Loomis, cuase you are fuckin loaded and I always need a good loaded fist fighter
Bourn, cant wait to be part of one of his degenerate stories, some funny shit, plus we have similar personalities
Harry, the voice of reason, we need balance, after I fall off the wagon Id visit Harry in his room with lots of kush and a bong. And a stripper.
BAS, we need an old dude in the group, a voice of experience, plus he is loaded too. I would take Wilbur, he is older but alzheimer is pain in the ass.
Vlad, can't wait to slip him some ludes and LSD, and tell him a slot machine is a slut machine waiting to be pee'd on... then take a selfie as he is getting kicked out by a couple of african american security guards while he yells mein kampf stuff.