I refuse to look like a scammer . . So here is the e-mails and situation.


Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Chipstack, AKA Corey Benge, AKA Zach Schwartz says he sent me $200. Keep in mind I work 15 hour days and this is hard enough to deal with so before he gets on here and yells scam without me here to defend myself I am simply going to Paste/copy my e-mails.

I don't know how to embed a PDF, but I will copy the page from Paypal that I sent Zach as a PDF.

I will Copy and Paste these in order, my responses will under his e-mail.

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Whats your paypal email.

My pokerstars account is rknighty city is parkland.


2.) Ok ill send the 150 at 6o clock easten or so ill email you when i sent.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 4:21 PM, kruser2385 <No Emails> wrote:
(No Emails) is my paypal address. If you feel more comfortable sending me $25 at first you can or something like that. I'm not going to screw you over so if you want to do the full $150 let me know. Let me know when you send it and I will send you the money on pokerstars.

I have 2 e-mail addys on Paypal, the primary is . . . so if the yahoo doesn't work try that one. I am at work now so if you send it, I will do it right when I get home around 5 or 6. Let me know.

3.) -----Inline Attachment Follows-----

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Ill send 200 at 6 pm eastern if you can do it.

Lemme know.


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Thanks", "metaData": [ { "geoArea": "32.2594", "geoCountry": "United States", "geoCounty": "Broward", "geoIsoCountryCode": "US", "geoLocation": "(-80.222427, 26.311251)", "geoName": "Parkland", "geoPlaceType": "Town", "geoState": "Florida", "geoStateCode": "FL", "geoTown": "Parkland", "geoZip": "33067", "type": "shortcuts:/us/instance/place/us/town", "visible": "true"**, { "geoArea": "19.0857", "geoCountry": "United States", "geoCounty": "Pierce", "geoIsoCountryCode": "US", "geoLocation": "(-122.43227, 47.155399)", "geoName": "Parkland", "geoPlaceType": "Town", "geoState": "Washington", "geoStateCode": "WA", "geoTown": "Parkland", "geoZip": "98444", "type": "shortcuts:/us/instance/place/us/town", "visible": "true"**, { "geoArea": "4", "geoCountry": "United States", "geoCounty": "Bucks", "geoIsoCountryCode": "US", "geoLocation": "(-74.932381, 40.158981)", "geoName": "Parkland", "geoPlaceType": "Town", "geoState": "Pennsylvania", "geoStateCode": "PA", "geoTown": "Parkland", "geoZip": "19047", "type": "shortcuts:/us/instance/place/us/town", "visible": "true"** ] ** **; </script> 4) I sent you 200 paypal already so could you send me 185. that will cover some extra for you.

Please send 185 dollars to rknighty on pokerstars.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 10:18 PM, kruser2385 <kruser2385@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sorry, I have been at softball games all night. I will do $175, but I'd like to keep some sort of a bankroll in there. Let me know when you want to do this. I know I kind of missed you today,but I will no doubt send you the money in pokerstars the second I get to a computer and see the money in paypal.

5.) -----Inline Attachment Follows-----

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I am scared plz send.

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

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The money was sent.

Do not scam and send 175 to rknighty.

A payment can only be canceled from the receiving paypal.

Dont lie and send money to rknighty


On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 6:46 AM, kruser2385 <kruser2385@yahoo.com> wrote:
Like I told you, I have a $200 paypal deposit that said canceled from Chris B. Your name here says Zach S. Which is it? Did you resend the money? If you didn't then I don't have record of the money anywhere. I am not in this to screw anybody I can promise you. If I was, I wouldn't be wasting my time typing this.

