I'm 16 % disabled, what's it worth ?


Sep 21, 2001
You attorney is going to take 1/3 of whatever you settle for and also charge you all costs associated, such as filings, witnesses, etc.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
you must be worst attorney in world, svithead ! I hope you treat your clients better. Go to HELL ! You worthless piece of **** and **** you !

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Seymour: If you are an attorney, your duty is to represent your client, as best as you can. You are not a judge.

If you are a public defender your job is to get the rapist, or whatever to walk scot-free on some technicality. as an attorney ( as you claim), you have a fudiciary responsibility to your client. At the least you should not judge cases without seeing and reviewing evidence, and documents.

For you to do so shows little skill in your claimed proffession. I doubt you are a counselor. If you truly are an attorney, you are a poor one. Lawyers don't indescriminately call people scum-bags. If you don't take personal injury cases, that is your perogative. However you must review facts in whatever cases you take. Do you just do real estate closings and wills, or something ?

You seem to be a very thoughtless person ! I doubt you are a good attorney, if one at all !

Half of all doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class, I guess the same is true for lawyers.

Sep 21, 2001
I actually buy, sell and rent properties for myself. I do not have any clients other than myself - so in essence I do not practice law. With that said, you have spoken to a PI attorney who has probably given you unrealistic expectations of what you might get. They do this to get you to sign on with them. They are getting 1/3 of any settlement and are going to charge you any costs they incur. So they have nothing to lose from more and more clients like you. Your case WILL be settled and they will receive 1/3 no matter what. When you settle for $6000 he will get his $2000 by doing nothing other than faxing over a settlement offer. He is not going to take your "slip and fall" to trial where you will walk with nothing. You understand this is a slip and fall, aka, the oldest trick in the book. You are a leach to society. What else can I say. You know it. Anyone who reads this **** about you wanting 1/4 million for slipping and falling on icy pavement knows it. At this point you don't really need an attorney. You need a mentor. Someone who could teach you about life. You know, maybe get a job or something of that nature. Do something with your life. Think about it - it beats being the worthless parasite that you currently are. Time to grow up friend and accomplish something with your life. Work for something, quit dreaming up your lottery slip and fall schemes. I'm not trying to bust your balls - you just need to do something with yourself.

Sep 21, 2001
How does Christmas dinner go?

Father in law: So Doug, how is your career going?

Doug: Real good, I am working day and night on my slip and fall.

Father in law: Wow Doug, we always knew you will be a huge success.

Sep 21, 2004
did you get the coinage? how much guy? feeling any better? thanks


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
no offer yet, i'll take 25K likely, injury rating is valid. I'd prefer it didn't occur.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Sorry so slow responding...

A fractured ankle is potentially serious. Is it truly a fracture, or is it a torn tendon/ligament which is still sometimes called a "broken ankle"?

Ankle fractures tend to be bad - even after healing, they tend to be arthritic. In a 41 year old, it wouldn't surprise me if you had a loss of range of motion, and couldn't run. But if you had good therapy, you should regain most of the use.

How much were your medical bills? Which state is this in? Are the a comparative fault or contributory negligence state?

Slip and falls are tough cases to win for plaintiffs. If you go to trial, expect to get $0 half the time - the simple argument is "didn't you expect there to be snow/ice outside?" In a "comparative fault" jurisdiction, slip an falls on ice typically settle for 35-40% of the "full value". If you had a serious fracture, spent 20k on a surgery to set it and rehab, have 16% PPI, could no longer run, and were a reasonably active runner before, the full value of a case like that would be 120-200k with a good lawyer, or half without.

Hope that helps.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
it really depends wether it was a small isolated piece of ice (which is hard to control....)

or wether the condo was generally derelict in the removal of snow & ice. If they were generally prompt with said services doing them efficently & you fell on a small isolated piece of ice, I do not feel they should pay...

if however they were 'generelly' NEGLIGENT in the removal of ice & snow effeciently, backed up by previous complaints of other tenents, then, YOU SHOULD BE PAID....

Some of you above make judgemental comments without knowing all the facts...

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
daringly said:
Sorry so slow responding...

A fractured ankle is potentially serious. Is it truly a fracture, or is it a torn tendon/ligament which is still sometimes called a "broken ankle"?

Ankle fractures tend to be bad - even after healing, they tend to be arthritic. In a 41 year old, it wouldn't surprise me if you had a loss of range of motion, and couldn't run. But if you had good therapy, you should regain most of the use.

How much were your medical bills? Which state is this in? Are the a comparative fault or contributory negligence state?

Slip and falls are tough cases to win for plaintiffs. If you go to trial, expect to get $0 half the time - the simple argument is "didn't you expect there to be snow/ice outside?" In a "comparative fault" jurisdiction, slip an falls on ice typically settle for 35-40% of the "full value". If you had a serious fracture, spent 20k on a surgery to set it and rehab, have 16% PPI, could no longer run, and were a reasonably active runner before, the full value of a case like that would be 120-200k with a good lawyer, or half without.

Hope that helps.
daringly: Thanks for response. It was a true fracture, though not compound ( bone sticking through skin). A plate is still in place. A screw about 2.5 inches long was in there to hold it together ( I have it), later removed.

Operations cost 15-20k, insurance paid. State is CT. Doctor predicts arthritis. I wasn't an active runner, but will never come close to breaking into a run ever again.

SS: Condo was derelict, many previous complaints. Definetly not isolated ice patch, I'd go around it. I have good photos. Condo Assoc is now sanding.

I don't want to go to trial, I'd like to settle this in my lifetime.

