what a complete boob. It was Tuesday night this week around midnight when there was this commotion around the roulette table. I asked what the hub bub was from and he said Matt Lawton was at the table betting big. I had to go look more for the curiosity of the big bet. This boob was beeting $200 on every number and $200 splitting 0's..wtf is that.. What was weird was on his next roll he put all 10K he had on everything lower than 21. Now this was exciting BUT all of a sudden he said..."Hold on I need more cash and he scoots to the ATM machine and pulls out a credit card. I leaned over to a guy next to me and said that is weird. He told me his wife/girl friend was at the cage trying to cash a check. I told this guy that getting a cash advance is not a 30 second transaction and I left. 2 minutes later the pit boss pulled down his bet. He came back but I never heard any screams as people said he went back to betting every number.
So my question..is this a guy just burning through some money or desperate trying to get out of a jam? Regardless thought this was something to share. Also saw this nugget on wikipedia...
When registering at hotels, Lawton used the alias Eleven Fifty to avoid unwanted fan attention
So my question..is this a guy just burning through some money or desperate trying to get out of a jam? Regardless thought this was something to share. Also saw this nugget on wikipedia...
When registering at hotels, Lawton used the alias Eleven Fifty to avoid unwanted fan attention