7.) -Inline Attachment Follows-----

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Plain and simple. \u003e \u003e The FBI can Investigate my paypal record all they want. All they", "metaData": { "visible": "false" ** **, "lw_1219282159_2": { "text": "Australian Dollars", "extended": 0, "startchar": 736, "endchar": 753, "start": 736, "end": 753, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 0.261055, "type": ["shortcuts:/concept"], "category": ["CONCEPT"], "wikiId": "Australian_dollar", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "going \u003e to find is that Corey Benge sent me $200 Australian Dollars and then \u003e proceeded to cancel it. I don\u0027t know what", "metaData": { "visible": "false" ** **, "lw_1219282159_3": { "text": "t2xpapii@gmail.com", "extended": 0, "startchar": 992, "endchar": 1009, "start": 992, "end": 1009, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 1, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/hyperlink/mailto"], "category": ["IDENTIFIER"], "wikiId": "", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "I \u003e can do for you. \u003e --- On Wed, 8/20/08, zach schwartz \u003ct2xpapii@gmail.com\u003e wrote: \u003e \u003e From: zach schwartz \u003ct2xpapii@gmail.com\u003e \u003e Subject: Re: Hey \u003e To: kruser2385@yahoo.com", "metaData": { "linkHref": "mailto:t2xpapii@gmail.com", "linkProtocol": "mailto", "linkYmailto": "mailto:t2xpapii@gmail.com", "visible": "true" ** **, "lw_1219282159_4": { "text": "internet fraud", "extended": 0, "startchar": 1572, "endchar": 1585, "start": 1572, "end": 1585, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 0.273911, "type": ["shortcuts:/concept"], "category": ["CONCEPT"], "wikiId": "Internet_fraud", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "account rknighty. If not received no \u003e problem I will file internet fraud on ic3.gov and have a fbi investigate \u003e paypal record. \u003e \u003e The", "metaData": { "visible": "false" ** **, "lw_1219282159_5": { "text": "ic3.gov", "extended": 0, "startchar": 1590, "endchar": 1596, "start": 1590, "end": 1596, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 1, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/place/virtual/web_site"], "category": ["IDENTIFIER"], "wikiId": "", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "not received no \u003e problem I will file internet fraud on ic3.gov and have a fbi investigate \u003e paypal record. \u003e \u003e The money was", "metaData": { "visible": "true" ** ** **; </script> I am on paypal now and yes I sent 200 aud and then you csn convert it
to us that's why I said to send 160

On 8/20/08, kruser2385 <kruser2385@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Oh I would also like to note that it was AUD not USD that you tried sending.
> I'm not that easy to fool buddy. I sent you a direct link to a PDF file from
> the recent transactions on my account. Read it and tell me something I don't
> know. I will send it to you when you send it to me. Plain and simple.
> The FBI can Investigate my paypal record all they want. All they are going
> to find is that Corey Benge sent me $200 Australian Dollars and then
> proceeded to cancel it. I don't know what you expect, but there is nothing I
> can do for you.

8. ) -Inline Attachment Follows-----

