Illegal Aliens Sue Rancher Who Stopped Them For $32M - WTF

Sep 21, 2004
16 illegals sue Arizona rancher

Claim violation of rights as they crossed his land

An Arizona man who has waged a 10-year campaign to stop a flood of illegal immigrants from crossing his property is being sued by 16 Mexican nationals who accuse him of conspiring to violate their civil rights when he stopped them at gunpoint on his ranch on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Roger Barnett, 64, began rounding up illegal immigrants in 1998 and turning them over to the U.S. Border Patrol, he said, after they destroyed his property, killed his calves and broke into his home.
His Cross Rail Ranch near Douglas, Ariz., is known by federal and county law enforcement authorities as "the avenue of choice" for immigrants seeking to enter the United States illegally.
Trial continues Monday in the federal lawsuit, which seeks $32 million in actual and punitive damages for civil rights violations, the infliction of emotional distress and other crimes. Also named are Mr. Barnett's wife, Barbara, his brother, Donald, and Larry Dever, sheriff in Cochise County, Ariz., where the Barnetts live. The civil trial is expected to continue until Friday.
The lawsuit is based on a March 7, 2004, incident in a dry wash on the 22,000-acre ranch, when he approached a group of illegal immigrants while carrying a gun and accompanied by a large dog.
Attorneys for the immigrants - five women and 11 men who were trying to cross illegally into the United States - have accused Mr. Barnett of holding the group captive at gunpoint, threatening to turn his dog loose on them and saying he would shoot anyone who tried to escape.
The immigrants are represented at trial by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), which also charged that Sheriff Dever did nothing to prevent Mr. Barnett from holding their clients at "gunpoint, yelling obscenities at them and kicking one of the women."
In the lawsuit, MALDEF said Mr. Barnett approached the group as the immigrants moved through his property, and that he was carrying a pistol and threatening them in English and Spanish. At one point, it said, Mr. Barnett's dog barked at several of the women and he yelled at them in Spanish, "My dog is hungry and he's hungry for buttocks."
The lawsuit said he then called his wife and two Border Patrol agents arrived at the site. It also said Mr. Barnett acknowledged that he had turned over 12,000 illegal immigrants to the Border Patrol since 1998.
In March, U.S. District Judge John Roll rejected a motion by Mr. Barnett to have the charges dropped, ruling there was sufficient evidence to allow the matter to be presented to a jury. Mr. Barnett's attorney, David Hardy, had argued that illegal immigrants did not have the same rights as U.S. citizens.
Mr. Barnett told The Washington Times in a 2002 interview that he began rounding up illegal immigrants after they started to vandalize his property, northeast of Douglas along Arizona Highway 80. He said the immigrants tore up water pumps, killed calves, destroyed fences and gates, stole trucks and broke into his home.
Some of his cattle died from ingesting the plastic bottles left behind by the immigrants, he said, adding that he installed a faucet on an 8,000-gallon water tank so the immigrants would stop damaging the tank to get water.
Mr. Barnett said some of the ranch´s established immigrant trails were littered with trash 10 inches deep, including human waste, used toilet paper, soiled diapers, cigarette packs, clothes, backpacks, empty 1-gallon water bottles, chewing-gum wrappers and aluminum foil - which supposedly is used to pack the drugs the immigrant smugglers give their "clients" to keep them running.
He said he carried a pistol during his searches for the immigrants and had a rifle in his truck "for protection" against immigrant and drug smugglers, who often are armed.

A former Cochise County sheriff´s deputy who later was successful in the towing and propane business, Mr. Barnett spent $30,000 on electronic sensors, which he has hidden along established trails on his ranch. He searches the ranch for illegal immigrants in a pickup truck, dressed in a green shirt and camouflage hat, with his handgun and rifle, high-powered binoculars and a walkie-talkie.
His sprawling ranch became an illegal-immigration highway when the Border Patrol diverted its attention to several border towns in an effort to take control of the established ports of entry. That effort moved the illegal immigrants to the remote areas of the border, including the Cross Rail Ranch.
"This is my land. I´m the victim here," Mr. Barnett said. "When someone´s home and loved ones are in jeopardy and the government seemingly can´t do anything about it, I feel justified in taking matters into my own hands. And I always watch my back."
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Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
Can you find the Spin?

