$50,000 on the pats and $50,000 on the falcons.
Reason, I would walk away with $95,450
Right Now I'd do the Below if I had to use it right this moment.
I'd wait for Other Guys Wiser than I to Chime Into this thread then Pounce Upon the best Arb produced 'n SCALP THAT FUCKER with 90K investment
Then plunk $1300 on
861 National Anthem over 130.00 seconds
2 Minutes and 10 Seconds, figuring he's gonna work it, work it out DRAW it out, try to sap some Emotion out the performance. Guy has gone LOW on time in past deliveries of the anthem, Dangerous Bet.
863 National Anthem over 134.50 seconds 2 Minutes 14.5 Seconds is
859 National Anthem over 125.50 seconds 2 minutes 5 Seconds the fucking "lock"
$4700 on
(5Dimes Lines) 207 D.Freeman receiving yards over 33.5 -115 (thanks to patsfan1283)
$3300 on
871 A player celebrates TD with "Dirty Bird" +140
and $700 on
869 Any player kneels during National Anthem
just for the fuck of it and just cuz 5Dimes doesn't have "Roger Goodell Shoots a player dead on the field" which would totally happen if 869 Cashes but I'd get a lot better Line, Payout on The Roger Shoots a Guy Prop.
Before doing all this tho I'd PM RenoChazz and see what line he is seeing on "lady Gaga calls trump a Racist" which Greenbacks reported was
-800 line to see if "lady Gaga calls Trump a Pig" is available. Or...other lady Gaga props calling Trump a bad name are available in NV
$20,000 on lady Gaga dissing Trump if theres a +EV Line available in NV
The other 80K dispersed among previously mentioned.
I know you think she sucks and is totally annoying and I agree
but even an annoying sucky Blind Squirrel
stumbles upon a nut sometimes
that cuz I'm just too lazy to look for the slooooooowed down Chopped 'n Screwed Version, Billion Times better.
I think YouTube banned the producer tho
so its gone