Interesting opinions on Israel...


New member
Jan 11, 2015
I think it's the other way around. Israel controls the US. To be frank, I am impressed by the guy's clarity and precision. It is rarely seen in any media nowadays. I'm a fan and not a fan of Ben Shapiro, who is pretty good at delivering large amounts of information and delving into arguments logically. But this guy.... he has 10 times the precision of Shapiro. That's pretty impressive.

Sep 21, 2004
PressTV is the Voice of The Iran Gov't. No surprise this Racist Anti Semite thinks they're interesting. I bet he's also a big Fan of RT, The Russian Propaganda Network, although probably not as big a fan as the idiot he's voting for, that kisses Putin Ass at every opportunity, the Idiot Drumpf.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
I'm part Jewish, bro, but I'm not a full hook-nose like you. I don't have anything against Jews. I do, however, like truth.

I don't know why you've fallen for all of the bullshit American brainwashing, especially if you're aware of things like RT.

Sep 21, 2004
I'm part Jewish, bro, but I'm not a full hook-nose like you. I don't have anything against Jews. I do, however, like truth.

I don't know why you've fallen for all of the bullshit American brainwashing, especially if you're aware of things like RT.
Truth? That's the last thing you'll get from PressTV, RT, and the Drumpf Campaign. The last thing a racist, Anti Semite Drumpf supporter like you cares about is truth, bro.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
Lol. I'm not anti-semite. RT is Russian propaganda but there is tons more truth there than American media outlets. At least there you'll get more info on the muslims hacking to death European citizens on a weekly basis.

I don't know why you're so much against building a wall when Israel has one hell of a wall and it's working pretty good.

Jan 20, 2002
Runmaker, you are definitely an Anti-Semite and there was nothing truthful about this video that you posted. Let's start with the premise that Israel has no right to exist. If it were up to the Iranians, the Jewish people would have no where on earth to exist because they are for the extermination of all Jews, no matter where they would live. The piece talks about the Palestinians as if they are some independent country worthy of any consideration. Last I checked, the Palestinians are in the same group of Muslims that throw homosexuals off of buildings, attack civilians, especially women and children and use all of the humanitarian donations from the EU to buy weapons and build tunnels instead of building schools and hospitals. I posted a Kindergarten graduation ceremony recently from Gaza where the kids are being taught to be terrorists. The piece then says that 911 was an inside job by the Israelis. Finally, the video talks about the nuclear deal with Iran which is the worst deal ever negotiated by the United States which is handing Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, nuclear weapons. Other than your attack on Israel, do you care to suggest anything that was said in that piece that is not propaganda?

Nov 4, 2009
Runmaker, you are definitely an Anti-Semite and there was nothing truthful about this video that you posted.

Let's start with the premise that Israel has no right to exist.

If it were up to the Iranians, the Jewish people would have no where on earth to exist because they are for the extermination of all Jews, no matter where they would live.

The piece talks about the Palestinians as if they are some independent country worthy of any consideration.

Last I checked, the Palestinians are in the same group of Muslims that throw homosexuals off of buildings, attack civilians, especially women and children and use all of the humanitarian donations from the EU to buy weapons and build tunnels instead of building schools and hospitals.

I posted a Kindergarten graduation ceremony recently from Gaza where the kids are being taught to be terrorists.

The piece then says that 911 was an inside job by the Israelis.

Finally, the video talks about the nuclear deal with Iran which is the worst deal ever negotiated by the United States which is handing Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, nuclear weapons.

Other than your attack on Israel, do you care to suggest anything that was said in that piece that is not propaganda?

Thank You for saying what needed to be said up in here, Truth.

On any other matter even remotely similar to "the question of Islam", where the ultimate "answer" (necessary response) is as clear people would have no trouble whatsoever locating a response that is "proper".

Example: 200 Unit Housing facility gets proposed to be built within your neighborhood to house offenders guilty of abusing Women & Children.

You would have a response to this.

Yet people remain completely blinded to the Truth of what Islam is and expounds, suggests, recommends and even encourages. Where regards the treatment of Women & Children.

Your Democratic Party and Your Media CLAIM to care about Women & Children, because that is the politically correct thing to do and because they do not want to alienate a big demographic of potential viewers (Females, Men who do not consider women to be lesser beings than men and those who genuinely care about the well-being of Women & Kids)...

