Curious. How exactly is he a hypocrite? Also, is he a piece of shit because he protested something he felt was wrong that directly affected people of his ethnicity, or is he a piece of shit because he's a rich black guy who should just be happy being rich & keep his mouth shut? Or, is he a POS because he kneeled for an anthem that I've seen large amounts of people ignore at games, while they stare at their phone, and that our revered president didn't even know the words to? Talk about hypocrites. Now go ahead and tell me all about how either A) you didn't support Trump & this has nothing to do with him, or B) how you do support Trump, but you're not racist. Feel free to bash me all you want because I won't be responding back to this thread. FYI, I served in the military & unlike a majority of the uneducated American public, I know what I was defending & why, when I joined. I also know what our Constitution stands for & can explain the merits of more amendments than just the second one. I'll give you this...he's not a very good QB.