
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

Fun Fact of the Day: was registered in 2011



At some point, Trump Media & Technology Group WILL be taking over some of these FAKE "news" brands.

Hmmm...why did Elon Musk Mask rebrand Twitter into "X"? "Tweeted"... How do you "X'ed" someone??? πŸ˜‚

You see how it makes absolutely no business sense to rebrand a company that established, successful and recognizable. It would be like Coca-Cola suddenly waking up one morning and changing it's name to "Royal Cola"



"X" is just a holding pattern..


Dec 17, 2004

Biden didn't show up for an early evening meeting with the German chancellor because he had to go to bed.​


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I dont know either way on the inflatable plane thing BUT

for those who think its NOT POSSIBLE, remember this?

Ghost Army you say?

YOu mean the Fake News and Govt didnt tell the General Public about this operation at the time, not even decades later?

"fake tanks, fake guns, fake soldiers that they blew up"

Weird timing to give them awards publicly doncha think...After ALLLLLLLL this time they decided to give them public medals just a few months ago.
How many people even heard of the Ghost Army WW2 Psyop before this?
Look close, those windscreen windows are painted on - this inflatable balloon is missing so many real "plane" parts it couldn't fly if it tried.

As if this wasn't obvious enough, look at the guy running like an idiot smiling for the cameras. πŸ˜‚


πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Ghost in the Machine - 4th Psyop Division Army


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Also, remember "Biden's" brutal anti-MAGA speech where they basically transformed him into a comic book villain?

How BAD was this setup for OPTICS, right down to the creepy dim red lighting..



πŸ‘‰4th Psychological Operations Group, US Army :grrr:


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
President Trump's reflection in the Oval Office window taken directly from a "Biden" X post pretending he's in charge signing executive orders. πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡


THIS is what FULL CONTROL looks like, boys and girls.

If they jail Trump...don't worry.

If you lose power and Internet...don't worry.

If the Deep State cancels the "elections".. don't worry.

If they try and "lockdown" the country again with their bullshit "bird flu"...don't worry.

If they "steal it" again in the middle of the night....don't worry.

Even if the FAKE "News" tells you Putin launched a nuke headed for the US mainland and we're in WWIII...

Whatever the script calls for, stay calm and remember this thread.

Remember all the times it LOOKED like the sky was falling, which ALWAYS turned into a BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER πŸ‘‰it's a controlled movie.


Aug 17, 2019
President Trump had already made a deal with the Taliban.

Like a BOSS πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

But since the "withdrawal" happened under "Biden", White Hats made it look like a total made-for-TV disaster, just like the border is allegedly being flooded with millions of illegals when conditions on the ground say otherwise.

Inflatable decoy plane πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡

View attachment 93107

It's a movie, meaning they're SHOWING people what WOULD HAVE happened had "Biden" actually won in order to wake people up. Normies need to realize how infiltrated and CRIMINAL the entire system is, rather than the usual divisive "D" vs "R" FAKE "news" bullshit.

The whole purpose of this PSYOP is to wake people up so we don't have citizens fighting each other in the streets for reasons they don't even understand, which is exactly what the Deep State wants. If that happened, it would be playing right into the enemy's hands as people would be begging the govt to intervene and restore peace curtailing our liberties even further, thereby causing White Hats to lose control. At that point, all bets would be off - America and the world would be lost forever, something the Obama-Hillary 16 Year Plan confirms.

Obama set the table firing all the constitutional Generals and Admirals and Crooked Hillary would have dropped the NWO hammer with "Covid" and WWIII with Russia/China/North Korea.

So "200 Generals and Admirals" said, "Fuck it, we're taking over! Call Trump and show him the plan so we don't have civil war in this country!"

Imagine "Covid" under Crooked Hillary...

Imagine North Korea and Russia with the Deep State still in control πŸ‘‰ WWIII

Just imagine..

We came THAT close..

Thank God all the BS we're living through is only a movie.

Sometimes you have to SHOW The People.

