The right wing wackos on this forum are getting more and more desperate posting ever more and more pathetic nonsense in hopes that their puny scare tactics will turn the tide for them..
I was talking to a friend of mine with two kids and a new home they wont be able to afford soon and works at starbucks..No its not one of the ones going to be shut down but she has friends across town out of jobs already from Starbucks.
There was a group of us this sunday gathered at a barbacue. Practically every one in the group knew some one going through some tough crap because of bush and his stupidity. REalise this..There were 15 people, not a single one was unaffected by this bullshit!!! The average house hold of all the people combined holds about 4 people. (doesnt matter if they a married, all of them have family on both sides so they still count as 15 individuals.
And yet these flockies think mccain has a chance ...
yeah right!!!
Ps..Are there any fools here stupid enough to bet that mccain will win the election???
I will put up 500 for any takers!!!!
The right wing wackos on this forum are getting more and more desperate posting ever more and more pathetic nonsense in hopes that their puny scare tactics will turn the tide for them..
I was talking to a friend of mine with two kids and a new home they wont be able to afford soon and works at starbucks..No its not one of the ones going to be shut down but she has friends across town out of jobs already from Starbucks.
There was a group of us this sunday gathered at a barbacue. Practically every one in the group knew some one going through some tough crap because of bush and his stupidity. REalise this..There were 15 people, not a single one was unaffected by this bullshit!!! The average house hold of all the people combined holds about 4 people. (doesnt matter if they a married, all of them have family on both sides so they still count as 15 individuals.
And yet these flockies think mccain has a chance ...
yeah right!!!
Ps..Are there any fools here stupid enough to bet that mccain will win the election???
I will put up 500 for any takers!!!!