If you are playing 5 units or higher on a game


New member
Dec 21, 1999
Kelly doesn't work because it is next to impossible to pick winners consistantly enough one way to make money over the long term.

People like to think Kelly is ain to a persons odds in poker. If they have the bigger edge, over the long haul they will make mre than they lose. The problem is sportsbetting isn't poker, and their are no fixed odds as to who has a better edge in a certain situation.

As far as identifying when a player has x amount of edge in one bet over the amount of any other. Even IF a person can determine that edge, (and I do not think they can long term) there is no way that that edge is more than 1-2%. So how does that correlate to betting 1 unit here or 2 units there or 5 units on this game?

1-2% is basically a WINNING players inate OVERALL abnility to overcome whatever vig they are paying when they win.

I am not sure ANYONE can win long term at -110 and playing all one way. But at -107 or lower it MIGHT be able to be done. I bet maybe 1000-1200 opinionated one way games a year. I do have a "winning" record in terms of money. But in terms of winning percentages it is below 50% because many of my plays are in bases. But when I look at NFL, NCAA hoops and foots I have maybe 400-500 plays there, and a vast majority are in NCAA hoops. Their my record is slightly more than 50% (counting ML dogs as well) On sheer pointspred plays my record is slightly better than 53%, which is just BARELY making money. Surely not enough to make a living on unless I am betting major amounts of cash. But it is profitable. But at -110 I would be losing money. Also if I was straddling my bets I am sure I would be losing money. Because chances are I would make the same "bad" bets just as often on my stronger plays as I do on my normal plays. But since I only bet games I really like or sides where I think I have a nice ML shot on I guess I only play my "best" plays anyways. So maybe I am just not that good. But I do know that I did it for almost nine years as my sole source of income, meaning sports betting is what paid the bills. So I must have done something right.

And even though I can't accurately predict who might be favored in a series, I can certainly identify when the books have done something incorrect. Doesn't mean I will bet it for more or less than normal. Unless of course I can get both ways for a profit, and THAT is the true secret of gambling. It isn't about units or winning percentages, it is about NOT LOSING. If I win a dollar a day for the next 10 years, and NEVER lose a bet, I will make more money gambling than probably 98% of anyone that tries it, and that will probably be about a billion people or more in a ten year span.

When you think of how many people HAVE gambled, and how many people actually win, it is mind boggling. How many people do you think have gambled on sports in the past, be it the Superbowl the Soccer World thingy, or whatever. 2 billion, 3 billion? That is a big number, and probably close I would imagine when you think that just about everyone bets on the SB these days, multiply that out and you get close to that. That doesn't even count the Euros,Asians, and South Americans with the World Cup. Afterall Soccer is by far tje biggest sport worldwide.

But this has gotten off on a tangeant But units were invented for those people buys guys SELLING something. They wanted to charge more, so to charge more they needed a "better product". Pro, scamdicapper, part timer. ANY opinion, stronger or lesser, has the same probability of failure. Your opinion is just that OPINION. So it stands to reason all opinions will be proportional. Your opinion might be better than someone elses, but it is not going to be 3-5 times better ever. Because everyone has about a 50% chance of having the right opinion. EWven the very best, can only garner a 4-5% edge in PICKING winners over that. What makes the difference is paying less vig, and all the opther little things that cuts corners and saves money, and I am not talking about fancy money management methodology.

New member
Jun 20, 2004
fezzik..you say you can determine the edge...why even bet the lowest edge? why not just wait for all of the "54%" edges

Id really like to hear how you determine percentage of edge when it comes to pro sports

New member
Dec 29, 2004
wantitall4moi said:
Kelly doesn't work because it is next to impossible to pick winners consistantly enough one way to make money over the long term.

People like to think Kelly is ain to a persons odds in poker. If they have the bigger edge, over the long haul they will make mre than they lose. The problem is sportsbetting isn't poker, and their are no fixed odds as to who has a better edge in a certain situation.

