I can't wait to meet Churruca ! ( and Joey)


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Like Babe Ruth, almost...

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Matt DiDomizio, of Cromwell, has taken a leap of faith by morgaging his home to fund the building and launching of his new business called Connecticut Amateur Jai-Alai located in a warehouse in Berlin. DiDomizio, a mailman in Cromwell, said he is scheduled for a May 1, opening, with a May 8, grand opening featuring the former Jai-Alai player Francisco Churruca, who was once known as the best player in the world. DiDomizio is a former pro player himself, and has been sad that there was no place to play, so he started investigating the idea last July and began building in January. (RICHARD MESSINA / HARTFORD COURANT / April 18, 2010)

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By KEN BYRON April 26, 2010

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<!-- sphereit start --> BERLIN —
Matt DiDomizio just wants a place to play ball.

But it's hard to find a 178-foot-long court with a front wall made of granite, one that's capable of withstanding play with a hard rubber ball that can travel at speeds of more than 100 mph.

DiDomizio's game is jai alai, which was once common in Connecticut as a betting game played by professional players. There were professional jai alai courts, called frontons, in Hartford, Bridgeport and Milford. And there was once an amateur fronton in Milford. But all of the state's frontons have disappeared in the past decade, victims of scandals among operators and the proliferation of legal casinos run by Indian tribes.

Now jai alai appears set to make a return — at least in Berlin.

Although the frontons are gone, many of the people who played jai alai, like DiDomizio, are still around and looking for a place to play.

DiDomizio, 46, of Cromwell, said he learned to play jai alai, and had a short professional career, after seeing a game at the old Hartford fronton when he was a teenager.

After years of frustration and playing improvised games behind buildings, DiDomizio decided last year that he would open a real court.

After investing about $150,000 that he scraped together by mortgaging his house and maxing out his credit cards, he's planning to open an amateur jai alai fronton in space he's leasing in a warehouse and manufacturing building on Four Rod Road. The fronton is set to open Saturday.

The Berlin facility is a bit of a compromise. At 112 feet long, it's shorter than the old Connecticut frontons, which were 178 feet. And the front wall is concrete, rather than granite. But when it opens, it and a few facilities in Florida will be the only places to play jai alai in the country, DiDomizio said.

Although its popularity has waned in this country, jai alai is still played regularly in the Basque regions of Spain and France, where the game originated.

DiDomizio, who works as a mail carrier for the Cromwell post office, said he has gotten calls from people throughout New England who have heard about his project through the Internet and want to know when it will open. He said he thinks there are at least 100 people in the region who will come to play.

"This game is fun. I think people will come if I build this thing," DiDomizio said.

Paul Kubala, who helped organize the amateur National Jai-Alai Association in Florida, said he's not surprised that there's still interest in the game in the Northeast.

"Anybody who's played knows jai alai is incredible," Kubala said. "It's like golf — it can be challenging to learn, but once you learn it's addictive."

DiDomizio is calling his facility Connecticut Amateur Jai-Alai. It's strictly for people who want to play for enjoyment — there's no gambling, and players will not be paid.

People using the facility must rent the court. Although the main goal is to give former professionals a place to play, DiDomizio said he plans to give free lessons to people new to the game. Beginners get two free lessons and can rent the court for $5 an hour. Advanced players pay $15 an hour. (There's an option to pay $200 for a one-year membership and be charged $10 for an hour for play.)

DiDomizio said he had to overcome hesitation by town officials, who were at first wary of approving the court because of the sport's longtime association with gambling and unsavory activities. All three of the former professional frontons in Connecticut featured gambling, and the one in Hartford was involved with organized crime.

"We were not familiar with jai alai and, historically, it has been associated with gambling," said James Mahoney, economic development director. "But Matt educated us about the game and his intentions. This isn't something you see every day and your first impressions are based on what used to be associated with the game. Matt has fantastic enthusiasm and he sold us on his plan."

Kubala said players in Florida have noticed what's going on in Connecticut. He said the National Jai-Alai Association supported establishment of a public jai alai fronton that was built in St. Petersburg, Fla., and until DiDomizio's facility opens, that is the only place where amateurs can play.

"We just wanted a place to throw that was safe and where we would not hurt anyone," Kubala said.

He said that there are about 50 people who play regularly at the St. Petersburg court and that he would like to see tournaments between Connecticut and Florida players.

"Jai alai is an underground sport because there are no places to play," Kubala said. "I'm very interested in what Matt is doing. I think it could help rejuvenate the game."<!-- sphereit end -->
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Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
This will be incredible....(playing jai alai again)

lots of former pro players are expected to play regularly, gonna be tough !


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Jai Alai Making A Comeback With Amateur Fronton In Berlin
Matt DiDomizio

Matt DiDomizio, of Cromwell, has taken a leap of faith by morgaging his home to fund the building and launching of his new business called Connecticut Amateur Jai-Alai located in a warehouse in Berlin. DiDomizio, a mailman in Cromwell, said he is scheduled for a May 1, opening, with a May 8, grand opening featuring the former Jai-Alai player Francisco Churruca, who was once known as the best player in the world. DiDomizio is a former pro player himself, and has been sad that there was no place to play, so he started investigating the idea last July and began building in January. (RICHARD MESSINA / HARTFORD COURANT / April 18, 2010)

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April 26, 2010

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Matt DiDomizio just wants a place to play ball.

