Charlie is correct for initial treatment. More likely than not it is muscular and not skeletal. I have suffered since injuring my back bowling in 1989. I was walking around like a crab for two weeks before I could straighten up. It hurt laying down, getting up, in the car, etc. After the swelling goes down, get to a doctor to make sure it is not skeletal before even considering a chiropractor. I sympathize with you believe me. As for medicine, an anti-inflamatory like ibuprofen as stated before is best. Tylenol is not an anti-inflamatory and will not do a lot of good. Your muscles are probably in spasm right now and the swelling is the body's way of trying to protect itself. As the muscles begin to relax, you will feel better, but do see a doctor as soon as you are up to it. Best of luck to you.