When you get 14 bank loan books every month it is time too accept I cannot cut it to win long term. I knew no one every wins long term but I took it as a challenge and have failed. I admit defeat when I am wrong and that is why I am the most powerful poster in the world today. I have lost over 81K this year and was chasing heavy at the end.
I will only be a club gambler now like the rest of you clowns. I will only be betting nickels at best and once in a while a little more on Kenny's private plays.
The job search is on Boys and I have to start paying the banks.
Thank You Sharks for helping me through the years try and realize my dream, you guys have been great to me and never ever pressured me for the cash and dropped half of my debts through the years.
Thank you locals!!!! Great job running your operations but I will be closing all accounts except on in Phila. It was all good and we had some good times together. I will still refer you guys.
Most of my money will be post up at big time shops like Greek, WWTS, Pinny and BoDog as Carib Also.
Thank you posters for all your advice through the years.
Kenny I will call you later to discuss private plays.
Any suggestions on job opportunities will be appreciated.
When you get 14 bank loan books every month it is time too accept I cannot cut it to win long term. I knew no one every wins long term but I took it as a challenge and have failed. I admit defeat when I am wrong and that is why I am the most powerful poster in the world today. I have lost over 81K this year and was chasing heavy at the end.
I will only be a club gambler now like the rest of you clowns. I will only be betting nickels at best and once in a while a little more on Kenny's private plays.
The job search is on Boys and I have to start paying the banks.
Thank You Sharks for helping me through the years try and realize my dream, you guys have been great to me and never ever pressured me for the cash and dropped half of my debts through the years.
Thank you locals!!!! Great job running your operations but I will be closing all accounts except on in Phila. It was all good and we had some good times together. I will still refer you guys.
Most of my money will be post up at big time shops like Greek, WWTS, Pinny and BoDog as Carib Also.
Thank you posters for all your advice through the years.
Kenny I will call you later to discuss private plays.
Any suggestions on job opportunities will be appreciated.