so that they can go the opposite way. Could it just be, that everyone for some reason or another are on the same side. I think its very possible especially in games like these where no one really knows about the teams playing so much. I think this type of situation gives Vegas headaches cause not to many people have an opinion on this game. Thats why I think the line moved like it did. Thus the rumors about Sharps hitting side hard is spread. For one who knows for sure. Because I don't, I just use alittle comman sense, and that is to be a linemaker, you need to be alittle tricky and devious so that you can sway people to both sides which mean automatic win for Vegas.
Anyways, thats how I feel about this game and why I think hardly any people are on EC.
By the way, if you do your homework, then you don't need to drive yourself crazy worrying about traps,etc.