Since the last half of June, Canadian provinces have legalized homosexual marriages, the US Supreme Court has overturned Texas’ anti-sodomy laws and the Episcopalian Church has embraced an openly homosexual bishop. Western Society is being deluged with the whole gay issue, to the point that many will simply become dangerously immune to the subject.
The media has flooded its audience with "homosexuality lite" for years. Movies and television have consistently and increasingly portrayed homosexuality in a positive light, and the news constantly presents homosexual issues favorably. There is a concerted effort to make homosexuality look normal and non-threatening. Everybody has heard of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student who was beaten to death in 1998 - but few have heard of Jeffrey Curley, a 10 year old boy murdered by two gay men after rejecting their sexual advances. So, Western society has grown increasingly comfortable with homosexuality and willing to accept it as just another sexual union, even to the point of legalizing same sex marriages and offering homosexuals places of high spiritual leadership.
Amid the cries of "equal rights" and "tolerance" and "diversity", few seem to recognize that the homosexual lifestyle is a dangerous one. According to the American Medical Association, 70% of new HIV infections are occurring among men, of which 60% are in gay and bisexual men. This is an incredibly high statistic considering that only 2-5% of the population is homosexual. The life expectancy for gay men is about 20 years shorter than for married heterosexual men. Homosexual relationships tend to be short lasting and homosexuals tend to have multiple partners in a year. Those involved in homosexual activity are at a high risk for a multitude of sexually-transmitted diseases, as well as cervical or rectal cancer. Substance abuse and domestic violence are also recognized problems among homosexuals.
Both the public in general and homosexuals in particular are constantly told that gay people are "born that way" and discouraged from the idea that sexual orientation can be reversed. Despite this insistence, homosexuals can and have changed. Thousands can testify to the power and love of God in their lives, which has enabled them to leave their gay/lesbian life-styles, and which has healed their relationships, their marriages, their sexual identities and the underlying issues in their lives that caused the homosexual feelings and thoughts in the first place.
While homosexual activist groups cry "hate" every time somebody disagrees with their agenda and claims, true love would desire to free homosexuals rather than allow them to self-destruct.
We have included the links below to give you more information on homosexuality, its causes and roots, and the means by which men and women can escape its bondage.