If is shows Pelosi's true colors hell YES I'll post it!

Oct 30, 2006
Can U believe the Speaker of the House would b this Juvenile

Geeze - Anti-Obama

by Ann Coulter

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or as she is called on the Big Dogs blog, "the worst speaker in the history of Congress," explained the cause of high oil prices back in 2006: "We have two oilmen in the White House. The logical follow-up from that is $3-a-gallon gasoline. It is no accident. It is a cause and effect. A cause and effect.


Yes, that would explain why the price of oral sex, cigars and Hustler magazine skyrocketed during the Clinton years. Also, I note that Speaker Pelosi is a hotelier ... and the price of a hotel room in New York is $1,000 a night! I think she might be onto something.

Is that why a barrel of oil costs mere pennies in all those other countries in the world that are not run by "oilmen"? Wait -- it doesn't cost pennies to them? That's weird.

In response to the 2003 blackout throughout the Northeast U.S. and parts of Canada, Pelosi blamed: "President Bush and Rep. Tom DeLay's oil-company interests." The blackout was a failure of humans operating electric power; it had nothing to do with oil. And I'm not even "an oilman.


But yes -- good point: What a disaster having people in government who haven't spent their entire lives in politics! That explains everything. A government official with relevant experience or knowledge about an issue is obviously a crisis of gargantuan proportions.

This must be why the Democrats are nominating B. Hussein Obama, who finished middle school three days ago and has less experience than a person one might choose at random from the audience of "American Idol.


Announcing the Democrats' bold new "plan" on energy last week, Pelosi said breaking into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve "is one alternative." That's not an energy plan. It's using what we already have -- much like "conservation," which is also part of the Democrats' plan.

Conservation, efficiency and using oil we hold in reserve for emergencies does not get us more energy. It's as if we were running out of food and the Democrats were telling us: "Just eat a little less every day." Great! We'll die a little more slowly. That's not what we call a "plan." We need more energy, not a plan for a slower death.

But there's more! Pelosi announced that the Democrats also plan to push for "an historic investment in biofuels, efficiency, conservation and the rest." The "rest" is apparently what she called our "important and essential" investment in alternative energy.

That certainly would be historic: We would make history by throwing our money away on unproven energy boondoggles that have eaten up untold billions since the 1960s without producing a single net kilowatt of power while we all starve to death.

The proposal to use energy sources that don't yet produce any energy is like the old New Yorker cartoon with Obama in Muslim garb -- no wait, that was a different cartoon. The cartoon is: A scientist has written out his extremely complicated theory on a blackboard and is showing it to another scientist. The theory consists of numbers and characters and takes up the entire blackboard. About two-thirds of the way across, reading left to right, appear the words, "then a miracle happens," followed by more numbers and characters.

That's the Democrats' plan to run cars on biofuels, solar and wind power: Then a miracle happens. The current Democratic mantra on energy is: "We can't drill our way out of this problem." Apparently their plan is to talk our way out of this problem.

Democrats are also alleging that the oil companies are sitting on millions of acres of oil but are refusing to drill -- presumably because oil company executives hate the American people and perversely don't want to make money. Manifestly, those acres are being explored for oil or have already come up dry.

If the Democrats really wanted oil companies to find more oil, they'd allow oil companies to drill offshore and to drill in ANWR, which we happen to know is bursting with oil.

But they don't. They don't want drilling. They don't want more oil. They want humans to ride bicycles and then to die. We deserve it: We were mean to the polar bears.

It's good to know that in the middle of a crisis, the Democrats are still liars. As long as we're fantasizing about "alternative" energy sources, what we really need is a car that runs on Democrats' lies
Oct 30, 2006
We made a commitment to you that when the time came, we would do
everything we could to help Cindy Sheehan. That time is now.

Cindy Sheehan is making a courageous run for the Congressional seat
in San Francisco, to challenge Nancy Pelosi, who has done nothing but
cave in to the Bush/Cheney criminal war agenda, while the approval
rating of Congress drops into single digits for the first time ever.

