If you can find out exactly what day you are going to die....


New member
Feb 20, 2001
would you wanna know??

Now I know a lot of people who have said YES to this, and I really don't know why. All I know is if I said I want to know and they told me on Sept 14, 2005, I would NEVER be able to enjoy my life again. With my luck, I would find out I'm going to die next year. I would be always thinking of that moment and would be a wreck. It would always be on the back of my mind, especially when that day is approaching. And what happens when Sept 14, 2005 arrives, can you imagine how I'd be freaking out that day just waiting to get hit by a car or struck by lightning. There's nothing worse than knowing you're going to die. I dont want to know when I'm going to die.

But then again, if you know when you'll die, you can at least go spend all your money you have left and party like mad with 4 playboy playmates. I mean who cares how much it's going to cost you, right..Better than letting the money just sit there and rot after you die. And you can also say your final goodbyes to everyone.

Would you want to know when you'll die?? Not me thank you..

New member
Sep 21, 2004
There are several people that don't want ME to know the day I"m going to die.... because they'd be gone the day before.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Your life expectancy is different under the two scenarios (ie knowing vs. not knowing) because the added anxiety will lead to physiological changes which affect health. I know I figure to live longer not knowing (all else being equal) therefore I prefer not to know.

Besides, it's impossible to know because I would not become all of a sudden immune to accidents and the like if I knew. I mean I could decide to tempt fate and take huge risks, knowing that they are really not huge risks. That would lead to all sorts of contradictions in science.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darryl Parsons:
Your life expectancy is different under the two scenarios (ie knowing vs. not knowing) because the added anxiety will lead to physiological changes which affect health. I know I figure to live longer not knowing (all else being equal) therefore I prefer not to know.

Besides, it's impossible to know because I would not become all of a sudden immune to accidents and the like if I knew. I mean I could decide to tempt fate and take huge risks, knowing that they are really not huge risks. That would lead to all sorts of contradictions in science.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Huge risks? Such as jumping off a bridge?

I'm sure science wouldn't be contradicited.

For example, you know you're gonna die on Oct 17, 2022. So you decide to be a smartass and say "Hey, I can jump off a bridge right now, and I won't die!"

So you jump off the bridge...and you break 17 bones and enter a coma for three weeks. But you don't die! Lucky you!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Funk Monkey:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darryl Parsons:
Your life expectancy is different under the two scenarios (ie knowing vs. not knowing) because the added anxiety will lead to physiological changes which affect health. I know I figure to live longer not knowing (all else being equal) therefore I prefer not to know.

Besides, it's impossible to know because I would not become all of a sudden immune to accidents and the like if I knew. I mean I could decide to tempt fate and take huge risks, knowing that they are really not huge risks. That would lead to all sorts of contradictions in science.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Huge risks? Such as jumping off a bridge?

I'm sure science wouldn't be contradicted.

For example, you know you're gonna die on Oct 17, 2022. So you decide to be a smartass and say "Hey, I can jump off a bridge right now, and I won't die!"

So you jump off the bridge...and you break 17 bones and enter a coma for three weeks. But you don't die! Lucky you!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I for one would rather not know....I have often wondered this very question Sick. I think if everyone knew how long they were going to live they would become much more productive....Its very difficult to live each day if its the last day though...I mean you have to take into consideration, you have to work, rest, do the essentials....

How does one live each day to the fullest?

New member
Sep 20, 2004

There is a branch of science which deals with the amounts of force humans can endure and still survive. Those would most certainly be contradicted. Heck, I could be used for all sorts of experiments previously done only on rats or insects. I could sacrifice myself for humanity and become a living legend. Come to think of it, maybe it's not a bad deal...my pension calculation would be a heck of a lot easier too

New member
Feb 20, 2001

Not having to work the last few years
Could go on a spending spree (why die with all that money in your bank acct)
Could go on Vacations galore
You can have sex with the best looking girls for a price.
(who cares, you're gonna be dead soon anyways, it's not like you'll be needing the money anytime soon, right)

Could say goodbye to everyone
Could stiff any bookie you've always hated (what are they going to do about it huh)

Could take a shot with bookies and run up a debt

You can make all the loans you want from people and banks. (remember, you are never going to have to pay it back

and many many more..


You will live in fear
You will dread that day forever
When that day does arrive, will you even feel like eating, or leaving the house??..
You will go through severe depression, especially when you near the end.
You will know when you will die.
Forget about ever enjoying your final 8-10 yrs because you will always have it on the back of your mind.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darryl Parsons:

There is a branch of science which deals with the amounts of force humans can endure and still survive. Those would most certainly be contradicted. Heck, I could be used for all sorts of experiments previously done only on rats or insects. I could sacrifice myself for humanity and become a living legend. Come to think of it, maybe it's not a bad deal...my pension calculation would be a heck of a lot easier too

Highest Fall Survived Without A Parachute

Vesna Vulovic, a flight attendant from Yugoslavia, survived a fall from 10,160 m (33,330 ft) when the DC-9 airplane she was traveling in blew up over Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), on January 26, 1972. A terrorist bomb was thought to be the cause, and no other passengers survived. Vesna broke both legs and was temporarily paralyzed from the waist down.