So using daringly's numbers ... maybe 50k is a legit offer. If offer is in that ballpark, I guess I'll accept it.

Thanks again, daringly.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I know a guy who is so lazy, they announced him 99% disabled. his name is Bozzi and he is a real retard. You need to see that clown. U ask yourself what the 1% is able, well his right pointing finger works, he can sit in his chair like some 100 year old retard and move only that finger click on his mouse and watching porn. of course he cant get a bonner since that is OUT of FUNTION as well i suppose..... He sits in the chair all day long and has no life. The guy is a joke. Whats it worth?

Hard work never killed anyone, but why chance it?
Jan 21, 2004
Sister in Houston is right hand lady to one of the Texas Tobacco five lawyers. They're raking it in by the boatload off other peoples incompetence, mistakes and misfortune. Doesn't seem quite right, just the way it is.

New member
Dec 16, 2004
hmmm....many people have said I am 99% mentaly disabled think I could get 50k for that?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Doug -

If you settle your claim, you probably have to reimburse your health insurance whatever was paid on bills. Typically, a carrier would pay $10k to satisfy 20k in bills. When looking at your damages, I'm assuming you lost no money out of pocket for missed work.

Derelict or not, photos or not, you have a very difficult case ahead of you, especially in a cold state like CT. CT is "comparative fault", similar to Indiana where I used to practice. Your "best day at trial" (90% result) would be to show damages of $120k, and be found 25% at fault. This would reduce your judgment to about 90k.

The more likely result would be either a defense verdict (everyone in CT knows there's snow and ice outside; you knew it and went through it anyway... You were in a better position to avoid the injury than your negligent landlord, blah blah blah), or a finding of 50% fault, with damages in the 80k range. If you got an offer of 50k without an attorney, I'd jump at it.

I don't want to sound like I'm "harping" on you for your "negligence". I just want you to have a realistic outlook on what could happen at trial. Outdoor Slip and falls are tough to win.

Of course, your best bet is to talk to an attorney licensed in CT for free. See what he thinks. My Indiana license, while convincing to me, cannot be relied on by you.

Jun 25, 2002
broke my left ankle on 1/27/04. Slipped and fell on ice, due to poor snow removal, at my condo. I have good photos to support my case. I'm 41, I'll never take Derek Jeter's job from him. I'll also never run again. I have a state issued lifetime handicap parking permit.

I walk funny, but could work, not that I intend to. I won't be climbing any extension ladders ever again. I can't unload tractor-trailors, and such. I'm more of a physical labor guy in my history, making 40-50 K a year.

Settlement time looms. I guess the wise choice is to refuse the first offer, my attorney gets her third, of course.

I don't expect $4,000,000, nor would I settle for $10,000. I'm thinking about $250,000, but I don't know.

I ask attorneys to respond, in particular daringly. I could work some desk job, but have that already betting sports. I could even work part-time as a bartender , or something, have experience. My doctor has somewhat over-stated my disability, but I can't be physical laborer any longer. I'm not wheel -chair bound, not really close to it, but lessened in my abilities.

Many are far worse off than , I am. I seek a just settlement. Don't break your ankle, it's bad news.

Doug<!-- / message -->
You won't get anywhere near 250k for breaking your ankle. You may get 20k if you're lucky.

Hell people who become paralyzed in accidents dont get 250k.

Part Bionic and Organic
Feb 21, 2003
DougJ said:
I broke my left ankle on 1/27/04. Slipped and fell on ice, due to poor snow removal, at my condo. I have good photos to support my case. I'm 41, I'll never take Derek Jeter's job from him. I'll also never run again. I have a state issued lifetime handicap parking permit.

I walk funny, but could work, not that I intend to. I won't be climbing any extension ladders ever again. I can't unload tractor-trailors, and such. I'm more of a physical labor guy in my history, making 40-50 K a year.

Settlement time looms. I guess the wise choice is to refuse the first offer, my attorney gets her third, of course.

I don't expect $4,000,000, nor would I settle for $10,000. I'm thinking about $250,000, but I don't know.

I ask attorneys to respond, in particular daringly. I could work some desk job, but have that already betting sports. I could even work part-time as a bartender , or something, have experience. My doctor has somewhat over-stated my disability, but I can't be physical laborer any longer. I'm not wheel -chair bound, not really close to it, but lessened in my abilities.

Many are far worse off than , I am. I seek a just settlement. Don't break your ankle, it's bad news.


after 3 car wrecks I recommend no attorney until they give you an offer of settlement.

if it is too low then get an attorney,

sometimes the attorneys portion makes your cut lower than what you would have received without one

Part Bionic and Organic
Feb 21, 2003
attorneys are only there to accept settlements and collect 1/3. some now require 40 percent.

they sit at their desk and wait for insurance co's to call em and they spit back and forth a few faxes and settle your case for you. Isn't that nice of them.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Holysmoke -

Good attorneys do quite a bit more than that. If you're conemplating hiring an attorney, ask him straight up: 'How many jury trials have you had in the last 3 years?" Attorneys that don't go to trial get worse settlements - I know this, because I did both sides (plaintiff, and insurance defense).

Attorneys can cost you a pretty penny though. If you have a solid case (it's clear who is at fault, and you have broken bones), you might try getting an offer from the insurance company first. Then, if you hire an attorney, only pay him for what he gets BEYOND the first offer.

Part Bionic and Organic
Feb 21, 2003
Then, if you hire an attorney, only pay him for what he gets BEYOND the first offer.

Do you think there is an attorney on the face of the earth that would agree to this?

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