As of right now, ESPN does not exist to me other than from 5:30 to 6:00 time slot. If I want sports it looks like I’m going to have to get it the old fashioned way the newspaper or the new fashioned way the internet. Either way it sure won’t be coming from that joke known as ESPN. Please step forward if you watch ESPN for Stephen A. Smith. I’m guessing everybody is still sitting nice and comfy in their chairs. Stephen A. Smith is an egotistical, camera hogging, annoying a-hole. Apparently though, that’s what ESPN is looking to sell, as it was learned they are keeping Smith around, and for some reason letting go of David Aldridge. David Aldridge was all that was good about ESPN. He came on, knew what he was talking about and gave off a professional yet witty performance, seldom disappointing. David Aldridge will now be looking for a new place to work. This reminds me of that time our 5th grade class voted on who got the lead role in the school play. I had a desire to be the Tin-man and got up and gave a dynamite performance. I was followed by this totally obnoxious dude who obviously didn’t take the play as seriously as I did. Of course the class voted, and I was jobbed courtesy of the obnoxious kid trying to be funny. Only Milli Vanilli ma Jilly has ever pulled off a bigger scam then that. Of course I got my part back after I gave him a knuckle sandwich but it just goes to show ya how un-fair things are. If anybody was going to lose their job, it should have been Smith, not Aldridge. I say it's knuckle sandwich time.
Of course that was just the last straw. Watching ESPN’s NBA draft coverage was enough to make my nose bleed. I had to sit through 50-plus picks of rants on guys half the panel had never seen play, just for Rickey Paulding. That was worsened by having to see the personality known as Dick Vitale. We don’t need anymore actors on ESPN screaming at us.
That same Sportscenter show has turned into a joke. It seems it’s only cool to steal rap songs and instill them into the highlight when people hit homeruns. “He’s getting jiggy with it now!” No. Actually he’s not. This is filtered into the middle of the show right between The Kobe Bryant saga. For a year I have to sit and listen to updates about how Kobe is entering the court room, and what color shoes he decided to wear. I really don’t care. When something worthwhile happens, let me know. Until then tell Shelly Smith to go home and get some rest.
Dear ESPN, just because it says “World Series” in the name of “The World Series of Poker” doesn’t actually mean you have to market it like it is actually the World freaking Series. Do I need a countdown all day on Tuesday telling me how long until Poker starts? If Poker is going to be the highlight of ESPN for the day, I may as well not watch the whole damn network. Poker was cool for a little while. Then of course ESPN had to take it to the extreme. I thought there was nothing worse than watching NASCAR, apparently there is. I’d rather head up to the old folks home and watch the grays play some hands of solitaire. I’d probably forget to go though without something scrolling across my eyes every 5 seconds. I could go on and on with my found hate for what was once god’s gift to men, but I will simply get angry. I think we can all agree ESPN isn’t what it was. Pardon the Interruption is a show which I think should carry the network. Yet somehow/someway they block it out to bring us re-runs of poker that have been shown over 20 times. They leave it out of the shuffle for Golf? For Tennis? I don't think so.
Stephen A. Smith over David Aldridge? Garbage over Gold? Poker Re-runs over PTI? I guess Its Fox Sports Over ESPN.
Of course that was just the last straw. Watching ESPN’s NBA draft coverage was enough to make my nose bleed. I had to sit through 50-plus picks of rants on guys half the panel had never seen play, just for Rickey Paulding. That was worsened by having to see the personality known as Dick Vitale. We don’t need anymore actors on ESPN screaming at us.
That same Sportscenter show has turned into a joke. It seems it’s only cool to steal rap songs and instill them into the highlight when people hit homeruns. “He’s getting jiggy with it now!” No. Actually he’s not. This is filtered into the middle of the show right between The Kobe Bryant saga. For a year I have to sit and listen to updates about how Kobe is entering the court room, and what color shoes he decided to wear. I really don’t care. When something worthwhile happens, let me know. Until then tell Shelly Smith to go home and get some rest.
Dear ESPN, just because it says “World Series” in the name of “The World Series of Poker” doesn’t actually mean you have to market it like it is actually the World freaking Series. Do I need a countdown all day on Tuesday telling me how long until Poker starts? If Poker is going to be the highlight of ESPN for the day, I may as well not watch the whole damn network. Poker was cool for a little while. Then of course ESPN had to take it to the extreme. I thought there was nothing worse than watching NASCAR, apparently there is. I’d rather head up to the old folks home and watch the grays play some hands of solitaire. I’d probably forget to go though without something scrolling across my eyes every 5 seconds. I could go on and on with my found hate for what was once god’s gift to men, but I will simply get angry. I think we can all agree ESPN isn’t what it was. Pardon the Interruption is a show which I think should carry the network. Yet somehow/someway they block it out to bring us re-runs of poker that have been shown over 20 times. They leave it out of the shuffle for Golf? For Tennis? I don't think so.
Stephen A. Smith over David Aldridge? Garbage over Gold? Poker Re-runs over PTI? I guess Its Fox Sports Over ESPN.