That's all you do is bash Losers In Vegas, Bernie (LMAO @ your signature)......keep bashing, makes yourself feel better for not having much money to bet with........
Also, I have been on this site since 2006 & not once have I seen you start a thread with your own picks......LMAO! That's a sign of a person with no confidence in their capping abilities & basically a troll......yes, that's all you do on this site is troll!!! LOL!!!
Also, if the OP is Betti g $100 to win $300 & doesn't care about losing $200, then he shouldn't worry about hedging, its all about whether he cares about losing the money he's wagered........if he's betting $2,000 on each wager & he doesn't want to lose $4,000, then he can bet both teams to advance but that's on him & how he feels about his money..........
You talk like you win all the time & I've seen nothing but losers posted by you while you troll in other peoples threads.
Again, if you think I'm betting monopoly money, you should sleep better at night thinking you know who I am, right? I bet you get a warm & cozy feeling in your stomach when you bash people, like an addict pushing the needle in.........
Remember, I bet with monopoly money, so you can sleep better at night..........

Keep trolling, that's all you're good for, lol!
Yours in Winners, TCG.......LMAO!!!