Mr. Barnett said some of the ranch´s established immigrant trails were littered with trash 10 inches deep, including human waste, used toilet paper, soiled diapers, cigarette packs, clothes, backpacks, empty 1-gallon water bottles, chewing-gum wrappers andaluminum foil - which supposedly is used to pack the drugs the immigrant smugglers give their "clients" to keep them running[/B]
He said he carried a pistol during his searches for the immigrants and had a rifle in his truck "for protection" against immigrant and drug smugglers, who often are armed.

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
Doesnt mention any of this in the article..

According to the complaint, Barnett, a resident of Douglas who owns 22,000 acres along the border in southeastern Arizona, approached the group of illegals on an all-terrain vehicle on March 7, 2004. He allegedly began yelling at them in English and broken Spanish while aiming his gun at the group. While Barnett's dog barked at the intruders, the illegal aliens accused him of ordering the dog to attack. One of the women said the rancher kicked her because she refused to get up.
MALDEF claims the family attacked, harassed, threatened and held the illegals against their will because they were motivated by racial and class-based discrimination. The Barnetts allegedly caused the group "severe emotional and mental distress," including fear, anxiety, humiliation, stress, frustration and sadness. Each illegal alien is suing for $1 million in actual damages and $1 million for punitive or exemplary damages.
Sep 21, 2004
Doesnt mention any of this in the article..

According to the complaint, Barnett, a resident of Douglas who owns 22,000 acres along the border in southeastern Arizona, approached the group of illegals on an all-terrain vehicle on March 7, 2004. He allegedly began yelling at them in English and broken Spanish while aiming his gun at the group. While Barnett's dog barked at the intruders, the illegal aliens accused him of ordering the dog to attack. One of the women said the rancher kicked her because she refused to get up.

dang. I guess then they deserve the $32 Million after all huh?


Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
If i were lost out in the woods while hunting and wondered onto someones property and some dude pulled a gun on me tried to "detain" me and kicked my wife etc.. Id sue for a lot more than 32 million bucks..

Its the same thing. You cant take the law into your own hands.
Sep 21, 2004
If i were lost out in the woods while hunting and wondered onto someones property and some dude pulled a gun on me tried to "detain" me and kicked my wife etc.. Id sue for a lot more than 32 million bucks..

Its the same thing. You cant take the law into your own hands.

Ahhh, so these illegals just "happened" across the border, and were lost
on his land huh? They killed his cows, and broke into his house by
accident huh?

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
That why in Texas you shoot first ask question later.

Sep 22, 2004
They were looking for a burrito take-away, got lost and wandered into the United States...

Barnett acknowledged that he had turned over 12,000 illegal immigrants to the Border Patrol since 1998.
This must be why they want to stop him.

Those 12,000 would become 50,000 mexes within two or three generations.

He's a medal of honor long as they don't fill the jury with mexes.
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New member
Nov 8, 2006
Only coming in to offer a hard days work for the pay.

I know all the problems but I have a hard time picturing these people as criminals.

Can also feel for the rancher but 10" of trash? he must be on the illegal superhighway.

Aug 6, 2006
I made the OVER/UNDER 3.5 posts before Roadreeler entered with some sort of petition. OVER ca$he$!

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
Only coming in to offer a hard days work for the pay.

I know all the problems but I have a hard time picturing these people as criminals.

Can also feel for the rancher but 10" of trash? he must be on the illegal superhighway.

Oct 30, 2006
I made the OVER/UNDER 3.5 posts before Roadreeler entered with some sort of petition. OVER ca$he$!
Sorry to disapoint you...Under Cashes....They know where the petitions/faxes are at.....The Man has a right to protect his Land they wont get a dime.

Jun 26, 2007
no worries, the way the economy is going americans will soon be crossing the fence into mexico.
Oct 30, 2006
For you bleeding hearts-How about we dump the trash in your backyard?

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[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Immigrants ravage U.S. infrastructure [/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end head --><!-- deck -->[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Financial analyst: $1.6 trillion required to repair devastation[/SIZE][/FONT]
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<HR SIZE=1>[SIZE=-1]Posted: January 15, 2009
11:50 pm Eastern


