Tout Consumed by Envy Is Not a Pretty Sight...Written by Buzz Daly @
Every once in a while we happen upon column fodder so rich and juicy, it is just too good to resist.
Lou “Cloulous” Diamond has written a very weak, lame “open letter” to us on several posting forums, which is so riddled with lies and misrepresentations that we knew in an instant it was written by a scamdicapper. With apologies to readers unfamiliar with the minor flap, we’re going to cover it in this column.
This washed-up tout, now on the involuntarily retired list is aghast that we would ignore his utter lack of credibility, substance and newsworthiness and cover others instead.
Cloulous is just beside himself that we rebuffed all his attempts to persuade us that he should be the subject of a column. Cloulous is having a very public nervous breakdown over his diminished status within the sports betting industry, and our recent column on Wayne Root (SBS, June 28), has apparently driven him off the deep end.
So delusional is Cloulous that he expects us to visit the different forums and respond. Not likely, since unlike the mad poster, we are gainfully employed and do not have that much time on our hands.
Since our column is fairly well distributed, we’ll just respond right here.
We have little patience with hypocritical phonies like Cloulous who set themselves up as arbiters of righteousness, when their motivation is envy and greed. If this poor slug had anything of value to offer, he wouldn’t have to scurry around the Internet posting self-serving bon mots like a chipmunk on speed. But the poor twit can’t get arrested in Las Vegas, so he set his sights on the Internet.
In his sad little efforts to get back into the lucrative tout industry, Cloulous attacks those who have superceded him. It’s an old, familiar strategy by wannabes who lack talent, skill and business savvy.
Our feature coverage of Root caused Cloulous to come unglued. We stand by the column, which is archived for all to inspect. Driven by envy, Cloulous responded with specious and unsubstantiated claims. That is the dead giveaway of a scamdicapper.
He accused us of “touting these new expensive packages to buy Jimmy Vaccaro and Wayne Root’s picks.” But strangely, he cannot pinpoint where we said it.
“Why pitch the Wayne Root, Jimmy V ‘WHALES ONLY’ scam?” he asks. Why, indeed.
Since he makes the accusation, it’s interesting that he does it via a bogus quotation of a nonexistent statement. Once again, the mark of a scamdicapper.
“I don’t see any lying,” and “Where’s the misrepresentation?” are his standard retorts when he cannot authenticate his empty claims. That’s not good enough, when the column consisted of an entire article and a review of Root’s new TV show.
If Cloulous can’t come up with a smoking gun out of all that copy, he is obviously lying through his tout teeth, and is exposed as a fraud.
When we stated that we stand by our story, his response was again, right out of the tout manual. “Duhhh, that’s the problem,” he squeaks, using a non sequitur instead of addressing the issue.
Meanwhile, what triggered the Sturm und Drang is Root’s claim of picking 74 percent winners. Of course, that little element is not in our story. It is presumably in an ad in a Don Best rotation schedule.
Cloulous is quick to point an accusing finger, but if he is such a paragon of virtue, why does he resort to using lies and distortion EVERY TIME? Not a single statement he makes has any validity. Oops, there is one. He admitted he is banned from posting under his name at The Prescription.
Cloulous makes a big deal of threatening to post some emails, “regarding the real issues of the industry”, which he apparently thinks we do not want shown.
Wrong again, old boy. In our best Jerry Stiller imitation, we say to you, “RELEASE THE EMAILS!”
You say, “Everyone knows I will do it.” Okay, do it.
Ordinarily we wouldn’t egg on someone to do a self-destructive act. But frankly, Cloulous has sunk to such a low level in the eyes of most in this industry, nothing he says can make him any less relevant or less credible than he is now.
Those emails are a bunch of whiney, begging, incoherent pleas to get us to write about him and his website. Unfortunately, Cloulous doesn’t have anything worth writing about. So we firmly, but politely turned him down. Of course, he is being covered in this column.
Poor old Cloulous just doesn’t get it. As a legend in his own mind, he is lacking in self-awareness. Those emails are a direct reflection of the sender, not the recipient.
We’re sorry that his site resembles a ghost town, and that traffic is so few and far between. We realize it is getting tougher and tougher to fool sports books into paying for pricey ad packages.
But we’ve heard them discuss his site, and it generates nada.
This is a tough industry for the talent-challenged. Taking cheap shots at Jimmy Vaccaro and others hasn’t gotten Cloulous the recognition he desires. But he keeps on trying and failing. Cloulous would love to be offered some of the gigs Jimmy has, but of course no one is interested.
At the end of the day, Cloulous is still nothing more than an out-of-work tout, who hasn’t been able to make a go of it. All his reams of empty, incoherent online rants, are either ignored or disdained by most bettors. It has to be galling for Cloulous to see the parade pass him by.
Every lie, every fabrication, every mindless diatribe just renders him smaller, less relevant and less credible. His grandiose claims are pathetic fantasy and he is reduced to being a buffoon whose sad refrain is woulda, coulda, shoulda.
We’re not a tout, but here’s a projection: Cloulous will continue to be a poor schlep who does not merit coverage from anyone, and so he will continue to paper the Internet with self-promoting posts possessing zero credibility. As for us, we’re happy to have an opportunity to crank out an easy column when we are so busy with a magazine, newspaper, and TV, radio and Internet shows.