Only then can REAL change happen!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sometimes you have to SHOW The People.

Only then can REAL change happen!
When this operation is over, I'm really hoping for all the detailed disclosures and stories revealing the tactics and tricks the military used during this movie in order to maintain the illusion of "normalcy" for normies....but I'm not getting my hopes up.

It's the engineer in me...I just can't get into a car and drive it. I need to know how every component works and why the damn thing won't blow up!

There's always been this constant delicate balance of conducting successful operations and managing public perception maintaining the peace. The military has become quite good at this from similar operations in Afghanistan and Iraq "winning hearts and minds" - none better than (current) SecDef Christopher Miller, a seasoned special operations professional with a long history of serving in various roles within the US military and government.

Yes, you have to SHOW The People, but if someone has been brainwashed with endless lies, it would be beyond reckless and irresponsible to shock them with an ice cold bucket of truth all at once. If someone believes in Santa Clause or "OMG! We Got Him This Time...for REAL!" you still have to keep that delusion alive for a period of time if you are hoping to reach them.

Which is where predictive programming comes into play πŸ‘‰"TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" ARE coming, otherwise the FAKE "news" wouldn't be talking about them constantly, even though the message is cleverly coated in the usual TDS hysteria specifically targeting the LaBozzies.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
President Trump's reflection in the Oval Office window taken directly from a "Biden" X post pretending he's in charge signing executive orders. πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡


THIS is what FULL CONTROL looks like, boys and girls.

If they jail Trump...don't worry.

If you lose power and Internet...don't worry.

If the Deep State cancels the "elections".. don't worry.

If they try and "lockdown" the country again with their bullshit "bird flu"...don't worry.

If they "steal it" again in the middle of the night....don't worry.

Even if the FAKE "News" tells you Putin launched a nuke headed for the US mainland and we're in WWIII...

Whatever the script calls for, stay calm and remember this thread.

Remember all the times it LOOKED like the sky was falling, which ALWAYS turned into a BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER πŸ‘‰it's a controlled movie.


Oh wow...I saw this one a while back but didnt look hard enough at it. Its very slick how its edited (reminds me of those fake astroNOT shots where the reflection in the visor shows the opposite side of what it should...)

This is like "Trump" appearing in the clip where Biden is signing 17 Eo's on first day

at 50 seconds....when do you EVER see anyone walking in the background when the Prez is being filmed in the Oval Office?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Oh wow...I saw this one a while back but didnt look hard enough at it. Its very slick how its edited (reminds me of those fake astroNOT shots where the reflection in the visor shows the opposite side of what it should...)

This is like "Trump" appearing in the clip where Biden is signing 17 Eo's on first day

at 50 seconds....when do you EVER see anyone walking in the background when the Prez is being filmed in the Oval Office?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Oh wow...I saw this one a while back but didnt look hard enough at it. Its very slick how its edited (reminds me of those fake astroNOT shots where the reflection in the visor shows the opposite side of what it should...)

This is like "Trump" appearing in the clip where Biden is signing 17 Eo's on first day

at 50 seconds....when do you EVER see anyone walking in the background when the Prez is being filmed in the Oval Office?
What about the virtual treehouse inserted behind "Biden's" FAKE "Oval Office"




White Hats have a great sense of humor!

They clearly want ANONS to know, hence the endless winks embedded in military tweets, top aids, .gov and .mil websites (for anyone who can be bothered to read boring documents) and especially from the Boss himself.

As for the rest of the population, forget it! From inflatable "planes" to the most obvious comms, proofs, oddities, Q deltas etc.. NOBODY notices or cares. And if someone does notice (meaning the media) they are not allowed to report it.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Another comm πŸ‘‰ The Grim Reaper at "King Charles'" coronation.

Months later πŸ‘‰ "Diagnosed with Cancer"

How ignorant and obtuse do you have to be to blow these things off as random coincidences, rather than small jigsaw pieces that fit into a massive historic puzzle.

