Of the biggest coward to ever exist on the world wide web. Keep ghosting BFL.....we all miss your words of bullshit!
I assume BFL is a righty who preceded my time here?
Yes....the story of BFL:
He was a far right wing clown spewing his message of nonsense for years. For months ,even years leading up to the 2012 election....he claimed Obama would lose by a landslide....called everyone fools who thought otherwise. Did this on a daily basis.....after obama won re-election.....he was gone.....finally he returned for one post years later when i lost my bet to jdeuce. He then went back into hiding.
The most disgraceful cowardly move in forum history. Of course you still have righties here that actually defend him when his name is brought up....those that still are part of the cult mentality wing of the republican party.
Wish I had been a regular here during the 2012 election. Guessing it was a good time in the poly forum.
It was an absolute blast. I started going down there regularly a few months before the election. There were lots of common sense guys that were regulars. Choptalk, DEAC, of course Vit, to name some that aren't there anymore. The arrogance and cocksuredness of idiots like Wrong Way were funny as hell. Questioning and rejecting numbers, ridiculing an actual numbers guy in Nate Silver, claiming he had better methods. After the election, Wrong Way appeared to have a nervous breakdown which he still hasn't recovered from. BFL "disappeared", thankfully so did Dave as he lost a bet to Vit. There was a guy named Minn Mike, who was doing the same schtik as Wrong Way, but in the end actually admitted he was parodying Wrong Way and the crew, and ate his crow. It must have been one of the periods Joe C was posting more at EOG, or was banned, as he wasn't infecting the Poly Forum much, so it was a saner place.
I expect the months before the 2016 election to be similar.
The best part was Wrong Way actually tried to claim his predictions were right and blamed it on inner city minorities for voting, lol. It was absolutely hilarious!!!
The best part was Wrong Way actually tried to claim his predictions were right and blamed it on inner city minorities for voting, lol. It was absolutely hilarious!!!
He constantly uses "inner city" as a code word, and then acts surprised when some who see him for exactly what he is points it out.
Willie was exactly right.
None of you race-baiters would set foot in any county with the highest concentration of Obama voters, you sewer rat hypocrite!
Brooklyn 98.3% Reporting | B. Obama (i) | Dem | 81.4% | 503,291 |
M. Romney | GOP | 17.6% | 108,630 |