Vesna remembers nothing, but later learned that a former nurse, Bruno Henke, saw Vesna's legs sticking out of the fuselage. Bruno cleared Vesna's airways before rushing her to hospital. Three days later she awoke from a coma in a hospital in Ceska, Karmenice.

She says, "I was so lucky to have survived! I hit the earth – not the trees, not the snow, but the frozen ground." Strangely, the first words she uttered, "Can I have a cigarette," were in English!

Luckily, she suffered no psychological trauma, and no fear of flying. Prevented from returning to her job, she forged a new career in administration. "I was able to fly over the world for free," she says. Her experience has helped her form a philosophical attitude towards life. "I believe we are masters of our lives - we hold all the cards and it is up to us to use them right."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Largest Object Removed From Human Skull

The largest object removed from a human skull is a 20.32-cm (8-inch) survival knife, which was plunged into the head of 41-year-old Michael Hill on April 25, 1998. Michael survived the ordeal and the next day astonished doctors by functioning normally, although it was soon clear the knife had caused permanent damage to his memory and paralyzed his left hand. Looking back on the nightmare, the father-of-one says, "I didn't feel the pain initially and it was only when I was at the hospital that it hit me and I felt like my eyes were bulging out. I know people in worse shape than me now and so I consider myself lucky."

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Learning something about your life expectancy can certainly change your plans. I retired early at 57, two years after being diagnosed with a chronic (slow growing) bone marrow cancer.

I'm just about passing the 6 year anniversary which is my 50% survival rate and after 2 successful chemos figure my life expectancy is about 5 years. So from the point of view of life expectancy I'm about 14 years older than my chronological age.

You might think this is a real downer but after the initial grief I find my life richer and more fulfilling than it was before. I'm fortunate in being able to travel extensively which we do for 3-4 months each year.

I also had the time to discover online casino gambling which made me several 10's of thousands. I now dabble in sports in the hope of making a better rate of return than banking.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Interesting story Woody. It reminds me of a quote by Martin Sheen from the movie "Wall Street". He said, "Money is something you need in case you don't die tomorrow". Truer words were never spoken

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Sick Gambler: I see where you get your name !

An estimate can be made via acturial tables, consult Fezzik.

Knowing the date could be determined by yourself, as in I'm going to kill myself on 1/13/13, or similar. Otherwise it's like the Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, etc.

I'd say I wouldn't want that knowledge, presumably no actions on my part could alter this timeline, that would be too much to handle, unless the date made me like 95 years old, when I die, but even then I could live the last 40-50 years in a Hell of some sort.

No man really knows this, without choosing it !


Active member
Oct 20, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Woody0:
Learning something about your life expectancy can certainly change your plans. I retired early at 57, two years after being diagnosed with a chronic (slow growing) bone marrow cancer.

I'm just about passing the 6 year anniversary which is my 50% survival rate and after 2 successful chemos figure my life expectancy is about 5 years. So from the point of view of life expectancy I'm about 14 years older than my chronological age.

You might think this is a real downer but after the initial grief I find my life richer and more fulfilling than it was before. I'm fortunate in being able to travel extensively which we do for 3-4 months each year.

I also had the time to discover online casino gambling which made me several 10's of thousands. I now dabble in sports in the hope of making a better rate of return than banking.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First off, great topic Sick.

Woody, great story on your behalf.....hope you continue to do well my man!

Hard work never killed anyone, but why chance it?
Jan 21, 2004
>>If you can find out exactly what day you are going to die.<<

First off I'd sleep in. Don't think I would have much of an appetite, unlike this Texas DR inmate.

(final meal request.)

Two 16 oz. ribeyes, one lb. turkey breast (sliced thin), twelve strips of bacon, two large hamburgers with mayo, onion, and lettuce, two large baked potatoes with butter, sour cream, cheese, and chives, four slices of cheese or one-half pound of grated cheddar cheese, chef salad with blue cheese dressing, two ears of corn on the cob, one pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and four vanilla Cokes or Mr. Pibb.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
was request granted ? I'd add some seafood, maybe lobster, King crab legs, scallops, some booze instead of coke,Prime rib for one of the rib-eyes, maybe a nice soup (clam chowder ?), jumbo shrimp cocktail, bread, I approve of the bleu cheese dressing ! "live" it up.


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