I'm not a Trump fan but you can't physically shut down a man's right to be heard. Most of these guys were Sander's supporters. So, we don't like the message so we force him to be quiet? Come on now.
Being extremely polarizing has helped him dominate the entire news cycle but something like this was bound to happen. It's a fine line. All those people in one area, tensions running high, nobody is blameless.
This is why Presidential candidates can't act like your average trucker in a bar with their rhetoric, it has consequences. Especially in the digital age.
I actually think the story with the Breitbart journalist getting grabbed and bruised by his campaign manager is a lot worse. She is pressing charges now, that guy probably needs to resign.
Well, he can act however he wants and still has the right to be heard at a public gathering. And protesters have the right to protest peacefully too.
If you fan the flames you certainly share in the blame. Look at his rhetoric, he says he would like to punch a guy or to "rough him up", his campaign manager hurts a journalist.
It wasn't out of nowhere. It had been building for months. You can't run for President and act like that.
Yeah, this where we disagree. He can act like that and has for months now. He has the right in America to assemble and be heard without fear of violence. People need to respect that right and the process.
People can't say "well, he's mean and I don't like him or like what he says so I'll stop him from being heard." That's not how this works.
I didn't say it was against the law. I said it wasn't right and there will be negative fallout from it.
Everyone has a right to assemble and protest but their is going to be violence both ways and his rhetoric obviously contributes to it a great deal.
What do you mean?
He throws people out of his events like I change socks. Some are protesting peacefully, one guy said not all Muslims are terrorists and not all Mexicans are rapists, one woman was tossed for standing in silence while dressed clearly as a Muslim. Considering he doesn't care about the 1st amendment with anyone that doesn't worship him why should they care about his?
Obviously it wasn't all the protesters, you get a bunch of people like that in closed space with tensions running high and both sides are going to have a few loose cannons. That is my point.
Should everyone act peacefully? Yeah, but most of the people there are the absolute dumbest among us, it isn't going to happen.