I just caught this today at Rivals. Maybe a few betting angles will show up in these scheduling oddities?
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" id="rvflash" height="60" width="620"><embed src="http://vmedia.rivals.com/flash/contentheadlines.swf?h1=Top+programs+like+to+stay+close+to+home+&h2=&lwidth=620&lheight=60&lshadow=1&sFontColor=000000&sLink=" salign="lt" quality="best" scale="noborder" wmode="transparent" id="rvflash" name="rvflash" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" height="60" width="620"></object> <noscript>Top programs like to stay close to home
</noscript> Mike Huguenin
Rivals.com College Football Editor
<script language="javascript"> if ((bIEWindowBrowser) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.") != -1)) document.write("<div id=outercontainer style='height:220px;'>"); else document.write("<div id=outercontainer>"); document.write("<div id=contentcontainer style='font-size: " + currentsize + "pt;'>");</script> Back in April, we did a three-part series on schedules. Now, a bit more than two months away from the first game of the season, we're going to do some more on schedules - this time on some of the scheduling quirks for this season.
<!--Start Image--><script language="Javascript">document.write(insertImage('/IMAGES/Player/video/1111-NEBGANZA1_250.JPG', '', 0, 300, 250, 1, 'Joe Ganz and Nebraska play five consecutive home games to open the season.', '', 1214176809000, '', 1014, 'Align=Left'));</script><table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="258"><tbody><tr><td width="252">
</td><td rowspan="3" width="6">
</td></tr><tr><td height="3">
</td></tr><tr><td align="center">Joe Ganz and Nebraska play five consecutive home games to open the season.</td></tr></tbody></table><!-- End Image--> • Nebraska opens the season with five consecutive home games, the only I-A school that can make that claim. The Huskers' first road game isn't until Oct. 11, at Texas Tech.
• Four other schools open with four consecutive home games: Arizona State, Duke, Indiana and Louisville.
• Three teams end the season with three consecutive home games: Hawaii, Rice and Troy.
• The only "Big Six" team that opens with back-to-back road games is Oregon State. The Beavers are at Stanford on Aug. 28, then play at Penn State on Sept. 6. The other Division I-A schools that open with two consecutive road games are Akron, Florida International, Louisiana-Lafayette, Louisiana-Monroe, Northern Illinois, Ohio University, Toledo, Troy, Tulsa and Utah State.
• Texas plays at UTEP on Sept. 6, the first time the Miners ever have hosted the Longhorns. And Mississippi State plays at Louisiana Tech on Aug. 30, the first time Louisiana Tech ever has hosted an SEC opponent.
• Florida State doesn't play a game outside the state of Florida until Oct. 16 at North Carolina State. The Seminoles open with three consecutive home games, then play Colorado in Jacksonville and at Miami before leaving the Sunshine State. FSU also finishes with three of its final four at home.
• Clemson doesn't play a true road game until Oct. 9 at Wake Forest. The Tigers open in Atlanta against Alabama, then play four in a row at home before heading to Winston-Salem.
• A lot of "Big Six" schools play four times at home before the end of September: Arizona State, Auburn, Clemson, Duke, Indiana, Iowa, Louisville, LSU, Nebraska, Ohio State, Penn State and Syracuse. Wyoming is the only non-"Big Six" school that has four home games before the end of September.
• Florida Atlantic is the only school that has four road games before the end of September.
• Baylor plays five of its first six at home, but finishes up with four of its final six on the road. Georgia has four of its final five away from home. Miami, Michigan and Missouri are among those playing three of their final four away from home.
• Vanderbilt is the only visiting team that will play two games in Oxford this season. The Commodores open the season at Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio. On Sept. 20, they play at Ole Miss, which is in Oxford, Miss.
• Between Oct. 18 and Nov. 29, Georgia plays no home games. Between Oct. 18 and Nov. 28, LSU plays no road games. Included in that span is Georgia at LSU on Oct. 25.
• USC is the only school whose entire schedule is made up of "Big Six" opponents.
• Pitt opens with three consecutive home games, plays three in a row on the road, then finishes the season by alternating home and road games the rest of the way.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" id="rvflash" height="60" width="620"><embed src="http://vmedia.rivals.com/flash/contentheadlines.swf?h1=Top+programs+like+to+stay+close+to+home+&h2=&lwidth=620&lheight=60&lshadow=1&sFontColor=000000&sLink=" salign="lt" quality="best" scale="noborder" wmode="transparent" id="rvflash" name="rvflash" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" height="60" width="620"></object> <noscript>Top programs like to stay close to home
</noscript> Mike Huguenin
Rivals.com College Football Editor
<script language="javascript"> if ((bIEWindowBrowser) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.") != -1)) document.write("<div id=outercontainer style='height:220px;'>"); else document.write("<div id=outercontainer>"); document.write("<div id=contentcontainer style='font-size: " + currentsize + "pt;'>");</script> Back in April, we did a three-part series on schedules. Now, a bit more than two months away from the first game of the season, we're going to do some more on schedules - this time on some of the scheduling quirks for this season.
<!--Start Image--><script language="Javascript">document.write(insertImage('/IMAGES/Player/video/1111-NEBGANZA1_250.JPG', '', 0, 300, 250, 1, 'Joe Ganz and Nebraska play five consecutive home games to open the season.', '', 1214176809000, '', 1014, 'Align=Left'));</script><table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="258"><tbody><tr><td width="252">
• Four other schools open with four consecutive home games: Arizona State, Duke, Indiana and Louisville.
• Three teams end the season with three consecutive home games: Hawaii, Rice and Troy.
• The only "Big Six" team that opens with back-to-back road games is Oregon State. The Beavers are at Stanford on Aug. 28, then play at Penn State on Sept. 6. The other Division I-A schools that open with two consecutive road games are Akron, Florida International, Louisiana-Lafayette, Louisiana-Monroe, Northern Illinois, Ohio University, Toledo, Troy, Tulsa and Utah State.
• Texas plays at UTEP on Sept. 6, the first time the Miners ever have hosted the Longhorns. And Mississippi State plays at Louisiana Tech on Aug. 30, the first time Louisiana Tech ever has hosted an SEC opponent.
• Florida State doesn't play a game outside the state of Florida until Oct. 16 at North Carolina State. The Seminoles open with three consecutive home games, then play Colorado in Jacksonville and at Miami before leaving the Sunshine State. FSU also finishes with three of its final four at home.
• Clemson doesn't play a true road game until Oct. 9 at Wake Forest. The Tigers open in Atlanta against Alabama, then play four in a row at home before heading to Winston-Salem.
• A lot of "Big Six" schools play four times at home before the end of September: Arizona State, Auburn, Clemson, Duke, Indiana, Iowa, Louisville, LSU, Nebraska, Ohio State, Penn State and Syracuse. Wyoming is the only non-"Big Six" school that has four home games before the end of September.
• Florida Atlantic is the only school that has four road games before the end of September.
• Baylor plays five of its first six at home, but finishes up with four of its final six on the road. Georgia has four of its final five away from home. Miami, Michigan and Missouri are among those playing three of their final four away from home.
• Vanderbilt is the only visiting team that will play two games in Oxford this season. The Commodores open the season at Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio. On Sept. 20, they play at Ole Miss, which is in Oxford, Miss.
• Between Oct. 18 and Nov. 29, Georgia plays no home games. Between Oct. 18 and Nov. 28, LSU plays no road games. Included in that span is Georgia at LSU on Oct. 25.
• USC is the only school whose entire schedule is made up of "Big Six" opponents.
• Pitt opens with three consecutive home games, plays three in a row on the road, then finishes the season by alternating home and road games the rest of the way.