Don't play Powerball (when it's "worth it"
the lines are too long over the border in California, so I'll change it to...
If I won Megabucks, I would use the first year's installment to take care of my family and get all that estate planning taken care of. It would take that long because I would keep working.
Then, I would go nuts and be a doubt. Would I try to keep it quiet? Yes, for a while, but too many people know me and the word would get out.
I think the key for any of us with a gambling bent would be NOT to take the lump-sum payout so that even if we blow the yearly stipend, there's a fresh cash-flow coming the next year so it would take you 20-25 years to tap out. And, for that piece of advice, I expect a $100,000 consulting fee from any RXer who does win Powerball/Megabuck/et al.