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On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 6:50 PM, kruser2385 \u003ckruser2385@yahoo.com\u003e wrote: Ok I have 3 different e-mails. 1st one - \u0022Send", "metaData": { "linkHref": "mailto:kruser2385@yahoo.com", "linkProtocol": "mailto", "linkRel": "nofollow", "linkTarget": "_blank", "linkYmailto": "mailto:kruser2385@yahoo.com", "visible": "true" ** **, "lw_1219282213_1": { "text": "t2xpapii@gmail.com", "extended": 0, "startchar": 1662, "endchar": 1679, "start": 1662, "end": 1679, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 1, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/hyperlink/mailto"], "category": ["IDENTIFIER"], "wikiId": "", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "can see it on paper! --- On Wed, 8/20/08, zach schwartz \u003ct2xpapii@gmail.com\u003e wrote: From: zach schwartz \u003ct2xpapii@gmail.com\u003e Subject: Re: Hey To: kruser2385@yahoo.com", "metaData": { "linkHref": "mailto:t2xpapii@gmail.com", "linkProtocol": "mailto", "linkRel": "nofollow", "linkTarget": "_blank", "linkYmailto": "mailto:t2xpapii@gmail.com", "visible": "true" ** **, "lw_1219282213_2": { "text": "FBI", "extended": 0, "startchar": 2875, "endchar": 2877, "start": 2875, "end": 2877, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "ORGANIZATION", "predictionProbability": "0.962588", "weight": 0.253569, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/organization/government", "shortcuts:/us/tag/news/organization"], "category": ["ORGANIZATION"], "wikiId": "Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation", "relatedWikiIds": ["Al-Qaeda", "Federal_Aviation_Administration", "Homeland_security", "Internal_Revenue_Service", "Osama_bin_Laden", "United_States_Census_Bureau", "United_States_Department_of_Homeland_Security", "United_States_Secret_Service", "United_States_Securities_and_Exchange_Commission", "White_House"], "relatedEntities": ["al qaida", "al-qaida", "american civil liberties union", "census bureau", "federal bureau of investigation", "guantanamo bay", "homeland security", "osama bin laden", "pentagon", "supreme court"], "showOnClick": [], "context": "when you send it to me. Plain and simple. \u003e \u003e The FBI can Investigate my paypal record all they want. All they", "metaData": { "visible": "true" ** **, "lw_1219282213_3": { "text": "Australian Dollars", "extended": 0, "startchar": 2992, "endchar": 3009, "start": 2992, "end": 3009, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 0.309022, "type": ["shortcuts:/concept"], "category": ["CONCEPT"], "wikiId": "Australian_dollar", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "going \u003e to find is that Corey Benge sent me $200 Australian Dollars and then \u003e proceeded to cancel it. I don\u0027t know what", "metaData": { "visible": "false" ** **, "lw_1219282213_4": { "text": "internet fraud", "extended": 0, "startchar": 3878, "endchar": 3891, "start": 3878, "end": 3891, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 0.299794, "type": ["shortcuts:/concept"], "category": ["CONCEPT"], "wikiId": "Internet_fraud", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "account rknighty. If not received no \u003e problem I will file internet fraud on ic3.gov and have a fbi investigate \u003e paypal record. \u003e \u003e The", "metaData": { "visible": "false" ** **, "lw_1219282213_5": { "text": "ic3.gov", "extended": 0, "startchar": 3952, "endchar": 3958, "start": 3952, "end": 3958, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 1, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/hyperlink/http"], "category": ["IDENTIFIER"], "wikiId": "", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "not received no \u003e problem I will file internet fraud on ic3.gov and have a fbi investigate \u003e paypal record. \u003e \u003e The money was", "metaData": { "linkHref": "http://ic3.gov", "linkProtocol": "http", "linkRel": "nofollow", "linkTarget": "_blank", "visible": "true" ** ** **; </script> Yes my name is corey benge and if you decided to scam m and not send 160 to rknighty I will file a report bud.