Well, apparently quite stupid, since this many QINCIDENCES is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

Aug 17, 2019
President Trump's reflection in the Oval Office window taken directly from a "Biden" X post pretending he's in charge signing executive orders. πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡


THIS is what FULL CONTROL looks like, boys and girls.

If they jail Trump...don't worry.

If you lose power and Internet...don't worry.

If the Deep State cancels the "elections".. don't worry.

If they try and "lockdown" the country again with their bullshit "bird flu"...don't worry.

If they "steal it" again in the middle of the night....don't worry.

Even if the FAKE "News" tells you Putin launched a nuke headed for the US mainland and we're in WWIII...

Whatever the script calls for, stay calm and remember this thread.

Remember all the times it LOOKED like the sky was falling, which ALWAYS turned into a BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER πŸ‘‰it's a controlled movie.


100% πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘† πŸ‘†
Aug 17, 2019
We don't know those Afghanistan plans (officially).. yet. But the inflatable plane fiasco was absolutely FAKE and staged since the drama we "Saw On TV" (people hanging off a jet in the air) is basically impossible. Total nonsense.

Similarly, we may also never know that Commander Trump made a secret deal with President Putin, effectively giving him the green light to invade Ukraine under "Biden's" watch. A Ukraine invasion with President Trump in office would have been a total PR disaster with probably enough impeachment votes in the Senate to kick him out permanently, once again jeopardizing the MIL-CIV alliance. Yet, we know from the DS biolabs and child trafficking networks that it had to be done.

Another example is President Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" which ended the lockdowns "saving hundreds of millions of lives" simply because TARDS and CUCKSERVATIVES wouldn't come out from under their beds without a "vaccine". Perhaps one day the world (officially) finds out those early "vaccines" were saline. Rather than fight the Plandemic which was 10 years in the making and slated to roll out under Crooked Hillary, Trump's Warp Speed somewhat controlled the damage and sped it up to the point it imploded - people could SEE how premeditated and evil it was, and woke up (thank God!).

So there are many moving parts and examples of 'bad' things that need to happen (and still need to happen) to win this war, but at least they're controlled and managed, unlike the WWIII/NWO Covid Camps scenarios, which "conspiracy theorists" like Alex Jones have been warning about for at least 30 years.
The op reported the inflatable plane fiasco in the original RR thread immediately after it happened.

100% staged and controlled by white hats.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The op reported the inflatable plane fiasco in the original RR thread immediately after it happened.

100% staged and controlled by white hats.
Thank you sir and God Bless you.

Personally, if I can't prove it, I don't post it. I have great sources, but nothing sees the light of day unless it is backed by receipts and logical inference. Of course I'm not talking about the bullshit FAKE "news" propaganda machine we've come to know as the "facts" and "science" circle jerk. (Reported by Reuters, then "verified" by the Wash Post, NYTs and Snopes πŸ€‘πŸ˜‚)

I follow the Q model πŸ‘‰ You can't tell people the TRUTH, you must SHOW them!

ANONS are the FUTURE of news - hence all the White Hat comms/winks & nods and the acquisition confiscation of Twitter πŸ‘‰ the new Global Digital Townsquare.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
White Hats Intercept Shipment of Potentially Fraudulant Voting Machines Headed for Michigan

By Michael Baxter -July 10, 2024


Last Tuesday, White Hats intercepted and later destroyed a shipment of β€œmade in China” optical scanner voting machines that had allegedly been pre-programmed to overcount votes for Democrat candidates by a ratio of 1.4:1 and discard fractional remainders. If the machines worked as advertised, Biden, or whoever replaces him, would have received one fraudulent vote for every three legitimate votes, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The seizure took place on July 2 when U.S. Marines stopped an 18-wheeler on Interstate 69, halfway between Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the truck’s destination, Lansing, Michigan, according to an after-action report reviewed by Real Raw News. The report said the β€œsolid black” tractor-trailer was registered to a family-owned transportation company headquartered in Houston, Texas, but sources had redacted the company’s name, citing pending investigations.