[FONT=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]By Chelsea Schilling[/FONT]
<!--- copywrite only show on NON commentary pages as per joseph meeting 8/23/06 ------>[SIZE=-1]<!-- copyright -->© 2009 WorldNetDaily <!-- end copyright -->[/SIZE]
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Edwin S. Rubenstein
The United States will need $1.6 trillion to repair damage to [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]its [COLOR=blue! important]infrastructure[/color][/color][/COLOR] from a massive influx of immigrants, a new report reveals.
In his report titled, "The Twin Crises: Immigration and Infrastructure," prominent researcher Edwin S. Rubenstein examines 15 categories of [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]infrastructure[/color][/COLOR]: airports, border security, bridges, dams and levees, electricity (the power grids), hazardous [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]waste [COLOR=blue! important]removal[/color][/color][/COLOR], hospitals, mass transit, parks and recreation facilities, ports and navigable waterways, public schools, railroads, roads and highways, solid waste and trash, and water and sewer systems.
Rubenstein, a financial analyst and former contributing editor of Forbes and economics editor of National Review, claims the nation is facing a crisis – with immigration responsible for at least 80 percent of spending needed to expand the U.S. infrastructure before the middle of this century.
"If the infrastructure crisis could be fixed by spending money, there would be no crisis," Mr. Rubenstein explained in a statement. "Since 1987, capital spending on transportation infrastructure has increased by 2.1 percent per year above the inflation rate. At $233 billion (2004 dollars), infrastructure is already one of the largest categories of government spending. Our infrastructure is 'crumbling' because population growth has overwhelmed the ability of even these vast sums to expand capacity."
While immigration policy has been hotly debated for a number of years, Rubenstein writes that its impact on infrastructure is rarely discussed.
Public schools
Immigrants make up 21 percent of the school-age population in the U.S.
"In California, a whopping 47 percent of the school-age population consists of immigrants or the children of immigrants," the report states. "Some Los Angeles schools are so crowded that they have lengthened the time between classes to give students time to make their way through crowded halls. Los Angeles' school construction program is so massive that the Army Corps of Engineers was called in to manage it."
According to the U.S. Department of Education, 18 percent of all schools are considered overcrowded, and 37 percent use trailers and portable structures to accommodate growing student bodies. Public facilities are an average of 40 years old. Cities with high populations of illegal aliens are spending large amounts of their budgets on constructing new schools.
"Our anticipated gains in the number of foreign-born students alone will require us to build one elementary school a month to keep up," Miami-Dade, Fla., school Superintendent Roger Cuevas said.
Rubenstein cites a recent construction boom among the nation's hospitals. As many as 60 percent of America's hospitals are either under construction or have plans for new facilities.
"But we have a two-tier hospital system in the U.S. Hospitals in poor areas – that serve primarily uninsured immigrants and [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]Medicaid[/color][/COLOR] patients – cannot afford their facilities," he writes. "The uncompensated costs are killing them. In California, 60 emergency departments (EDs) have closed to avoid the uncompensated costs of their largely illegal alien caseloads."
Illegal aliens use emergency rooms more than twice as often as U.S. citizens, and providing their uncompensated care has been the death of many emergency departments.
In 2006, more than 46 percent of illegals did not have medical insurance. Although illegal aliens are not supposed to be eligible for Medicaid, they receive Emergency Medicaid and their children are entitled to all benefits that legal immigrants receive.
Because hospitals are forced to care for Medicaid recipients, the government program never covers full costs of service. It underpaid hospitals by $11.3 billion in 2006, he wrote.
(Story continues below)