As far as identifying when a player has x amount of edge in one bet over the amount of any other. Even IF a person can determine that edge, (and I do not think they can long term) there is no way that that edge is more than 1-2%. So how does that correlate to betting 1 unit here or 2 units there or 5 units on this game?

1-2% is basically a WINNING players inate OVERALL abnility to overcome whatever vig they are paying when they win.

I am not sure ANYONE can win long term at -110 and playing all one way. But at -107 or lower it MIGHT be able to be done. I bet maybe 1000-1200 opinionated one way games a year. I do have a "winning" record in terms of money. But in terms of winning percentages it is below 50% because many of my plays are in bases. But when I look at NFL, NCAA hoops and foots I have maybe 400-500 plays there, and a vast majority are in NCAA hoops. Their my record is slightly more than 50% (counting ML dogs as well) On sheer pointspred plays my record is slightly better than 53%, which is just BARELY making money. Surely not enough to make a living on unless I am betting major amounts of cash. But it is profitable. But at -110 I would be losing money. Also if I was straddling my bets I am sure I would be losing money. Because chances are I would make the same "bad" bets just as often on my stronger plays as I do on my normal plays. But since I only bet games I really like or sides where I think I have a nice ML shot on I guess I only play my "best" plays anyways. So maybe I am just not that good. But I do know that I did it for almost nine years as my sole source of income, meaning sports betting is what paid the bills. So I must have done something right.

And even though I can't accurately predict who might be favored in a series, I can certainly identify when the books have done something incorrect. Doesn't mean I will bet it for more or less than normal. Unless of course I can get both ways for a profit, and THAT is the true secret of gambling. It isn't about units or winning percentages, it is about NOT LOSING. If I win a dollar a day for the next 10 years, and NEVER lose a bet, I will make more money gambling than probably 98% of anyone that tries it, and that will probably be about a billion people or more in a ten year span.

When you think of how many people HAVE gambled, and how many people actually win, it is mind boggling. How many people do you think have gambled on sports in the past, be it the Superbowl the Soccer World thingy, or whatever. 2 billion, 3 billion? That is a big number, and probably close I would imagine when you think that just about everyone bets on the SB these days, multiply that out and you get close to that. That doesn't even count the Euros,Asians, and South Americans with the World Cup. Afterall Soccer is by far tje biggest sport worldwide.

But this has gotten off on a tangeant But units were invented for those people buys guys SELLING something. They wanted to charge more, so to charge more they needed a "better product". Pro, scamdicapper, part timer. ANY opinion, stronger or lesser, has the same probability of failure. Your opinion is just that OPINION. So it stands to reason all opinions will be proportional. Your opinion might be better than someone elses, but it is not going to be 3-5 times better ever. Because everyone has about a 50% chance of having the right opinion. EWven the very best, can only garner a 4-5% edge in PICKING winners over that. What makes the difference is paying less vig, and all the opther little things that cuts corners and saves money, and I am not talking about fancy money management methodology.

I am not going to ARGUE with you on this subject, but I can promise you I know more than a handful that when in the industry, and been doing it for YEARS. all the smart people I know do make Regular LG bets LG plus and LG minus and samething goes for their MEDIUM and SMALL bets...

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Noreaga, there are and always will be posters who have 50 or 100 unit chase plays.

Jun 25, 2002
Tomorrow's Newspaper said:
and how is anybody supposed to fade you when you post in 1 minute before game time. Very useless information.

Thank for what you usually bring to the forum.....NOTHING

Ding, Ding.

We have a winner. :aktion033

New member
Dec 21, 1999

I USED to have a regular bet size which I bet on every game. It was proportional to my existing bankroll. Meaning that after each bet I made that amount was reduce and the amount was recalculated. So if I bet 20 games, I would basically have 20 different bet sizes. I tried adjusting t slightly to figure out if I kept the same amount whether that would work or not, and just how to figure out if I should rate my plays, meaning bet the "stronger" one first (thus being a slightly higher amount) but to tell the truth it was a big head ache trying to do it. Generally speaking that only happened in NCAA hoops when I cuold find that many games I did like.

