My one issue is welfare. PERIOD. None other, honestly.
i could give a rats ass about abortion, guns, god and even the military (i can deal with barrack as carter and clinton in the past) or all the other jiberish.
Where did all these entitlements come from??? When and where does it all end. i've worked every day sometimes 3 jobs at once for over 20 years since i was 15 years ol.
I'll even submit this has nothing to do with race there are way more whites on welfare etc. i see them all the time riding around Wal mart in the scooters I paid for.
i could give a rats ass about abortion, guns, god and even the military (i can deal with barrack as carter and clinton in the past) or all the other jiberish.
Where did all these entitlements come from??? When and where does it all end. i've worked every day sometimes 3 jobs at once for over 20 years since i was 15 years ol.
I'll even submit this has nothing to do with race there are way more whites on welfare etc. i see them all the time riding around Wal mart in the scooters I paid for.