Water and electricity
Rubenstein referenced immigration trends revealing that aliens often choose to live in cities with strained water supplies – especially near the border – and their sheer numbers have made conservation efforts nearly impossible.
"Cities like San Antonio, El Paso, and Phoenix could run out of water in 10 to 20 years," he writes. San Diego's water company has resorted to a once-unthinkable option: recycling toilet water for drinking."
Due to immigration, demand for water exceeds the California State Water Project's capacity. Now Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed building a $6 billion reservoir. Approximately one-fifth of the state's electricity is tied up in collection, storage and transportation of the water.
Electric utilities are expected to require an additional $142 billion to keep generator capacity at recommended levels before 2050 due to the increasing population.
National parks
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Trash left behind by illegal aliens
America's national parks are also bearing the brunt of immigration. Illegals wear roads and paths through parks.
"Their fires, trash, and vandalism have despoiled thousands of acres of pristine parkland," he writes.
According to Rubenstein, illegals leave beer, water and milk bottles, personal hygiene items and medications, clothing and shoes, food and food cans, [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]jewelry[/color][/COLOR], paper trash, sanitary pads, disposable diapers, backpacks, blankets, towels, plastic bags, homemade weapons, disintegrating toilet paper and human feces on U.S. property while they journey into the country.
They damage vegetation, leave abandoned vehicles and bicycles, spray paint trees and boulders and create campfires that turn into wildfires.
Border security costs
Costs for securing the nation's borders are expected to increase 20.6 percent in fiscal year 2009. These include expenses for border patrol, electronic surveillance, the border [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]fence[/color][/COLOR] and other security needs. President Bush allocated $44.3 billion for the Department of Homeland Security – a 4.5 percent increase from last year's budget of $42.4 billion.
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"While the U.S. builds a fence across much of the border, many illegals are taking a different route. Underground," Rubenstein reveals. "Authorities have discovered dozens of illegal tunnels across the international border in recent years. Smuggling of drugs, weapons, and immigrants takes place daily through these underground passageways."
Illegal aliens also use drainage systems to travel across the U.S.-Mexico border – from El Paso to San Diego.
"One tunnel, actually a system of two half-mile passages connecting Tijuana with San Diego, is by comparison a superhighway," he wrote.
While the Border Patrol attempts to stop these underground incursions with steel doors, cameras and sensors, harsh weather conditions and human smugglers destroy the equipment and barriers.
These costs, and the expenses of providing "enhanced driver's licenses" as alternative passports for citizens, RFID chips, government databases and watch lists are expected to soar.
Fiscal burden
In his research, Rubenstein finds that the average immigrant household generates a fiscal debt of $3,408 after federal benefits and taxes are considered. At the state and local level, the fiscal debt amounts to $4.398 per immigrant household.
"There are currently about 36 million immigrants living in about 9 million households, so the aggregate deficit attributable to immigrants comes to $70.3 billion," he writes. "… Immigrants could deplete the amount of funds available for infrastructure by as much as $70 billion per year."
Rubenstein cites figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, projecting that the U.S. population will reach 433 million by 2050 – increasing 44 percent, or 135 million, from today's numbers.
A full 82 percent of this increase will be directly attributable to new immigrants and their U.S.-born children.
"The brutal reality is that no conceivable infrastructure program can keep pace with that kind of population growth," he wrote. "The traditional 'supply-side' response to America's infrastructure shortage – build, build, build – is dead, dead, dead. Demand reduction is the only viable way to close the gap between the supply and demand of public infrastructure."
He concludes, "Immigration reduction must play a role."
Edwin Rubenstein's complete report, "The Twin Crises: Immigration and Infrastructure," released Jan. 13, is available here.
Oct 30, 2006
Archive for Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Texas man cleared in fatal shootings of suspected burglars

A grand jury decides not to indict Joe Horn, 62, after he killed two illegal immigrants who were leaving his neighbor’s house.
By Miguel Bustillo
July 01, 2008
A grand jury here today cleared a Pasadena, Texas, man in the shooting deaths of two suspected burglars as they left his neighbor’s house – a case that stirred a national debate over whether the man was a vigilante or a hero.
Joe Horn, 62, shot the men on Nov. 14 after calling authorities and declaring his intention to kill them with his 12-gauge shotgun.
The 911 audiotape captured multiple warnings by the dispatcher, asking Horn to stay inside and telling him that “property’s not worth killing someone over.” However, Horn grew agitated because the men looked like they were going to get away before police arrived. As the tape rolled, Horn went outside, shouted “Move, you’re dead!” and fired his weapon.
The incident outraged some Houston activists, who staged protests in the neighborhood and argued that if Horn – who was not arrested – was not white and his victims were not dark-skinned, he would have been taken to jail immediately. The controversy grew when authorities disclosed that the two victims, Diego Ortiz, 30, and Hernando Riascos Torres, 38, were illegal immigrants.
Harris County Dist. Atty. Kenneth Magidson said today that he understood “the concerns of some of those in the community regarding Mr. Horn’s conduct,” but added that the grand jury had thoroughly reviewed the evidence and testimony before deciding not to recommend any charges.
Many defense attorneys had predicted that a grand jury indictment would be unlikely in Texas, where many citizens strongly believe in a right to fire weapons in defense of home and property.
“This office will continue to aggressively prosecute anyone who illegally engages in the use of force, deadly or otherwise, against another,” Magidson said in a statement. “In this case, however, the grand jury concluded that Mr. Horn’s use of deadly force did not rise to a criminal offense.”

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Roadie if you dont know the difference just google burglary of a residence and then do trespassing.

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