While I already knew the devious plan I tricked Lawbreaker into openly admitting to be the truth ("Pride always cometh before the fall"-- Proverbs 16:18), I have been crunching the numbers and the reality is, even with all the dead boomers/illegals, they don't have enough FAKE FRAUDULENT ballots this time to overcome the tidal wave of MAGA.

"Let's try this again" - says this beta radical left nutter

Every single old trick in the book has FAILED. Every PSYOP, Unselect Committee, Impeachments, LAWFARE, even their lame assassinations (White Hats used that intel to flip the script and expose these demonic Deep State monsters for who and what they are).
Try as they may, the PEOPLE want Trump in OVERWHELMING NUMBERS

As you can see from every NON-RIGGED poll, the DNC "Fraud Manipulation Dept" has a huge problem.
So they will move to Plan C: "Trump is an insurrectionist, we can't certify!!"
At that point, the military should intervene. Sound the EBS, arrest everyone in Congress (those who vote to not certify), dissolve Congress and start over. Followed by Martial Law while broadcasting the tribunals 24/7 2 weeks straight.
Constitutional crisis averted, Republic saved.
Yep, I like that option better.
OR.....sound the EBS BEFORE the election, expose all the 2020 Fraud, broadcast the trials etc. I like that option even better.
These people are SICK! And beyond EVIL!