
Sep 5, 2010
Looks like someone’s favorite prosecutor is getting a little nervous about his target date .

March 4th , a day before Super Tuesday . Quite the coincidence .

But of course we know this is all about justice , not politics


Looks like your Twitter feed is getting nervous, Porky.

Try greasing your sides so you can get out the door.

A little exercise before the red tsunami?

:pig: :santahat::santahat::pig::pig::lmao::pig::pig::lmao::santahat:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Looks like your Twitter feed is getting nervous, Porky.

Try greasing your sides so you can get out the door.

A little exercise before the red tsunami?

:pig: :santahat::santahat::pig::pig::lmao::pig::pig::lmao::santahat:
A speedy trial is in the best interest of the American people says the hack who had his nuts handed to him in the form of a unanimous Supreme Court overturning of a prior conviction .

How was the white trash road trip ?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If President Trump's presidential immunity is lifted, "Biden" can also lose his presidential immunity, and Obama and every other president....RIGHT?

As always, TARDS should be careful what they wish for since their cabal puppet masters are facing a 5-D Chess Grandmaster.

Sep 12, 2022

Fears of a NATO Withdrawal Rise as Trump Seeks a Return to Power​

Current and former European diplomats said there was growing concern a second Trump presidency could mean an American retreat from the continent and a gutting of NATO.

Rebuttal By​

Oh the Globalist butt-hurt! Teeth can be heard grinding from Brussels to London to Paris to New York. The Eurotards fear (and rightly so) that the coming dictatorship of Donald the Terrible heralds the end of the NATO warmaking machine. NATO (North American Treaty Organization) -- as any first-year student of Globalist "conspiracy theory" knows -- is one of the indispensable post World War II pillars of the NWO Temple of Doom.

Next to demolishing the UN building in New York or the EU Tower of Babble in Brussels, a dissolution, or even just a fundamental neutering / gutting of NATO, would represent a blow from which our One World tormentors could never recover from. If and when Fuehrer Trump pulls that off, even the Black Pill Society will be singing his praises!

From the article: "Trump has made it clear that he sees NATO as a drain on American resources. He has held that view for at least a quarter of a century.

In his 2000 book, “The America We Deserve,” Mr. Trump wrote that 'pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually.' As president, he repeatedly threatened a United States withdrawal from the alliance.

Yet as he runs to regain the White House, Mr. Trump has said precious little about his intentions. His campaign website contains a single cryptic sentence: 'We have to finish the process we began under my administration of fundamentally re-evaluating NATO’s purpose and NATO’s mission.' He and his team refuse to elaborate." * Yep. NATO is finished.

Trump and Putin: These two men will go down in history as the heroic figures who "colluded" to defeat the Cabal for all time.

The hateful stories and cartoons directed at Trump & Putin were actually based on a historical truth -- for both men were indeed plotting the demise of NATO.

Now would be a good teachable moment to review what NATO is, and always was. Though formally established in 1949, the essential geo-political purpose of the alliance was revealed (to Cabal insiders) about 50 years earlier -- in the "debunked" Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

PROTOCOL VII // Article 3: "We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war."*

This game had remained in effect until recently. With NATO having been expanded into Russia's front yard, the ultimate World War III tripwire was to have been activated by Madame President Killary Clinton. It was only the rise of Trump and the White Hats which thwarted this genocidal scheme. Never forget that!

The mendacious marketing of NATO as a "defensive alliance" is and has always been, a great big lie -- which was why the conservative anti-communist legend, Senator Robert A. Taft (R-OH) voted against NATO membership. In a speech following his "No" vote, Taft declared:

Nicknamed "Mr. Republican," Robert Taft was a solid constitutionalist anti-Globalist. Only 13 of 96 US Senators voted "No" on NATO.

"A joint military program has already been made… It thus becomes an offensive and defensive military alliance against Russia. I believe our foreign policy should be aimed primarily at security and peace, and I believe such an alliance is more likely to produce war than peace. A third world war would be the greatest tragedy the world has ever suffered. Even if we won the war, we this time would probably suffer tremendous destruction, our economic system would be crippled, and we would lose our liberties and free system just as the Second World War destroyed the free systems of Europe. It might easily destroy civilization on this earth."

Tell it Senator. Tell it! --- By the way, Taft was expecting to be elected president in 1952 -- until the instant "Republican" -- (and NATO's first Supreme Commander) -- Dwight Eisenhower was thrust onto the scene in order to cheat the popular Senator out of the party's nomination in 1952 -- and, we suspect, his very life in 1953. Read all about it in "I Don't Like Ike."

And that's some Real News -- contextualized and enhanced by some Real History.
Not to toot my own horn, but nobody in Trutherland ties the past and present all together like yours truly! Youse guys simply have to read all of these books or inexpensive pdfs. HERE
Sep 12, 2022


They will scare the SHEEP telling them it's for everyone's safety, Internet security etc.

A DIGITAL ID linked to your Internet access means DEEP STATE CABAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES know exactly what media you are consuming in terms of what you read and post online.

This has been their entire goal for a very long time.

But just like the toxic jabs during their FAKE manufactured pandemic, nobody would voluntarily consent to DIGITAL ID UNLESS they were SCARED into it - some event used to spread FEAR and PANIC. Followed by the Fake News spreading misinformation convincing the SHEEP that anonymity and privacy online are "dangerous". 🤡

So HOW exactly are they going to convince the SHEEP this needs to happen?

When some THEIR "anonymous hackers" do something online that causes a major global cyber disruption, once again creating FEAR and PANIC among the SHEEP.

This is one of the few remaining cards the Demonic Cabal has to play before President Trump gets back into office.

It is not a matter of IF, only a matter of WHEN. Likely sometime in 2024, before the elections.

