ESPN has constantly been doing this s***. I'm sick and tired of it.
First it was reported Mack brown was stepping down and Mack brown was like wtf? I am?
Then it was munchak
Then it was art briles taking the Texas job -- he isn't
There are several more, but they are quickly losing any credibility with me. All they want is "to be the first to report it". Who gives a flying rats ass who reports it first. Sheeesh!
ESPN has constantly been doing this s***. I'm sick and tired of it.
First it was reported Mack brown was stepping down and Mack brown was like wtf? I am?
Then it was munchak
Then it was art briles taking the Texas job -- he isn't
There are several more, but they are quickly losing any credibility with me. All they want is "to be the first to report it". Who gives a flying rats ass who reports it first. Sheeesh!