...yet immediately after airing content that sells the lie that they have even an ounce of concern for Women & Kids they replay this moron & his lump (lifeless cockroach beside him),


two life-forms either too evil to wean themselves from Worship of a Religion that likens Women to cattle, with (at best) "1/2 the value of a Man", counsels that a woman who shows less than complete obedience & servitude to a Man should be "beaten" and contains verses that endorse child abuse..."It is OK to do as you wish to children of those who do not worship Allah" and "Its OK to marry a pre-pubescent child".

Can't have it both ways, people.

You either are earnest in your support for Women & Kids to be protected or you are not and you are able to support Islam.

ANY STANCE that sees a person not in full support of a complete and total BAN on ANY "religion" that counsels what Islam does...

....equates to: a person with that stance genuinely does not give a shit about Women & Kids, the most vulnerable amongst us.

Can't have it both ways. You either side with Support of Islam and what the ideology counsels on Women & Kids or... find your way to the Right Side of History here and support this primitive ideology being banned from all civilized nations.

Arabs own Hillary and many of our other Politicians but they do not own you. Arabs do not own your mind.

The Problem, on the question of Israel lies not with ISRAEL but with those who feel that a country, any country, "has no right to exist."

Just as Humanity has on previous occasions, but lacked the logistical ability (weaponry) to make this a reality....where "we" wind up on this is that Islam has no Right To Exist.

And that the Human Species as a whole has, as a most basic requirement to it's continued survival and prosperity, a need to eradicate a certain Ideology that should have been put down long ago, like a rabid diseased dog that brings only THREAT to the "table".

Our Generation will most likely prove unable to overcome our own Religious Brainwashing to be able to take the actions needed.

So we will leave this terrible scourge of a problem to our Grandkids, after we endure an immense amount of unnecessary Pain, Horror & Terror, at the hands of the Ideology that is Islam.

I personally consider this, sloughing this challenge off onto the generations that will follow us here, to be the #1 Worst Failure of any generation that has ever lived upon this planet.

Islam has to be Outlawed, Mosques shuttered, followers of the ideology deported.

Women & Kids have to take priority over being "Politically Correct" and adhering to outdated and dangerous principles written by those who founded this country that, had they been able to forsee the threat that Islam presents to the nation they founded today....would have written very different "rules" to America, on the subject of "religion."

The Options this question presents are clear, the sides available well-defined: Islam or the Support of those most vulnerable amongst us whom it is our greatest responsibility to protect, to keep from harm and to furnish with the best life possible.

You cannot have it both ways.

Support Women & Kids or Support the continued existence within your world of an ideology that supports the abuse of such.

This should not be a difficult decision yet for this generation it is.

The fact that this generation is the very first in World History that, when faced with the prospect of Muslim Conquest, has not just been unable to manage to arrive at the very obvious answer and accomplish the only response possible to Islamic Expansion but that this generation actually takes an Opposite Response and welcomes in the monster that is Islam....should tell you all that you need to know about who we are now

and "what" we have become.

Figure "that" out, ferret out an answer to the question of: "What type of people would choose The Defense of a primitive demonic ideology over its OWN women & children?" and the next natural question is....

"Natural Order" taking place here? Whatever it is that "we" have evolved to that too weak to survive?

Is this Nature thinning the Herd, strengthening that by eliminating it's weakest members? Us?

And, on a broader scale than even that: Is The Q'uran "true" then? Should the entire world be United beneath the One God System (Worship of Allah) and Shari'a Law?

Valid Questions that I realize likely seem "way out" but if Islam will not be stopped, these are "big picture" questions that need to be addressed by all people who are genuinely concerned about the planet we leave to our grandkids and the world that we have for the remainder of our time here.







The response to the above graphics that practically all of your Government Leaders & Mainstream Media will tell you that MUST BE YOUR RESPONSE is:

"Oh Come On Now.....thats a tiny % of crazy fanatics within a religion that has 1.7 Billion followers."

Islam counsels as it does upon the matters shown above, this is reality.

"Don't believe what Men tell you, don't even believe what I tell you" - Buddha

Uncover your own answer to this question that should not even BE a fucking question anymore that there would exist a question of whether a Cockroach Infestation should be allowed to remain within one's Home when there are means of eliminating that.

Find out for yourself, choose a side or just leave the matter to your Grandkids to resolve, just leave them this world of Terror thanks to ONE. FUCKING. GROUP. OF. "PEOPLE."

