Rolling with Big Mells. So Mells, who are you taking in the League tonight? I think Im going to ride on the Cavs ML. Fuck it, why not right? Back at home and it is time for a Lebron EXPLOSION!!!!!
I'm on the other side of that, all the rest of the fellas are on your side since somebody dropped a supercailfrejulisticmegatonicuberluberunit on 'em... so it gotta be a winner right? I think the Men in Black lay another smack down. I already put a unit on it early yesterday, and refuse to hedge. Wuddu I know?
Yeah, I saw what happened. Im thinking its Fade City for me now. Im going to run with the Champs and you tonight. How is work going? I now know what a longshoresman is. I was watching Season 2 of The Wire and they said, "What else does a longshoresman do but lie." I thought that was kind of funny.
How is work going? I now know what a longshoresman is. I was watching Season 2 of The Wire and they said, "What else does a longshoresman do but lie." I thought that was kind of funny.
I don't get out to work that often because i'm not in the union. They talk about longshoremen in "Reservoir Dogs" too. Like I said though with that game... my bet was in early and I'm going with my first thought. I've been doing this long enough to not go into a pannick.