Nah, disagree.
Dimocraps have zero, nada, Stugotz. Why do you think they've resorted to trotting out porn stars to talk about old affairs (when nobody gives a fuck)? Why do you think they are holding AstroTurf-laden March for our lives rallies that were not held between 2008 and 2016? Because they’re trying to link all of societies ills to Trump. It’s not like they can run on their actual ideas...American voters reject them every time. Gun control is historically a loser for them, and they seem to have gone all-in on it for these midterms. Good for them.
From what I’m reading about this last rally, had very little to do with school safety and was instead effectively a March for dimocrap votes parade. Every flavor of idiocy was present...the women’s marching idiots, socialist and communist advocacy groups, Antifa, etc. You witnessed a get out the vote rally for dims.
Anyway, Trump defied all the rules and norms when he won, so looking at this through the historic political lens may not give you an accurate picture. Remember what he HAS accomplished:
-Record low unemployment
-Record high stock market
-Tax cuts
-Wiping out ISIS
-Stepping on the neck of the ACA
-Conservative judicial appointees
There is probably more, that’s just off the top of my head. Trump is a lot, LOT smarter than these fucking clowns trying to bring him down. I think he has an ace up his sleeve and will play it when the time is right. Otherwise, this is very uncharacteristic behavior for him...for no apparent reason.
All in all he has done a good job considering what he has to work with.
But it has by no means been great.
-Record low unemployment - Bogus number. However the labor partition rate
is over the top. I'll give him an A+.
-Record high stock market - Presidents have very little to due with the market.
-Tax cuts - Every little bit helps. What I mean by that is from what I can gather
it is chump change for your average worker. My daughter made 90k last year and she
tells me she is seeing a $100 more a month take home. Like I said every bit helps
but it is hardly life changing. I'll give him a B.
-Wiping out ISIS - They are not wiped out, they are just scattered. They were never
a threat to the U.S. like they are to Europe. A hundred years from now they'll still
be around. I'll give him a C.
-Stepping on the neck of the ACA - I don't know that he did anything to the ACA. If
I'm not mistaken it's still funded. I'll give him a F although there's not much he
can do without the support of Congress.
-Conservative judicial appointees - Probably the single greatest achievement to date.
However the Republican controlled Senate is making his job difficult by slow walking
his nominees. It's like the Democrats control the Senate. I'll give him a A for effort.
There is no doubt that he is far superior to what might have been but as long as swamp
exists he'll never reach his full potential.
Maybe I've overreacted to him signing the spending bill. Maybe he knows what he's doing
but I'm so tired of the excuses from Republicans. It makes me want to pull a Timothy Leary.
I'm also beginning to think that a dictatorship is better than a democracy.
As for the daily distractions IE media bias, porn stars and protests, they mean nothing
to me and I'm sure they mean nothing to the 47% who will vote for Republican no matter
what but it keeps the other 47% engaged. It gives them a reason to go on living.