But it's hard to find a 178-foot-long court with a front wall made of granite, one that's capable of withstanding play with a hard rubber ball that can travel at speeds of more than 100 mph.

DiDomizio's game is jai alai, which was once common in Connecticut as a betting game played by professional players. There were professional jai alai courts, called frontons, in Hartford, Bridgeport and Milford. And there was once an amateur fronton in Milford. But all of the state's frontons have disappeared in the past decade, victims of scandals among operators and the proliferation of legal casinos run by Indian tribes.

Now jai alai appears set to make a return — at least in Berlin.

Although the frontons are gone, many of the people who played jai alai, like DiDomizio, are still around and looking for a place to play.

DiDomizio, 46, of Cromwell, said he learned to play jai alai, and had a short professional career, after seeing a game at the old Hartford fronton when he was a teenager.

After years of frustration and playing improvised games behind buildings, DiDomizio decided last year that he would open a real court.

After investing about $150,000 that he scraped together by mortgaging his house and maxing out his credit cards, he's planning to open an amateur jai alai fronton in space he's leasing in a warehouse and manufacturing building on Four Rod Road. The fronton is set to open Saturday.

The Berlin facility is a bit of a compromise. At 112 feet long, it's shorter than the old Connecticut frontons, which were 178 feet. And the front wall is concrete, rather than granite. But when it opens, it and a few facilities in Florida will be the only places to play jai alai in the country, DiDomizio said.

Although its popularity has waned in this country, jai alai is still played regularly in the Basque regions of Spain and France, where the game originated.

DiDomizio, who works as a mail carrier for the Cromwell post office, said he has gotten calls from people throughout New England who have heard about his project through the Internet and want to know when it will open. He said he thinks there are at least 100 people in the region who will come to play.

"This game is fun. I think people will come if I build this thing," DiDomizio said.

Paul Kubala, who helped organize the amateur National Jai-Alai Association in Florida, said he's not surprised that there's still interest in the game in the Northeast.

"Anybody who's played knows jai alai is incredible," Kubala said. "It's like golf — it can be challenging to learn, but once you learn it's addictive."

DiDomizio is calling his facility Connecticut Amateur Jai-Alai. It's strictly for people who want to play for enjoyment — there's no gambling, and players will not be paid.

People using the facility must rent the court. Although the main goal is to give former professionals a place to play, DiDomizio said he plans to give free lessons to people new to the game. Beginners get two free lessons and can rent the court for $5 an hour. Advanced players pay $15 an hour. (There's an option to pay $200 for a one-year membership and be charged $10 for an hour for play.)

DiDomizio said he had to overcome hesitation by town officials, who were at first wary of approving the court because of the sport's longtime association with gambling and unsavory activities. All three of the former professional frontons in Connecticut featured gambling, and the one in Hartford was involved with organized crime.

"We were not familiar with jai alai and, historically, it has been associated with gambling," said James Mahoney, economic development director. "But Matt educated us about the game and his intentions. This isn't something you see every day and your first impressions are based on what used to be associated with the game. Matt has fantastic enthusiasm and he sold us on his plan."

Kubala said players in Florida have noticed what's going on in Connecticut. He said the National Jai-Alai Association supported establishment of a public jai alai fronton that was built in St. Petersburg, Fla., and until DiDomizio's facility opens, that is the only place where amateurs can play.

"We just wanted a place to throw that was safe and where we would not hurt anyone," Kubala said.

He said that there are about 50 people who play regularly at the St. Petersburg court and that he would like to see tournaments between Connecticut and Florida players.

"Jai alai is an underground sport because there are no places to play," Kubala said. "I'm very interested in what Matt is doing. I think it could help rejuvenate the game."

Copyright © 2010, The Hartford Courant
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"Stay at the post office there going outta bisiness like you."

honestly? is that really how you type?

grammarnaht (04/28/2010, 8:24 AM )
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Pro player my buttocks. You were a scab who crossed picket line to play at best mediocre. sorry you will lose everything. Stay at the post office there going outta bisiness like you.

daloser (04/27/2010, 6:14 PM )
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Why did the jai alai frontons in CT go out of buiness? It's because there was almost nobody interested in it. He mortgaged his house to finance a business that is going to charge $10 and hour for rent? Bye-bye home sweet home. I feel sorry for him.

whiner060xx (04/27/2010, 3:39 AM )
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Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
sorry for the BS paste job, but Churruca is is like Babe Ruth to me !

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I'm going to play in senior leagues ( I'm 46) with mostly retired pro players,and good amatears I'm loving this.

This ( Joey and Churruca) is like tossing a baseball,around with Yaz and Reggie and Munson., or playing guitar with Keith Richards and the Stones in London, if that's your thing.

Fucking Joey and Churruca !

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I gotta knock off 25 years of inactivity,and maybe play the best players in the world from the 80's.

Gonna get my ass kicked badly, but OK if Joey and Churruca do it.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Choo-Choo would be like a 2nd father to me.


I love this man.

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