I've personally evolved to a place where, based upon the Western World's inability to respond to Islam as they should, that our Fate is sealed.

And we are most deserving of that fate.

We're "Dead Men Walking.' The World will certainly not be better off as an Islamic Planet but maybe it was not supposed to wind up in a good place anyways. Perhaps the Myth that all evolves towards a place of Peace was just that.....a Myth.

Maybe this place was, all along, gonna wind up a massive 3rd world shithole with suffering it's main theme.

Jul 14, 2007
Was only a matter of time before ML Dog and RunMaker butted heads.

I've been calling that for awhile.

Nov 4, 2009
To clarify my statement above:

"I've personally evolved to a place where, based upon the Western World's inability to respond to Islam as they should, that our Fate is sealed.

And we are most deserving of that fate.

We're "Dead Men Walking.' The World will certainly not be better off as an Islamic Planet but maybe it was not supposed to wind up in a good place anyways. Perhaps the Myth that all evolves towards a place of Peace was just that.....a Myth.

Maybe this place was, all along, gonna wind up a massive 3rd world shithole with suffering it's main theme."

don't allow that to paint me as a cynical, hopeless, negative person as it easily could.

Its meant to express: "I have come to feel like this will play out "as it should"

and if the response of the Western World is to not just avoid addressing the actual PROBLEM, which is the ideology that is Islam, but actually welcome this disease into it's home then...

I forsee a possibility that the eventual result of this decision will be a less than good one.

I do have "Hope".

Hope that the actual problem will be addressed.

Nov 4, 2009
Much like when you have a bet on a team with certain PITCHERS in their bullpen....

....and you see one of those guys trotting in from the Bullpen.

You know you are fucked. That your bet is most likely lost. And not just lost but lost in the most painful and unfair manner possible.

Due to a stupid decision made by some else, to bring in a Gas Can.

Same deal for me as The Western World's decision to defend & embrace Islam.

Rather than electing the obvious answer, which is to Outlaw this barbaric ideology and eliminate people stupid and primitive enough to follow this, from their midst.

Present course, The West's approach? To dealing with them? We are fucked.

Just like Axelrod trotting in from the bullpen.

Nov 4, 2009
Was only a matter of time before ML Dog and RunMaker butted heads.

I've been calling that for awhile.

I am making a genuine effort to stop posting this type of stuff here, for a few reasons, its very redundant (I Know) plus chief amongst those reasons: that most guys here seem to recognize that "the problem is not with Islam" is a lie told us by politicians and media who consider us to be idiots.

Exception to "Guys who get it" would be Guesser who has developed Muslim Acquaintances in the area he lives in & is motivated by a sincere (and arguably admirable) effort to not be "Racist" which he could easily have turned out as being, considering what Islam has forced him to live through, In New York City.

My ONLY wish, in regards to people like Guesser and others who defend Muslims is that they would ask these "people" to explain HOW they are able to follow an ideology that counsels what Islam does, in regards to the treatment & "status" of women and female children.

Sep 21, 2004
I am making a genuine effort to stop posting this type of stuff here, for a few reasons, its very redundant (I Know) plus chief amongst those reasons: that most guys here seem to recognize that "the problem is not with Islam" is a lie told us by politicians and media who consider us to be idiots.

Exception to "Guys who get it" would be Guesser who has developed Muslim Acquaintances in the area he lives in & is motivated by a sincere (and arguably admirable) effort to not be "Racist" which he could easily have turned out as being, considering what Islam has forced him to live through, In New York City.

My ONLY wish, in regards to people like Guesser and others who defend Muslims is that they would ask these "people" to explain HOW they are able to follow an ideology that counsels what Islam does, in regards to the treatment & "status" of women and female children.

Thank you for the very nice post MLD. Here's my answer, and it's the same as it is when I've discussed Religion(rarely) with folks of my Faith and other faiths. Since I'm Jewish, but not Religious, I've been asked why I don't observe the Sabbath, why I don't keep kosher, and only selectively observe stuff, like Fasting on Yom Kipper. It's because I'm Jewish, but Religion isn't a big thing in my life. Stuff in ancient books, while a nice guideline to a good life, are not the be all or end all. I selectively pick and choose, based on my own logic. I don't care that pigs weren't clean for food back on biblical times. We're not in those times, and they're fine for me, and I love my Ham and Bacon. I see no logic in not turning out a light Friday Night or not carrying or using money on a Saturday. And some close friends who do observe these things get around them. I have some Observant buddies that bet College Football for Saturdays before the Sabbath, and leave their TV's on, to get around the not turning things on and off during the Sabbath. I think that's silly. But if it works for them, good for them.