Per the report, General Smith, on June 27, received from an unimpeachable source an electronic voting machine produced by a phantom Chinese electronics manufacturer calling itself, loosely translated to English, β€œMost Reliable Consistent Engineering.” White Hats could not verify the company’s existence, nor could Real Raw News find that or a similar name on a Chinese-language search website for company registration details. Since official Chinese company names are always in Chinese, business registrations are made only using Chinese characters, meaning that even if a China company registration search website were made available with an English-language interface, users would most likely still require knowledge of the Chinese language to carry out successful searches on the database. And Chinese doesn’t translate to English with 100% accuracy.

The report omitted how General Smith’s source acquired the machine.

Aside from the dubious branding, the voting machine’s exterior was visually identical to Dominion machines, which generated controversy and lawsuits in the aftermath of the stolen 2020 presidential election. Even its internals were remarkably like Dominion’s, except for the chipset produced by Melexis-Ukraine, a supplier of micro-electronic semiconductor solutions.

General Smith thought it improbable that the ballot scanner, if made in China, would contain a relatively obscure foreign manufacturer’s hardware, not its own proprietary chips or ones sourced from China’s rapidly expanding technology sector. He wanted proof the device functioned per his source’s claims.

β€œA test was impossible because the paper ballots the machine scans aren’t printed until after the DNC’s and RNC’s nomination conventions, and it’s done by a handful of printers certified by the secretary of state in each state. Creating one using presumptive candidates’ names would’ve taken time we didn’t have if we were to stop the shipment from reaching its target. The general trusts his source, and he wanted to be proactive not reactive,” our source said.

He added that the general’s informer had essential details at his fingertips, such as the truck’s route from a warehouse in Indiana to a self-storage facility in Lansing and its approximate arrival time. Gen. Smith decided his Marines would waylay the trailer and detain the driver for interrogation.

The plan went down as orchestrated in the early morning hours of July 2. The Marines pulled a ballsy maneuver, placing their Hummers in the path of a 50,000-pound behemoth traveling 65mph that could’ve plowed through them. But the driver had hit the brakes, and the truck screeched to a stop five yards short of the Marines’ position. He emerged from the cab, arms held high above his head, as the Marines charged the vehicle with weapons pointed at it and the startled driver. The Marines searched and subdued him prior to snapping the lock on the trailer doors with a pair of bolt cutters. Inside, they found 250 optical voting machines identical to the copy given to Gen. Smith.

β€œThe driver told our guys he was just a driver and had no idea what cargo he was carrying, but his log and the manifest told a different story. He had to have seen it, and the manifest clearly said the cargo was 250 vote machines. He was taken into custody, and the truck and contents seized,” our source said.

On General Smith’s orders, the Marines drove the 18-wheeler to an undisclosed location, where all but two of the machines were destroyed. Our source said in closing that the general will test them once White Hats either produce their own paper ballot to be scanned or obtain an official Michigan state ballot.

β€œA lot doesn’t add up, and we’ll be investigating the driver, the company the truck’s registered to, and, if possible, the Ukrainian company that made the chipset. We’ll share more after we find out if these are really rigged voting machines.”

Aug 17, 2019
Thank you sir and God Bless you.

Personally, if I can't prove it, I don't post it. I have great sources, but nothing sees the light of day unless it is backed by receipts and logical inference. Of course I'm not talking about the bullshit FAKE "news" propaganda machine we've come to know as the "facts" and "science" circle jerk. (Reported by Reuters, then "verified" by the Wash Post, NYTs and Snopes πŸ€‘πŸ˜‚)

I follow the Q model πŸ‘‰ You can't tell people the TRUTH, you must SHOW them!

ANONS are the FUTURE of news - hence all the White Hat comms/winks & nods and the acquisition confiscation of Twitter πŸ‘‰ the new Global Digital Townsquare.


And many thanks and blessings to you!

All we have done for the past 4.5 years is show them

But tards STILL refuse to see/accept any of it.

And now their worst nightmare is about to happen.

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