and had been traveling abroad would he come home to handle this crisis?:missingte:missingte
He tells congress, call me if you need me, basically!! :missingte:missingte
You can't make this shit up!!!!!:missingte:missingte
If obama was president today ?
We'd be all speaking Chinese tommorow.
Are you infering that McCain would fix the mexican problem or that it would get worse under Obama?
Over $300,000,000,000 a year on the people of Mexico. End that and the Iraq war and we would be close to a balanced budget.Both of them are idiots. McCain won't solve the problem and Obama is already advising us to learn Spanish.
Wanna save some money?
1. Eliminate all money given to illegals for housing, medical, schooling, etc. Immediately deport all illegals and enforce the immigration laws.
2. Deport all illegals currently in our prison system. are you getting that figure?