My few Muslim friends and acquaintances do not take every word in their ancient books as all that meaningful either. They live a modern life, assimilate, etc. They're cultural Muslim, because that's the Religion they were born into, same as me and Judaism, and being raised as a Jew Culturally. I don't know any Radical Extreme Muslims. The ones I know are happy to be here, and happy to live as American Muslims. Religion is not that important an aspect in their lives.

I also have Christian Friends who regularly violate things in their ancient books. Because those books were written 2000+ years ago, and some things that applied then, don't apply now.

Nov 4, 2009
Thank you for the very nice post MLD. Here's my answer, and it's the same as it is when I've discussed Religion(rarely) with folks of my Faith and other faiths. Since I'm Jewish, but not Religious, I've been asked why I don't observe the Sabbath, why I don't keep kosher, and only selectively observe stuff, like Fasting on Yom Kipper. It's because I'm Jewish, but Religion isn't a big thing in my life. Stuff in ancient books, while a nice guideline to a good life, are not the be all or end all. I selectively pick and choose, based on my own logic. I don't care that pigs weren't clean for food back on biblical times. We're not in those times, and they're fine for me, and I love my Ham and Bacon. I see no logic in not turning out a light Friday Night or not carrying or using money on a Saturday. And some close friends who do observe these things get around them. I have some Observant buddies that bet College Football for Saturdays before the Sabbath, and leave their TV's on, to get around the not turning things on and off during the Sabbath. I think that's silly. But if it works for them, good for them.

My few Muslim friends and acquaintances do not take every word in their ancient books as all that meaningful either. They live a modern life, assimilate, etc. They're cultural Muslim, because that's the Religion they were born into, same as me and Judaism, and being raised as a Jew Culturally. I don't know any Radical Extreme Muslims. The ones I know are happy to be here, and happy to live as American Muslims. Religion is not that important an aspect in their lives.

I also have Christian Friends who regularly violate things in their ancient books. Because those books were written 2000+ years ago, and some things that applied then, don't apply now.

More Thankful than you can possibly know that you were able to "get" from my post that I have evolved re: that intense frustration I encountered as result of your (inexplicable to me) interaction with Muslims, especially in Light of your Life Experience.

Which equated, basically, to the experience of many New Yorkers but magnified, in your case.

I eventually had to grasp, and you may have even posted this sentiment near Verbatim, that you were left with a choice to take a hate-filled path comprised of rage or....choose a path that would have your life less filled with negative stuff.

You've described my own situation

my own Relationship (or lack of much of such) with Religion....exactly.

My issue lies with the outdated and downright dangerous aspects of the Islamic "Religion."

but also that as it exists within all Religions.

"We" (meaning any thinking Man who has even a portion of a Conscience) simply cannot tolerate a belief system which holds, as among it's chief tenets, pain to Women & Kids Divinely Sanctioned by the God of that Ideology and has, as it's Prophet, a monster who abused kids and also beheaded 900 Hebrews himself, personally.

And that was just during a "single episode" of his life.

I dig that the Muslims you are acquainted with observe a form of Islam that sees them able to ignore some teachings, verses etc. but I don't get how they are able to get away with this bcuz Allah via Mohammed very clearly stated that one must observe ALL of Allah/Mohammed's instruction.

No circumstance exists in which they can
Pick & Choose", closest there is to that is when an early verse gets contradicted by a later one wherein they are instructed that the later verse applies.

I get where you are coming from though and do believe the vast majority of Muslims would be as you describe, NOT "DOWN" with Barbaric shit.

This is my Hope, at least. Big Obstacle for me is how they can embrace a Prophet that lived the "life" that Mohammed did, a "prophet" that inflicted such immense misery during his life on so many and left behind a template, a blueprint to guarantee to the best of any one man's ability....that massive suffering would follow, for as many people on Earth as could be.

How any one could find it within themselves to be able to worship such a "prophet" is a question that is impossible for me to overcome.

