When Bush was failing all I heard was that it was the Dem congress fault.....what's up with Congress now?
How many of W's policies were implemented, which directly resulted in the recession over which he presided? The correct answer is zero, but go ahead and counter if you want. I can cite several of the Stuttering Clusterfuck's policies which are a giant wet blanket on hiring.
Besides, dimocraps controlled the purse strings AND the regulatory AND legislative instruments by holding majorities in both the house and the Senate...which means Bush effectively had nothing at all to do with this (or any) recession.
If he did, surely you could have stopped it when you had your dimocrap SUPER MAJORITY with control of the House, Senate, the executive & judicial branches as well as the Federal Reserve.
Has anything ever been the fault of republicans?
i swear, if something fails....if there is 200 repubs in charge....and one dem is walking down the street....you guys blame him. At some point a mirror needs to be looked at
You've seen me tear plenty of R's to shreds when they do dumb shit. It happens all the time with the asshat RINOs we have running around Congress.
So, I'll ask again. Which of W's policies contributed to the recession? I can cite plenty which our current asshat POTUS put into effect that dragged down the economy.
Incidentally, who is the one and only candidate I would trust to turn this all around from an economic perspective?
deregulation of Wall Street
2 wars
tax cuts for the wealthy
you think any of those did damage?
trump is questionable.....we shall see. I don't think he can win though
There was no "deregulation of Wall Street" or "tax cuts for the wealthy", idiot.
So no, there was no damage.
The idea that 2 wars brought about a recession is so stupid only a complete moron would even suggest it.
You lose.....www.cbpp.org/research/economic-downturn-and-legacy-of-bush-policies-continue-to-drive-large-deficits
do you want more?
You lose.....www.cbpp.org/research/economic-downturn-and-legacy-of-bush-policies-continue-to-drive-large-deficits
do you want more?