CPA Exam - 4 parts, you can take each part once per qtr, they expire after 6 quarters if you don't pass all 6....passing score 75.
Qtr 0 - Pass part 1
Qtr 1 - Pass part 2
Qtr 2 - Pass part 3
Qtr 3 - Had to cancel test last minute due to grandma funeral
Qtr 4 - Fail Part 4
Qtr 5 - Fail Part 4
Qtr 6 - Fail Part 4
First Part I took was what everyone said was the "hardest".....not for I have to pass parts 1 and 4 in this next quarter or else I lose part 2.
When I got my score for part 4 today I wanted to throw my laptop out the window. Today feels like I wasted 18 months. I'm too old to study! sumunabitch!
Sorry had to vent.....oh yeah....100% cannot go to the bash now...fuck
Qtr 0 - Pass part 1
Qtr 1 - Pass part 2
Qtr 2 - Pass part 3
Qtr 3 - Had to cancel test last minute due to grandma funeral
Qtr 4 - Fail Part 4
Qtr 5 - Fail Part 4
Qtr 6 - Fail Part 4
First Part I took was what everyone said was the "hardest".....not for I have to pass parts 1 and 4 in this next quarter or else I lose part 2.
When I got my score for part 4 today I wanted to throw my laptop out the window. Today feels like I wasted 18 months. I'm too old to study! sumunabitch!
Sorry had to vent.....oh yeah....100% cannot go to the bash now...fuck