You send first and i did and you jipp me???.

I changed price because i forgot that you had to convert to us dollars.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 6:50 PM, kruser2385 <kruser2385@yahoo.com> wrote:
Ok I have 3 different e-mails.

1st one - "Send $180"
2nd one "Send $175"
3rd one "Send $160"

Whats going on man? What is it going to be.

Answer me this, are you Corey Benson?

Then send me a PDF file that shows the money out of your account and verify that I accepted. Come on man, you see what I am seeing in my account. I haven't seen a dime, it wasn't accepted you can see it on paper!

9.) --Inline Attachment Follows-----

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On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:30 PM, kruser2385 \u003ckruser2385@yahoo.com\u003e wrote: You are starting to piss me off \u0022BUD\u0022. I", "metaData": { "linkHref": "mailto:kruser2385@yahoo.com", "linkProtocol": "mailto", "linkRel": "nofollow", "linkTarget": "_blank", "linkYmailto": "mailto:kruser2385@yahoo.com", "visible": "true" ** **, "lw_1219282250_1": { "text": "wasting your time", "extended": 0, "startchar": 1568, "endchar": 1584, "start": 1568, "end": 1584, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 0.731334, "type": ["shortcuts:/concept"], "category": ["CONCEPT"], "wikiId": "", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "me all you want to report me, but you are wasting your time. They will tell you the exact same thing I have", "metaData": { "visible": "false" ** **, "lw_1219282250_2": { "text": "t2xpapii@gmail.com", "extended": 0, "startchar": 2949, "endchar": 2966, "start": 2949, "end": 2966, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 1, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/hyperlink/mailto"], "category": ["IDENTIFIER"], "wikiId": "", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "the money given the circumstances? --- On Wed, 8/20/08, zach schwartz \u003ct2xpapii@gmail.com\u003e wrote: From: zach schwartz \u003ct2xpapii@gmail.com\u003e Subject: Re: Hey To: kruser2385@yahoo.com", "metaData": { "linkHref": "mailto:t2xpapii@gmail.com", "linkProtocol": "mailto", "linkRel": "nofollow", "linkTarget": "_blank", "linkYmailto": "mailto:t2xpapii@gmail.com", "visible": "true" ** **, "lw_1219282250_3": { "text": "FBI", "extended": 0, "startchar": 6255, "endchar": 6257, "start": 6255, "end": 6257, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "ORGANIZATION", "predictionProbability": "0.962588", "weight": 0.293465, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/organization/government", "shortcuts:/us/tag/news/organization"], "category": ["ORGANIZATION"], "wikiId": "Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation", "relatedWikiIds": ["Al-Qaeda", "Federal_Aviation_Administration", "Homeland_security", "Internal_Revenue_Service", "Osama_bin_Laden", "United_States_Census_Bureau", "United_States_Department_of_Homeland_Security", "United_States_Secret_Service", "United_States_Securities_and_Exchange_Commission", "White_House"], "relatedEntities": ["al qaida", "al-qaida", "american civil liberties union", "census bureau", "federal bureau of investigation", "guantanamo bay", "homeland security", "osama bin laden", "pentagon", "supreme court"], "showOnClick": [], "context": "when you send it to me. Plain and simple. \u003e \u003e The FBI can Investigate my paypal record all they want. All they", "metaData": { "visible": "false" ** **, "lw_1219282250_4": { "text": "Australian Dollars", "extended": 0, "startchar": 6372, "endchar": 6389, "start": 6372, "end": 6389, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 0.355782, "type": ["shortcuts:/concept"], "category": ["CONCEPT"], "wikiId": "Australian_dollar", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "going \u003e to find is that Corey Benge sent me $200 Australian Dollars and then \u003e proceeded to cancel it. I don\u0027t know what", "metaData": { "visible": "false" ** **, "lw_1219282250_5": { "text": "internet fraud", "extended": 0, "startchar": 7258, "endchar": 7271, "start": 7258, "end": 7271, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 0.467307, "type": ["shortcuts:/concept"], "category": ["CONCEPT"], "wikiId": "Internet_fraud", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "account rknighty. If not received no \u003e problem I will file internet fraud on ic3.gov and have a fbi investigate \u003e paypal record. \u003e \u003e The", "metaData": { "visible": "true" ** **, "lw_1219282250_6": { "text": "ic3.gov", "extended": 0, "startchar": 7333, "endchar": 7339, "start": 7333, "end": 7339, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 1, "type": ["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/hyperlink/http"], "category": ["IDENTIFIER"], "wikiId": "", "relatedWikiIds": [], "relatedEntities": [], "showOnClick": [], "context": "not received no \u003e problem I will file internet fraud on ic3.gov and have a fbi investigate \u003e paypal record. \u003e \u003e The money was", "metaData": { "linkHref": "http://ic3.gov/", "linkProtocol": "http", "linkRel": "nofollow", "linkTarget": "_blank", "visible": "true" ** ** **; </script> Your so fucking dumb you dirty scammer. Im posting you all over the web and to the fbi. The person receiving the money is the only FUCKING person that can refund. Your a fucking retard, If I could send you money than just cancel it then whats the fucking point of paypal.

Exactly you cant your just suffering r-e-t-a-r-d-a-t-i-o-n says borat and your name will be all over the web if i dont get 160 pokerstars cahs transfer to rknighty.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:30 PM, kruser2385 <kruser2385@yahoo.com> wrote:
You are starting to piss me off "BUD". I would never scam a person in my life and I am not doing it to you now! I have sent you the PDF that says the money was cancelled I can do nothing more. I have asked you multiple times to show me proof that the money was taken out of your account the way I have shown you it was not placed in mine and you have failed to do so everytime. There is nothing more I can do until you actually send me the money. I would be happy to make the deposit and would do it immediately. You can threaten me all you want to report me, but you are wasting your time. They will tell you the exact same thing I have told you. They will send you the SAME PDF file that I have sent you that shows the money hit my account and was canceled. You want me to transfer you money after you sent me AUD money and then canceled it anyways? You are out of your mind.

Keep making that threat, I have nothing to be worried about as I have done nothing wrong nor would I even think of it. It's not worth it. When you decide you can show me a PDF or copy from your paypal page showing the money went through and was accepted then we will talk. Then I will call paypal and find out what happened. If you don't believe the money never hit my account then call paypal. They will show/tell you the same thing I am telling you.

There is no point in arguing this any further. The money isn't in my account nor is it pending. It's a canceled transaction which means I KNOW the money never went through. This means the money is still in your account or in your bank. Why would I possibly send you the money given the circumstances?

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Ok, here is the transaction detail. Is there something I am missing here. Why is this guy still trying to say he sent the money. One thing I can't stand being called is a scammer. I would never scam someone and this guy is making threats to turn me into the FBI?