Jan 15, 2010
Thank you for the very nice post MLD. Here's my answer, and it's the same as it is when I've discussed Religion(rarely) with folks of my Faith and other faiths. Since I'm Jewish, but not Religious, I've been asked why I don't observe the Sabbath, why I don't keep kosher, and only selectively observe stuff, like Fasting on Yom Kipper. It's because I'm Jewish, but Religion isn't a big thing in my life. Stuff in ancient books, while a nice guideline to a good life, are not the be all or end all. I selectively pick and choose, based on my own logic. I don't care that pigs weren't clean for food back on biblical times. We're not in those times, and they're fine for me, and I love my Ham and Bacon. I see no logic in not turning out a light Friday Night or not carrying or using money on a Saturday. And some close friends who do observe these things get around them. I have some Observant buddies that bet College Football for Saturdays before the Sabbath, and leave their TV's on, to get around the not turning things on and off during the Sabbath. I think that's silly. But if it works for them, good for them.

My few Muslim friends and acquaintances do not take every word in their ancient books as all that meaningful either. They live a modern life, assimilate, etc. They're cultural Muslim, because that's the Religion they were born into, same as me and Judaism, and being raised as a Jew Culturally. I don't know any Radical Extreme Muslims. The ones I know are happy to be here, and happy to live as American Muslims. Religion is not that important an aspect in their lives.

I also have Christian Friends who regularly violate things in their ancient books. Because those books were written 2000+ years ago, and some things that applied then, don't apply now.

I feel you. We celebrate Christmas every year at my house, but I'm not religious either.

Sep 21, 2004
I feel you. We celebrate Christmas every year at my house, but I'm not religious either.
I celebrate Christmas also, go to Christmas Parties, etc. Some of The Muslim owned, Chinese owned Restaurants and Businesses in my Neighborhood put up Christmas lights. It's America, We celebrate Christmas, no matter what Religion we are.

Nov 4, 2009
I have some Observant buddies that bet College Football for Saturdays

Oh THOSE DUDES going straight to Hell :):)

"Hell Express", as Eddie Murphy put it, so eloquently...."don't even have to wait in line to get in...OH!! You can come right on in." :):)

they leave their TV's on, to get around the not turning things on and off during the Sabbath.


Seriously. Any God who would not appreciate such ingenuity and ability to make and execute A Solid Well-Thought-Out Plan featuring such a high level of Brilliance In Compromise is not a God worth his salt.

God would have no problem with this.

The Men who were responsible for writing such rules down and attributing such to a "god"....might have a problem with it but

they do not matter in the least.

What does is one's OWN perception/relationship to "some thing" beyond here, and the Hopefulness that brings. This is ingrained within Mankind and Organized Religions/Men & their misuse of such... threatening to destroy Faith, within people.

This is very very bad. Very bad. Its why we see what appears to be "less limits" to how Evil men can get nowadays, Loss of Faith and its why we do see such an escalated level of Pure Badness.

Government Bodies will declare "Crime Rates are Down." True or not we see a change within Humanity to some extent.

Men's Whoring Out the concept of God for their own selfish gains is a large reason. Islamic has cause many within the world to have now what is a form of PTSD, in essence.

We allow The Islamic Belief System (or any "Religion) to continue to erode Mankind's ability to believe in "God" and we guarantee Mankind OverALL will wind up in a very much less good place as result.

People ask:

"Why Would any God allow this to happen?"

Any one of us could Parrot (repeat) the "why" that MEN SAY...."Free Will" and such cliche bullshit.

The Price of concluding that We Are Alone though, indeed truly and forever without anything "better" than this to at least Hope for, Strive for, Work Towards....will come with a price tag so massive for Humanity that frankly its inestimable and unknowable exactly how high that price tag would be.

My few Muslim friends and acquaintances do not take every word in their ancient books as all that meaningful either. They live a modern life, assimilate, etc. They're cultural Muslim, because that's the Religion they were born into, same as me and Judaism, and being raised as a Jew Culturally. I don't know any Radical Extreme Muslims. The ones I know are happy to be here, and happy to live as American Muslims. Religion is not that important an aspect in their lives.

This is all I am asking of Islam.

A revision of Islam and, in fact also Christianity and other Organized Religion to excise (cut out) that which leads to Savagery and that which relegates Women to a lower status than men.

Because that concept is ridiculous.

The most amazing part of this request is that agreeing to such is More Necessary and Vital TO ISLAM & MUSLIMS than it IS to the world beyond they themselves.