But FIRST Cindy needs to get on the ballot, and to do that as an
independent she still needs another 6,000 petitions signatures in the
next couple weeks.

Even with her many valiant volunteers, you can really help now by
making a donation to put more paid signature gatherers for Cindy
Sheehan on the street to give the voters of San Francisco a
pro-courage choice. Help put Cindy safely over the top with enough
margin of petition signatures that they cannot keep her off the

Cindy Sheehan Petition Donations:

You will remember we told you that unless we defeated Nancy Pelosi in
June that not only would impeachment remain "off the table", but that
Congress would wave through yet another 200 billion for illegal war
profiteering. That's why we worked out hearts out for that race. It's
worse than that, they threw in telecom immunity with the omnibus

The fact is that unless and until Congress sees a downside to their
despicable cowardice there will be NO policy change. We'll repeat
that. No policy change whatsoever. Their whole self-justification is
they point to the elections they are winning. Unless and until we
defeat one of their own, one of the biggest of them all, we can send
emails and make phone calls until we're blue in the face, and they
will must keep lying to us and stalling. Yeah, sure they're just
about to impeach. Sure.

Now some people (defeatists) will say, "Oh, you'll never defeat the
Speaker of the House". Well guess what, until we do they will never
take the voice of the people seriously. We HAVE to win. And we have
to do everything we could have done to make that a reality. So we are
calling on all of our participants to throw everything everything
they have to support candidates who will fight for the issues, the
real issues.

And there is no better investment in time, energy or money we can
make now than to give Cindy Sheehan the biggest platform possible to
advocate for us.

Paid for by Cindy Sheehan for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

Or if you want to cease receiving our messages, just use the function
at http://www.usalone.com/out.htm


Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2008, Patent pending,
All rights reserved

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Roadie, for the 1st 6 years of Dubyas mismanagement you turkeys blamed Clinton. For the last 1 1/2 years you blame the congress.

Do you expect ANYONE to take you seriously?
Oct 30, 2006
Roadie, for the 1st 6 years of Dubyas mismanagement you turkeys blamed Clinton. For the last 1 1/2 years you blame the congress.

Do you expect ANYONE to take you seriously?
Not sure Punter but Pelosi needs to GO!

New member
Nov 8, 2006
I think the republican admistration needs to go and Pelosi needs to stay.

Everything's Legal in the USofA...Just don't get c
Jun 27, 2007
We made a commitment to you that when the time came, we would do
everything we could to help Cindy Sheehan. That time is now.

Cindy Sheehan is making a courageous run for the Congressional seat
in San Francisco, to challenge Nancy Pelosi, who has done nothing but
cave in to the Bush/Cheney criminal war agenda, while the approval
rating of Congress drops into single digits for the first time ever.

But FIRST Cindy needs to get on the ballot, and to do that as an
independent she still needs another 6,000 petitions signatures in the
next couple weeks.

Even with her many valiant volunteers, you can really help now by
making a donation to put more paid signature gatherers for Cindy
Sheehan on the street to give the voters of San Francisco a
pro-courage choice. Help put Cindy safely over the top with enough
margin of petition signatures that they cannot keep her off the

Cindy Sheehan Petition Donations:

You will remember we told you that unless we defeated Nancy Pelosi in
June that not only would impeachment remain "off the table", but that
Congress would wave through yet another 200 billion for illegal war
profiteering. That's why we worked out hearts out for that race. It's
worse than that, they threw in telecom immunity with the omnibus

The fact is that unless and until Congress sees a downside to their
despicable cowardice there will be NO policy change. We'll repeat
that. No policy change whatsoever. Their whole self-justification is
they point to the elections they are winning. Unless and until we
defeat one of their own, one of the biggest of them all, we can send
emails and make phone calls until we're blue in the face, and they
will must keep lying to us and stalling. Yeah, sure they're just
about to impeach. Sure.