It is CRITICAL you understand this is coming, so WHEN it happens, you KNOW what it is and what to do.


Are you a SHEEP or a LION?

We all know that if/when this goes down, every lily-livered, braindead fool who took the death jab and cried about feeling unsafe during the virus hoax is going to lick the boots of the Cyber Attack pushers and surrender their freedom once again.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Fears of a NATO Withdrawal Rise as Trump Seeks a Return to Power​

Current and former European diplomats said there was growing concern a second Trump presidency could mean an American retreat from the continent and a gutting of NATO.

Rebuttal By​

Oh the Globalist butt-hurt! Teeth can be heard grinding from Brussels to London to Paris to New York. The Eurotards fear (and rightly so) that the coming dictatorship of Donald the Terrible heralds the end of the NATO warmaking machine. NATO (North American Treaty Organization) -- as any first-year student of Globalist "conspiracy theory" knows -- is one of the indispensable post World War II pillars of the NWO Temple of Doom.

Next to demolishing the UN building in New York or the EU Tower of Babble in Brussels, a dissolution, or even just a fundamental neutering / gutting of NATO, would represent a blow from which our One World tormentors could never recover from. If and when Fuehrer Trump pulls that off, even the Black Pill Society will be singing his praises!

From the article: "Trump has made it clear that he sees NATO as a drain on American resources. He has held that view for at least a quarter of a century.

In his 2000 book, “The America We Deserve,” Mr. Trump wrote that 'pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually.' As president, he repeatedly threatened a United States withdrawal from the alliance.

Yet as he runs to regain the White House, Mr. Trump has said precious little about his intentions. His campaign website contains a single cryptic sentence: 'We have to finish the process we began under my administration of fundamentally re-evaluating NATO’s purpose and NATO’s mission.' He and his team refuse to elaborate." * Yep. NATO is finished.

Trump and Putin: These two men will go down in history as the heroic figures who "colluded" to defeat the Cabal for all time.

The hateful stories and cartoons directed at Trump & Putin were actually based on a historical truth -- for both men were indeed plotting the demise of NATO.

Now would be a good teachable moment to review what NATO is, and always was. Though formally established in 1949, the essential geo-political purpose of the alliance was revealed (to Cabal insiders) about 50 years earlier -- in the "debunked" Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

PROTOCOL VII // Article 3: "We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war."*

This game had remained in effect until recently. With NATO having been expanded into Russia's front yard, the ultimate World War III tripwire was to have been activated by Madame President Killary Clinton. It was only the rise of Trump and the White Hats which thwarted this genocidal scheme. Never forget that!

The mendacious marketing of NATO as a "defensive alliance" is and has always been, a great big lie -- which was why the conservative anti-communist legend, Senator Robert A. Taft (R-OH) voted against NATO membership. In a speech following his "No" vote, Taft declared:

Nicknamed "Mr. Republican," Robert Taft was a solid constitutionalist anti-Globalist. Only 13 of 96 US Senators voted "No" on NATO.

"A joint military program has already been made… It thus becomes an offensive and defensive military alliance against Russia. I believe our foreign policy should be aimed primarily at security and peace, and I believe such an alliance is more likely to produce war than peace. A third world war would be the greatest tragedy the world has ever suffered. Even if we won the war, we this time would probably suffer tremendous destruction, our economic system would be crippled, and we would lose our liberties and free system just as the Second World War destroyed the free systems of Europe. It might easily destroy civilization on this earth."

Tell it Senator. Tell it! --- By the way, Taft was expecting to be elected president in 1952 -- until the instant "Republican" -- (and NATO's first Supreme Commander) -- Dwight Eisenhower was thrust onto the scene in order to cheat the popular Senator out of the party's nomination in 1952 -- and, we suspect, his very life in 1953. Read all about it in "I Don't Like Ike."

And that's some Real News -- contextualized and enhanced by some Real History.
Not to toot my own horn, but nobody in Trutherland ties the past and present all together like yours truly! Youse guys simply have to read all of these books or inexpensive pdfs. HERE
Look what our tax dollars are funding.

NATO is a WOKE Cabal JOKE!


Sep 5, 2010
A speedy trial is in the best interest of the American people says the hack who had his nuts handed to him in the form of a unanimous Supreme Court overturning of a prior conviction .

How was the white trash road trip ?
Are you still living in the past?

Donnie wannabe.

Oink Oink


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
WEF warning about cyber attacks in Davos this year.

The Obamas making a movie about cyber attacks crippling the power grid in the U.S.

China & Iran hack U.S. water systems over the last two weeks.

No predictive programming to see here.

Back to sleep for our TDS TROLLS and TARDS. :sleep::sleep::sleep:


Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 79780


Hussein the Kenyan on deck!


You forgot one VERY important one, namely that Trump finally will be devolutioned and overrule the SCOTUS decision if it

votes against him and send those on the Court who voted against him for a quick trial and execution at GITMO!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Stay tuned in the morning for my opinion that possibly contradicts what I have said up until now about sheriff joe

pretending to put me on ignore, and has actually why he has put me on ignore but not for the reasons you may think!!

Nov 11, 2007
Roadreeler57 the coward returns figuring that perhaps it is safe to go back into the water after she ran away and hid after

I challenged her to this which I am going to repeat every single time she returns her.

For those of you who didn't see my challenge or forgot, I challenged this Trump fellator to this:

I openly stated that I would accept the verdict by any guilty if Trump was not convicted and found innocent!!

I asked her if she would do the same if found guilty.

She not only did not respond to the question but ran for the hills and then returned several days later to post something else

at which point I challenged her again, and once again she fled!!

Now here she is again and I am posing the same challenge to her.

Lets see if this time she has the guts to openly respond!!

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