Because this will be "handled", this and other Savagery will get dealt with. Whether that be within this generation or we elect instead to accept being the worst cowards to have ever walked the Earth, in our Grandkid's eyes....having left this scourge to them to deal with.

It will get handled. Its not possible that it doesn't. Species such as "Human" eventually do not allow a barbaric savage belief system such as Islam is to survive. Had Charles Martel, his son Pepin The Short and Martel's Grandson Charlemagne had the technology we have today, had any ONE of those 3 had what we do in that regard they would have wiped this disease off of the face of the Earth. Without even the slightest of Hesitation.

Whats "different" about Today compared to back then?

Muslims such as those you know can be afforded a "choice", to construct a Faith just such as they follow now, a "moderate Islam"

or they can elect to adhere to Primitive Savage beliefs and ways get relocated as result of that decision to a place where they get to witness first HAND if that 'someone" who Rises to take care of this problem once and for all can turn Sand into Glass, on a massive scale.

Muslims revising their Faith, excising the savagery that is plaguing this world, is in their OWN best Interests. And could very well be the deciding question between whether they (or their ancestors that follow after them) live or die.

"Revising a Faith" such as Islam or Christianity, on it's surface such an undertaking would seem like an impossible task but it would not have to be.

You yourself have said there are Muslims that already "practice" a version of the religion without the crazy savage dark age stuff that was written by a megalomaniacal drug addicted pedophile in the early 600 A.D. era and later revised, "added on to" by other Sub-Human Dogs to fit their own agendas.

Yes, Revising Religions would take time and effort from a great many people, be a massive undertaking and just embarking on this could lead to War on a pretty large scale but this could be accomplished and the alternative, not excising Savagery from Belief Systems is what we have now.


"We" deserve better than this.

And We should not be deprived of that better world just because a number of subhuman dogs who worship a belief system that should have been eradicated long ago feel like they "know what some God wants".

Thats the stupidest deal to ever grace this planet.

These Godamned Animals believe that to become a Martyr is to achive a most exalted thing.

Time to give them that fond wish of theirs.

Hell Express, baby.

Ain't gonna be Nair a Virgin in the place.

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005

Love Israel. The chosen peeps.
Went there last year.
Saw the sites.
Had a blast at a little bar there in Jerusalem.

Sipped on Hobgoblin all night...brewed in the UK.

Need to buy me a little spot there in Tiberius.

Nov 4, 2009
The Nobel Prize (/ˈnoʊbɛl/, <small>Swedish pronunciation: </small>[nʊˈbɛl]; Swedish definite form, singular: Nobelpriset; Norwegian: Nobelprisen) is a set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by Swedish and Norwegian committees in recognition of academic, cultural and/or scientific advances.

How bout we compare amount of Nobel Prizes WON by ALL the people of ALL the Arabian Countries COMBINED whose OPINION is that Israel "has no right to exist" to...

the amount of Nobel Prizes won by The nation of Israel.

Ain't even enough of a comparison to make it worth the investment of the energy it'd take to post that result, that within this post.

Link Below the actuality.

All it equals though is that, "coincidentally" those declaring that Israel has no right to exist are the Dullest Fuckin' Tools within this entire Shed.


There are no less intelligent people, who have manged to contribute so little to Humanity.

You can bring up Middle Ages "Arabic Numerals" which is all well and good but Islamic fanatics destroyed the Arabic guys who came up with that and Medical Science discovery's Bloodline.

Those Arabs are gone.

Been gone since 845 A.D. best case scenario.

Hebrew People have contributed immensely to the advancement of Humankind.

Islamists have done the opposite, contributing mostly Misery to this Journey.

Islamist is the actual WORST possible Lifeform one could rely on to determine who has a right to exist.

No way we would place stock in the opinion of the stupidest most eternally Un-Evolving primitive stone-aged-ass dude in the whole entire room.

No way.

List of countries by Nobel laureates per capita

This article includes a list of countries by Nobel laureates per capita. That is, a list of countries ranked by their Nobel Prize winners in relation to their population. Because the population of a country is significantly higher than its Nobel laureates, the figures have been multiplied by 10 million. Thus, the number on the rightmost column should be read as the number of Nobel laureates of a country for every 10 million of its population.

The figures include all Nobel Prizes awarded up to and including 12 October 2015.


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