The I USED to try and have my ML dog play at half that normal size propertion. Meaning they would end up being half what they would have been at that particular stage. But that was a waste, and even more of a headache. but generally that was done in the NFL where my bets were a lot less numerous, so the number of bets didn't aversly effect my overall balance.

So I am not a great case study. I was maticulous at keeping a set bet ratio to balance, but I would often have 17-20% of my bankroll in action at one time (even with the reductions) so a very bad day could hurt somewhat. But what I have come to find out is that worrying about secondary stuff eventually gets in the way of simply betting.

The amount you bet is secondary on the amount you win. All one should worry about is winners, and getting enough action in so that an ROA (return on action) of 5-7% will make them a decent amount of money. Meaning that if they push a million dollars worth of bets throught the window they will have a profit of 50-70 K. That is all it is about to me. Unit size means nothing. All I want is if I bet a couple million in action (which isn't all that hard if you bet daily) I show a profit of 100-150K for the year.

VOLUME is the name of the game. Not volume in terms of bet amounts, but volume in terms of bets. I would rather make 5000 bets and hit 53% that is easy to figure out what I will make at whatever vig I pay on weinners. If I am constantly fluctuatin bet amounts, I do not know what I need to hit to make money. Shiiit I could be down a few grand and bet a game to get myself even. But structure is key. Varying bet sizes is anything but structure.
Sep 21, 2004
Number of units is ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS. Everyone has their own scale of measurement.

It doesn't mean a damn thing if somebody's 10 units are equal to someone else's 5 units if they are both 2% of bankroll.
Jul 21, 2003
Fezzik said:
The sharpest Pros bet proportional to their edge. The sharpest pros can accurately estimate their edge as well.

54.4% play at -110? Kelly says bet around 4% of broll. 1/2 Kelly says bet 2%. A 56% play at novig is a 12% of broll full Kelly bet. A 50.5% novig bet is a 1/2 % of broll full Kelly bet.

People say "Kelly does not work". Wrong. Kelly works great. It's the average gamblers inability to assess their edge that doesn't work.

Bettting a flat unit is optimal for 98% of gamblers, because 98% of gamblers s***K. However, truly gifted pro bettors would laugh at restricing plays to 1-2 units.

This is one of the best posts I have read on this forum. I could go into detail but the basic math might be too much for Noreaga. If I cap a game at -150 and the line I play is at -110 I should win this game more often then a game I cap at -130. Why shouldn't I bet more I a game I am more likely to win? A good capper does not have a win percentage on all games. They have value on each bet. As the value increases so does the size of the bet. Simple as that. If I am a capper that bets certain teams because he "likes them to win today" they should probably keep an across the board wager size. Usually those gamblers will bet more on the "sure things" which are usually a sure thing for the book.


I agree with you to the point that some cappers are just thowing out big unit plays to impress. They usually also chase by adding units. I just don't thing you can make a general statement like the one you did in your first post like you are the expert and everyone else is wrong. We may not agree but I can respect your right to have your opinion.

Congrats on your Seattle win last night.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I don't even know where to start......

Suffice it to say it is somewhat difficult to try to explain calculus to a classroom that has students that do not know algebra.

The fact Wantitall4more thought Phx was going to be chalk vs. the Spurs in a series is a GREAT example of why Kelly works. I knew the "right" line was around Spurs -150 or so, and I let WantIT know what a horrible line he "set".

Obviously, with a line like Spurs -100 I don't bet a moronic bet of 1, 2 or 3 units. I back up the truck, betting as much as possible vs. the horrificly bad line.

True pros can and do get opportunities like this every week/month/year, and mercilessly pound them as much as they can.

Again, just because wantitall cannot estimate a win percentage does not mean the Hizzles, Billy Walters, Midnight Cowboys, Fezzik, Malinksys cannot do it!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Fishhead said:
Your 1 unit, 1.5 unit, and 2 unit guidelines are perfect imo.

I could'nt agree more.


No disrespect, but as Fezzik has also pointed out, your statement translates into............

