Sodium - You are obviously a SHILL for you know whom. Very Obvious here.
Posturing for going to *****.?
So how am I single-handedly responsible for Royal's problems?
And BAD business decisions?
Keep in mind that most of Royal's clients are phone betters don't even read this forum. This forum does not have as big of an impact on Royal's customers as you are trying to paint here. Agenda Agenda Agenda...
Sodium wrote: "
Royal will be around allot longer than your buddies that almost ran it into the ground."
LOL. So what does that mean? I don't have any buddies there as you are falsely stating.
So NOW your buddy Roberto is trying to paint it to look like the GOOD Guys like Marty and Scotty and their American Crew who were the
backbone and SPIRIT of Royal drove Royal in the ground?
That's so FAR from the truth you make me want to vomit. But that's you-know-who's M.O.
The people that are still trying to hold on to Royal are the ones that have driven it into the ground. As they have embarrassed the good people that were running Royal and that's why they left and the others were fired for no real reason other than you-know-who who just wanted to take over Royal from them. Ego Ego Ego
This WATCHdog site here called
The Prescription wants posters to post anything they may know about problems at books...and most of what I posted in the past about Royal was about 99% accurate (Go check it TTinCO before you compare me to jj or anyone else) SBR and The Rx's latest warnings about Royal have been mostly what I warned about months ago, along with others as I'm not the only one that posted this...and poor
Spiro's money just bought them one can deny that. I hope he gets interest on his money as Spiro helped them stay in business as that's why they brought him in...and only to be later Screwed once they got cash to prop themselves up again.
So go ahead and crucify me to try to help your buddy Roberto make himself look innocent.
1) Just because they are trying to find cash somewhere to prop them up doesn't mean what has happened in the last several months didn't happen? Why did they need Spiro's money?
2) Marty who sweated blood for Royal for years didn't just leave because of no good reason.
3) Scotty who was the face and voice of Royal just didn't quit and leave when the Oly deal got purposely screwed-up by your buddy Roberto just because he was a quitter...quite the opposite...Scotty gave his all and more to keep it going. Roberto knew what he doing and that it would break the deal. He knew what was in the agreement with Spiro.
4) And isn't it very interesting that after these guys got Pushed out of Royal by Roberto et al that Royal had there 1st SLOW Pays and NO pays?
It just goes to show EVERYONE how important these 2 seasoned professionals and their crew was to Royal and what that birdbrain CEO is still trying to say is the Royal Treatment. They were the Royal Treatment as they invented it and now they are GONE. It's like Royal is now this DEAD corpse they are trying to carry everything is OK.
Let's see if Roberto can emulate the Royal treatment that they created. He's had enough practice.