<table class="recent-activity" id="TableRecent" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><thead><tr><th colspan="9" align="left" width="80%"><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="replicaborder">Recent activity - Last updated 8/20/2008 18:34 PDT </td> <td class="replicaborder">Show</td> </tr></tbody></table>
</th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr><td class="replicabg" colspan="9">
</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#ccddee"> <th>File</th> <th> Type</th> <th> To/From</th> <th> Name/Email/Phone</th> <th>Amount </th> <th> Date</th> <th> Status</th> <th> Details</th> <th> Action</th> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="middle"> <td> <input name="recent_all0" value="10b9iK1pOw4cFDSIxXF4fHl4ahnaoxJUCHQyfvgK_mt8CR2BgKphR8me_VR6m" type="hidden"><input name="recent0" value="10b9iK1pOw4cFDSIxXF4fHl4ahnaoxJUCHQyfvgK_mt8CR2BgKphR8me_VR6m" type="checkbox"> </td> <td> Payment </td> <td> From</td> <td> Corey Benge</td> <td>$200.00 AUD </td> <td> Aug. 19, 2008</td> <td> Canceled</td> <td class="small" nowrap="nowrap"> </td> <td> </td></tr></tbody></table>

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="label" align="right">Sent by:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">Corey Benge </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Buyer Email:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">coreybenge@y7mail.com</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Payment Sent to:
</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">Kruser6@iastate.edu</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3"><hr class="dotted"></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3">
</td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Amount received:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">$200.00 AUD</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Fee:</td> <td class="small">
</td> <td class="small">$0.00 AUD</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Total:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">$200.00 AUD</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3"><hr class="dotted"></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3">
</td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Date:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">Aug. 19, 2008</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Time:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">16:17:41 PDT</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Status: </td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">Canceled</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3"><hr class="dotted"></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3">
</td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Seller Protection Policy:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small"> Ineligible <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function openWindowQuestion103() { popupWin = window.open('https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/pop/spp_eligibility','EIN','scrollbars,resizable,toolbar,width=650,height=475,left=50,top=50'); popupWin.focus(); ** --> </script>[URL="javascript:openWindowQuestion103();"]
</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Subject:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">You've got a payment</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Reason:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">This payment was cancelled by the sender, Corey Benge, on Aug. 19, 2008.</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="label" align="right">Shipping Address:</td> <td>
</td> <td class="small">No Address Provided

Payments without a shipping address are not covered by PayPal's seller protection policies and programs. Learn More</td></tr></tbody></table>

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
Insert Wil's warning here....

I know and this is exactly why I tried to settle this completely out of forum, but his last e-mail telling me he is going to bash me all over the web triggered this. This is also why I kept it in the poker forum and not the main.

Personally I am not out any money and have not scammed anyone so I could care less, however if I don't get a chance to get on here tomorrow I wanted to make sure that my story was told so that it could atleast defend myself with the e-mails I wrote.

I hesitated doing this also because of the fact that it is nice to transfer between two respected posters on here because it is convienent and we are just helping eachother out. . but then this happened. It really isn't a scam at all, but some issues that are making this anything but a smooth transaction. I have already spent an hour atleast swapping e-mails and made a call to paypal to verify it was cancelled. . WHICH by the way Chipstack you can do as long as the other end has not accepted the payment which I obviously did not do. At the time of your "I sent you money, I'm scared" email was probably when you cancelled at which point I was an hour away from my computer playing softball. So bash me all you want, but all the proof is on this page. Through all of this you have yet to send me a PDF file showing proof, or even pasted/copied anything showing I received the money. You have no ground to stand on and just the mere fact that it has taken you this long to come up with something gives you no credit at all .

New member
Aug 27, 2007
That's brutal Indians. I don't think anyone is going to believe the 10 post guy over you.

I think the scam goes something like this:

Guy knows his account will be frozen for a while if there is a dispute, so he takes a shot with a bunch of people to get poker cash. That's why the urgency, he only has X amount of time between when he "sends" the money to everyone via paypal and he tells paypal his account has been compromised (and hence they immediately cancel all recent transactions pending investigation.

He hopes that it's not worth the trouble of you/everyone bitching about a small amount which would freeze your accounts too for god knows how long because Paypal support sucks.

He's basically frerolling. Either that or he somehow got that guys account with 200 and wanted to launder it fast without his real named being touched.

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
He just got scared that the cancellation might take awhile to go thru and pulled the trigger to fast...Hey Scammer, u could have waited weeks and still cancelled it..

P.S. ill tell u another reason to not want to do these transfers with ppl we dont know...They could be underage which im pretty sure would make us guilty of something or another....

Jul 25, 2008
I had really good dealings with IndiansK6 a few weeks back.No trouble at all,smooth as silk.Just wanted to get that out there,I believe you Indians.
I hate to see crap like this,makes it hard for the rest of us who want to make honest deals on forums like this.Dont even sweat this BS.
GL my man.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
the price of shit was clammoring for days to get stars for paypal...sorry kruser but dont trust some waste like him

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