Runmaker, you are definitely an Anti-Semite and there was nothing truthful about this video that you posted.
Let's start with the premise that Israel has no right to exist.
If it were up to the Iranians, the Jewish people would have no where on earth to exist because they are for the extermination of all Jews, no matter where they would live.
The piece talks about the Palestinians as if they are some independent country worthy of any consideration.
Last I checked, the Palestinians are in the same group of Muslims that throw homosexuals off of buildings, attack civilians, especially women and children and use all of the humanitarian donations from the EU to buy weapons and build tunnels instead of building schools and hospitals.
I posted a Kindergarten graduation ceremony recently from Gaza where the kids are being taught to be terrorists.
The piece then says that 911 was an inside job by the Israelis.
Finally, the video talks about the nuclear deal with Iran which is the worst deal ever negotiated by the United States which is handing Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, nuclear weapons.
Other than your attack on Israel, do you care to suggest anything that was said in that piece that is not propaganda?
Thank You for saying what needed to be said up in here, Truth.
On any other matter even remotely similar to "the question of Islam", where the ultimate "answer" (necessary response) is as clear people would have no trouble whatsoever locating a response that is "proper".
Example: 200 Unit Housing facility gets proposed to be built within your neighborhood to house offenders guilty of abusing Women & Children.
You would have a response to this.
Yet people remain completely blinded to the Truth of what Islam is and expounds, suggests, recommends and even encourages. Where regards the treatment of Women & Children.
Your Democratic Party and Your Media CLAIM to care about Women & Children, because that is the politically correct thing to do and because they do not want to alienate a big demographic of potential viewers (
Females, Men who do not consider women to be lesser beings than men and those who genuinely care about the well-being of Women & Kids)...
...yet immediately after airing content that sells the lie that they have even an ounce of concern for Women & Kids they replay this moron & his lump (lifeless cockroach beside him),
two life-forms either too evil to wean themselves from Worship of a Religion that likens Women to cattle, with (at best) "1/2 the value of a Man", counsels that a woman who shows less than complete obedience & servitude to a Man should be "beaten" and contains verses that endorse child abuse..."It is OK to do as you wish to children of those who do not worship Allah" and "Its OK to marry a pre-pubescent child".
Can't have it both ways, people.
You either are earnest in your support for Women & Kids to be protected or you are not and you are able to support Islam.
ANY STANCE that sees a person not in full support of a complete and total BAN on ANY "religion" that counsels what Islam does...
....equates to: a person with that stance genuinely does not give a shit about Women & Kids, the most vulnerable amongst us.
Can't have it both ways. You either side with Support of Islam and what the ideology counsels on Women & Kids or... find your way to the Right Side of History here and support this primitive ideology being banned from all civilized nations.
Arabs own Hillary and many of our other Politicians but they do not own you. Arabs do not own your mind.
The Problem, on the question of Israel lies not with ISRAEL but with those who feel that a country, any country, "has no right to exist."
Just as Humanity has on previous occasions, but lacked the logistical ability (weaponry) to make this a reality....where "we" wind up on this is that Islam has no Right To Exist.
And that the Human Species as a whole has, as a most basic requirement to it's continued survival and prosperity, a need to eradicate a certain Ideology that should have been put down long ago, like a rabid diseased dog that brings only THREAT to the "table".
Our Generation will most likely prove unable to overcome our own Religious Brainwashing to be able to take the actions needed.
So we will leave this terrible scourge of a problem to our Grandkids, after we endure an immense amount of unnecessary Pain, Horror & Terror, at the hands of the Ideology that is Islam.
I personally consider this, sloughing this challenge off onto the generations that will follow us here, to be the #1 Worst Failure of any generation that has ever lived upon this planet.
Islam has to be Outlawed, Mosques shuttered, followers of the ideology deported.
Women & Kids have to take priority over being "Politically Correct" and adhering to outdated and dangerous principles written by those who founded this country that, had they been able to forsee the threat that Islam presents to the nation they founded today....would have written very different "rules" to America, on the subject of "religion."
The Options this question presents are clear, the sides available well-defined: Islam or the Support of those most vulnerable amongst us whom it is our greatest responsibility to protect, to keep from harm and to furnish with the best life possible.
You cannot have it both ways.
Support Women & Kids or Support the continued existence within your world of an ideology that supports the abuse of such.
This should not be a difficult decision yet for this generation it is.
The fact that this generation is the very first in World History that, when faced with the prospect of Muslim Conquest, has not just been unable to manage to arrive at the very obvious answer and accomplish the only response possible to Islamic Expansion but that this generation actually takes an Opposite Response and welcomes in the monster that is Islam....should tell you all that you need to know about who we are now
and "what" we have become.
Figure "that" out, ferret out an answer to the question of:
"What type of people would choose The Defense of a primitive demonic ideology over its OWN women & children?" and the next natural question is....
"Natural Order" taking place here? Whatever it is that "we" have evolved to that too weak to survive?
Is this Nature thinning the Herd, strengthening that by eliminating it's weakest members? Us?
And, on a broader scale than even that: Is The Q'uran "true" then? Should the entire world be United beneath the One God System (Worship of Allah) and Shari'a Law?
Valid Questions that I realize likely seem "way out" but if Islam will not be stopped, these are "big picture" questions that need to be addressed by all people who are genuinely concerned about the planet we leave to our grandkids and the world that we have for the remainder of our time here.
The response to the above graphics that practically all of your Government Leaders & Mainstream Media will tell you that MUST BE YOUR RESPONSE is:
"Oh Come On Now.....thats a tiny % of crazy fanatics within a religion that has 1.7 Billion followers."
Islam counsels as it does upon the matters shown above, this is reality.
"Don't believe what Men tell you, don't even believe what I tell you" - Buddha
Uncover your own answer to this question that should not even BE a fucking question anymore that there would exist a question of whether a Cockroach Infestation should be allowed to remain within one's Home when there are means of eliminating that.
Find out for yourself, choose a side or just leave the matter to your Grandkids to resolve, just leave them this world of Terror thanks to
I've personally evolved to a place where, based upon the Western World's inability to respond to Islam as they should, that our Fate is sealed.
And we are most deserving of that fate.
We're "Dead Men Walking.' The World will certainly not be better off as an Islamic Planet but maybe it was not supposed to wind up in a good place anyways. Perhaps the Myth that all evolves towards a place of Peace was just that.....a Myth.
Maybe this place was, all along, gonna wind up a massive 3rd world shithole with suffering it's main theme.