"I have absolutely no opinion whatsoever."

Any winner who limits themselves to a 1 to 2 unit wagering guideline is a severe underachiever 100% of the time.

Just like a 1-2 unit spread will limit the loses of a loser, it also limits the winnings of a winner.

New member
Dec 21, 1999
Fezzik you truly are believing your own hype I guess..

You are using me thinking that Pho should be a fave when they are going to be a fave in 4 of 7 games as an example as to why Kelley works?(and that was not really what I said anyways) but...

WTF is that?

I think because you have some kind of reputation on these forums you can say shiiit and people will follow it at will with no question. That is probably why you are selling picks now. People start believing the hype that they are getting and they make assinine statements like that.

I may have "incorrectly" predicted the series favorite, which as it turns out is totally irrelevant. Since I "correctly" predicted that betting SA at those odds was foolish, because of the SIMPLE fact that SA was going to be a dog in the away games. (and the fact they went to -150 at a few places)

I did get "lucky" I guess when SA won game one. Buy I have already cashed a +140 ticket on them, and still have a sizeable bet on Pho at +145 live in the series. So while I have money in the bank and a live ticket, those betting SA still need 3 more games, which may or may not happen. They certainly did look good yesterday, but still money in limbo. I have money to work with and alive ticket. Where does that factor into Kelley and which one is more advetageous to guys with small bankrolls?

But if you want to continually harp on Kelley and it requirement that bettors need to pick winners. I haven't seen many impressive results for you since about 2002. When you had a run in the NFL. Other than that your records are mediocre. From what I saw your "chosen" sports in the years you did it there free garnered 25.5 units on a total of 1355.7 units wagered, that is an ROA of about 1%. Not sure if those bets were made using a Kelley format or not, but if so, then that return on that amount wagered says it all to me, and no further debate is necessary.

Of course I understand this was done on a website, but from what I understand guys were paying for those picks, so the best efforts should have been made on them. Obviously other bets and positions would be taken from a personal view, and I understand that. But those positions would need to improve dramatically to get to even a pedestrian level. Recognizing advanatges is one thing, actually having those advantages work for you is another. And to me 1% isn't working. Granted you show a winning record. But with the amount bet, and the amount won, a guy would be bteer of putting the money in the bank 1% over 3 years is not a great return.

Just because you are on the radio and touting games doesn't mean a whole helluva a lot either. Those guys are all over the airwaves, a few bucks here and there and anyone has their own show. Shiiit Joe Wiz is on 2-3 shows AND has HIS OWN show. I suppose that makes him an expert.

You USED to have decent stuff to say, now a lot of it is just silly or basic rhetoric. Or out and out nonsense (like your comment above), it is the ammo of someone with little weaponry to keep going back to something that was said awhie ago, that is cited as a "mistake" but in the end it was taken advantage of. If I predict a series line incorrectly and can bet a game line at +140 everytime I can live with being "wrong", trust me.

Not to mention that in that post I left the possibility of SA being a slight favorite in the series. But I also stand by my statement that anyone betting them at -160 was fooish, especially since they went to -150 in a lot of places, and that is beside the point. The point is they won a single game at +140 and in my book that is a lot better pay off than -160 when they have to win 4.

I don't want this to be some personal pissing contest, but I also don't want you making claims and not having any other reasoning behind them other than "I am Fezzik hear me now". Afterall you aren't Pinnacle :monsters-

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Inside The Pylons said:

No disrespect, but as Fezzik has also pointed out, your statement translates into............

"I have absolutely no opinion whatsoever."

Any winner who limits themselves to a 1 to 2 unit wagering guideline is a severe underachiever 100% of the time.

Just like a 1-2 unit spread will limit the loses of a loser, it also limits the winnings of a winner.

No problem

My statement was geared for the NON-SOPHISTICATED bettor who is relatively new to the world of sportsbetting.

They would be much better served if they just stick to 1, 1.5, and 2.0 units during the course of say one NFL season.

Sorry for the confusion.


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