Now some people (defeatists) will say, "Oh, you'll never defeat the
Speaker of the House". Well guess what, until we do they will never
take the voice of the people seriously. We HAVE to win. And we have
to do everything we could have done to make that a reality. So we are
calling on all of our participants to throw everything everything
they have to support candidates who will fight for the issues, the
real issues.

And there is no better investment in time, energy or money we can
make now than to give Cindy Sheehan the biggest platform possible to
advocate for us.

Paid for by Cindy Sheehan for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

Or if you want to cease receiving our messages, just use the function
at http://www.usalone.com/out.htm


Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2008, Patent pending,
All rights reserved

Cindy Sheehan vs. Nancy Pelosi. Now there's a choice for ya. I'd prefer the firing squad to either.
Oct 30, 2006
To tell you the truth I dont even know who Cindy Sheehan is..Probably another Caifornia Bulldyke.My Brother sent me that E-mail..I thought it would go good with this post

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Hey, who says Pelosi is out of touch? With gas well over $4.00/gallon and not a single funding bill approved yet as this legislative session grinds to a merciful close, Madam Pelosi has found time in her busy schedule to introduce this monumental reform onto the floor of the Congress.

(Note that the title includes "Gas Price Relief")

Hot off the presses!

“The Transportation and Housing Options for Gas Price Relief Act of 2008” would allocate funds to:

  • Expand public transportation and to help transit agencies deal with high fuel prices;
  • Encourage pay-as-you-drive auto insurance policies that discourage driving by rewarding low mileage drivers with lower insurance premiums;
  • Reduce commuting costs by providing incentives to employers and employees to take transit, bicycle, carpool, walk, or telecommute to work;
  • Help local governments create walkable, bikeable communities well-served by transit by providing funding to local governments to support programs to manage transportation demand and for transit agencies to make needed investments;
  • Help Americans make smart transportation and housing choices by educating them about their options;
  • Spur the availability of “Location Efficient Mortgages,” which make owning a home near transit more affordable for all Americans;
  • Make sure the Federal Government leads by example by:
1. Upgrading key websites for easier access to services without having to leave home and work; and
2. Encouraging federal agencies and offices to participate in local Transportation Management Agencies, which provide transportation options.

Boy, if this doesn't fix the problem, then nothing will! I'm especially grateful for bullet point No. 5...you know, since we're all just too stupid to figure that kind of stuff out on our own.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
“The Transportation and Housing Options for Gas Price Relief Act of 2008” would allocate funds to:
Expand public transportation and to help transit agencies deal with high fuel prices; What’s she going to do, pay for their gas?
Encourage pay-as-you-drive auto insurance policies that discourage driving by rewarding low mileage drivers with lower insurance premiums; Government regulated auto insurance. Hey Nancy I need to do food shopping and I can’t carry all the bags on the bus, how much are my premiums going to rise?
Reduce commuting costs by providing incentives to employers and employees to take transit, bicycle, carpool, walk, or telecommute to work; What incentives and how do you prove you qualify?
Help local governments create walkable, bikeable communities well-served by transit by providing funding to local governments to support programs to manage transportation demand and for transit agencies to make needed investments; Government regulated transit systems?
Help Americans make smart transportation and housing choices by educating them about their options;
Yes, Americans are dumb as a box of rocks.

Spur the availability of “Location Efficient Mortgages,” which make owning a home near transit more affordable for all Americans; I must be dumb, what the hell are “Location Efficient Mortgages,”? Oh, that’s right. I am an American. Silly me.
Make sure the Federal Government leads by example by: Federal Government leading by example: Now there is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.
1. Upgrading key websites for easier access to services without having to leave home and work; :icon_conf and
2. Encouraging federal agencies and offices to participate in local Transportation Management Agencies, which provide transportation options. Ya, just what we need more Government involvement.
What a joke she is.

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