PR - Things have changed since you've been away. The priority is Greenbacks The Clown. Faggot posted a dick pic today in OS. JC is ok to stay.
I'm taking care of JC... you can take care of Greenbacks bud... we dont need to double team on any of these losers (tho I dont dislike Greenbacks per sé I know he has like 3 ghosts). Runmaker, ML Dog... al very similar posting style.
for goodness sakes just don't show him your weenie
If ML Dog is Greenbacks then thats some fucked up shit and ML Dog loses all credibility. Is this true ML?
If ML Dog is Greenbacks then thats some fucked up shit and ML Dog loses all credibility. Is this true ML?
pocket has had this conspiracy theory since I posted while intensely drunk a long long time ago and that session came across as runmaker-style posting.
One evening's 12 posts a longass time ago.
I have just this posting handle and I can't even manage it very well.
pocket has had this conspiracy theory since I posted while intensely drunk a long long time ago and that session came across as runmaker-style posting.
One evening's 12 posts a longass time ago.
I have just this posting handle and I can't even manage it very well.