Lmao. Dafinch already beat you to a bloody pulp on this issue. "He died of cardiac arrest"--Sheriff Joe. Lmao. Dan you're one dumb fuck
Nobody beat me to a pulp.
If Garner hadn't resisted arrest he'd still be alive - FACT.
You're a libtard, so your reasoning will always be libtarded.
"The 2nd Amendment means Americans can only carry muskets!" - poker fraud vtard
Proves what point? 99.9% of the population wouldn't have died from that 'choke hold'...what was the officer supposed to do, let him go?
Garner died of cardiac arrest on the way of the hospital, not from strangulation or because he "couldn't breathe"
The jury agrees with me and you're saying I "got beaten to a bloody pulp" by Dabitch lmao
People should learn from this experience - if you resist arrest, bad things can happen.
2nd Amendment: MUSKETS only, baby!
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of everything? even like minded loons of the party you idolize are saying this cop should have been indited. I always laugh when idiots like you say "the jury agrees with me". Jury gets it wrong all the time. Seen the people letout of prison for wrongful conviction lately? How bout OJ or casey anthony. The coroner rules homicide you dummy.
Don't worry, they'll come around.
So we should let these trials play out on message boards like these and let libtards like you decide?
"beaten to a pulp!"
WOW...just WOW!
And "sane people understand"....umm, the jury did not agree with you! face)(*^%
"If you're black, surrounded by white cops, resist is a way to survive" - poker fraud vtard
Actually, in a "sane world" that's a great way to get yourself killed.
"If you're black, surrounded by white cops, resist is a way to survive" - poker fraud vtard
Actually, in a "sane world" that's a great way to get yourself killed.